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Everything posted by Sn4ke

  1. are you running the 64 bit version?
  2. as I told you ingame yesterday: why do you test stuff like this when Sarah didnt even add blocking volumes up there? the area is WIP. Sarah will add blockers when it's done. all the blocking volumes added so far are temporarily (afaik). the really important thing to test now: any BALANCE related issue.
  3. cant remember the discord invitation link, but you'll be able to join the CT Discord here: http://tyrant.gg/showthread.php?tid=758&pid=3260#pid3260 [Discord Widget] just join CT Discord and ask anything you want to ask about RenX
  4. Sn4ke


    Halloween should be scary. Imagine a nice Madkill
  5. @Sarah! please reupload (check the link)
  6. lol, that's not fixed?
  7. @Madkill40 the current release is: v5.293 @Comrade Maxim please change the last figure to '3' e.g.: http://czech1.renegade-x.com/Patch5293
  8. Tunnel was probably not part of the PUG rotation since last update
  9. is there a change log for the latest update?
  10. hit F9 [...\Renegade X\UDKGame\Screenshots\Win32 you'll find the screenshots there]
  11. "Watch the left side." anyone who paticipated in yesterdays PUG know's what this is about I'd never take part in a public match where players are forced to use VOIP.
  12. I'd say this is true for most public Lakeside matches. Depends on the situation, which units does Nod have at GDI base entrance etc To counter the arties a mix of "everything" will most likely have the best chances: airstrike the hill (order a 2nd airstrike asap) 3-4 Orcas (with Gunners / Sydneys on 2nd seat) should push out via Ref route 2 Mammoth tanks, 2 MRLS + field rep should push out of GDI base 1-2 APC (patches, gunners, sydneys, whatever inside) push out via river
  13. Please fix the lighting
  14. rename the environment package.... it's messing up the original package
  15. @Ne0n you're welcome
  16. you can change the mirror following @Schmitzenberghs instructions: updated mirror list:
  17. Schmitz is our super hero
  18. yes
  19. @Sarah! please add a new top view screenshot to the initial post. you could also ask @Madkill40 to create an overview map. might be too early (due to possible map changes) but I'd like to see the effect of the Comms. Could be a bit too powerful [as on Tomb].
  20. should have made a screenshot
  21. @TK0104 you're poking the wrong guy.... poke @limsup instead
  22. @Sarah! server log - LogWarningsWhoKnows.txt
  23. @Sarah! hah, didnt even notice the new version. just marked some tank spots people will most likely use. the Flamer spot in front of GDI base is OP you might want to add catwalks so they can defend from the top of the wall. I just realised while editing the map that there should be trees next to the GDI base. well for me there were none (probably due to graphic settings. + missing collisions). there's a small alcove where tanks can hide perfectly (not sure how well that works with trees^^) The Turret on top of the catwalk is not working that well, can't aim "down" - won't detect units on the lower route. only marked the closest rocket rush spots. there are others as well. I'd say the map is rather balanced referring to tanking, you might want to change the rocks in front of WF & HoN so Artys / MRLS are no longer able to farm VP/cash/points while being in full cover from the enemy base (given your team controls the field) and about the sniper perches.... certain people will buy an Arty / MRLS, do "startfire" and constantly spam the perches.... [I'm sure you will block the ledges....] Not sure about the INF-area yet... but I'm not a dedicated Infantry player, you'd better ask someone else
  24. oh yeah I forgot about that.... every time a tanker gives you a straight HS it's just "luck"
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