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Everything posted by Sn4ke

  1. ...not to forget the huge performance drops when more than X* players joined a server. noone likes laggy servers. (*depending on the individual server hardware)
  2. Sn4ke

    Fire Tornado

    I guess thats a troll post...
  3. yay! finally.... ... uhm okay... there is no need to buff the Chem?
  4. want them back? deselect the "Skip Movies" option [Launcher -> Settings] but doing so you'll also get the rather quite UDK intro back
  5. [esp. the piano mid part !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!]
  6. guess you probably know that already...
  7. @Carltheshort weekend: ~ 2pm - 2am GMT on weekdays: ~ 6pm - 23pm GMT someone sent this screenshot to me yesterday [20:27pm GMT]: most servers are located in Europe, but there are also Chinese servers (Dragon Clan - HK / Beijing server) and Australian ones (or was it NZ, sorry Shrewd...), not 100% sure, but as far as I know there are currently no US servers online
  8. @AZ-Stalker did you change any anti-virus / firewall related stuff? you could reset the game via launcher (Options -> Reset), maybe that'll help
  9. yes sorry my bad, if you remove RenX from your system, the UE3 Redistributables won't get deleted. you don't need to re-install them didnt read your initial post properly, somehow I assumed you did wipe your HD
  10. Definitely: yes!
  11. doesn't work for @Denuvian or me
  12. no clue whats the term of @nBabs MVP calculation but snipers get extra VP for HS kills, which is daft + unfair, as other unit's (Syd/Rav / + tanks) don't get any extra VP for HS kills
  13. @dr.schrott this is happening for weeks (if not months by now), whenever they can't stack into the same team, they'll just do exactly what you've described r.i.p. fairplay
  14. @TK0104 [T.O.] http://tank.stalker-contact.de/OutpostsV1.1.rar
  15. @Madkill40 [T.O.] http://tank.stalker-contact.de/ToxicityV0.9B.rar
  16. @Madkill40 [T.O.] http://tank.stalker-contact.de/FrostbiteV1.3.5.rar
  17. In fact the VAR deals +40% dmg against Lazarus Armor -> 14 dmg / hit https://renx.wiki/wiki/Volt_Automatic_Rifle#Damage_Table the PIC (Personal Ion Cannon) has the same dmg multiplier vs. Lazarus as Kevlar / Flak armor -> 180 dmg / hit https://renx.wiki/wiki/Personal_Ion_Cannon#Damage_Table
  18. @Sarah! another 60 screenshots inc. http://tank.stalker-contact.de/Sunrise v.0.9.2.rar [mesh collisions: there are more, I just uploaded those where you can hide your character ~70-100%, I'm usually shooting at the exact spot so you can see where it is (apart from the description)] fix the harvesters please consider to add additional (visual) blockers at the "blocked road" (too easy to splash-spam the enemy base entrance with Arties / MRLS) as you already know: I suggest a shift to the new GDI WF vehicle entrance (it's currently a drawn-out gorge, too easy to defend) please add visual blockers - to the new vehicle routes / the bases (Ref / shore area) a forest is no visual blocker... for infantry ask @Madkill40 for an overview map Good luck finishing Sunrise! You're making good progress
  19. @TK0104 first two screenshots are just a reminder. the map looks really promising, consider to add some of the suggestions from the community though and don't forget to remove your lazy GDI walls, GDI side of the inf path is way too narrow + fix the harvesters
  20. the post is not up to date. RenX PUGs are organised on the official RenX Discord http://renegade-x.com/discord
  21. @yosh56 / @Agent if you're reworking the sounds / radio commands - could you PLEASE add an audible *SURRENDER VOTE INITIATED* sound? because either I'm 100% blind (+ my mates as well), or we dont get the damn polls displayed it's annoying as .... if some noob surrenders for no apparent reason at all and some sheep just let the poll pass
  22. I guess a toxic community doesnt deserve anything but Toxicity. Is there a hidden @Algol trap which I havent found yet @Madkill40?
  23. Dear Santa Kane, I'd like to see balances & bug fixes for all the regular maps. And if I've been kind enough to deserve such a great gift. Please add Storm & City & Outposts & Sunrise to the rotation as well Faithfully yours, Sn4ke
  24. Sn4ke


    anyone knows, that "shpetim" is a notorious glitcher
  25. For the love of Kane, close this thread. There seems to be no light at the end of the tunnel.
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