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Everything posted by Sn4ke

  1. + ++ #### I'm a fan of the mining system in gernal. Tweaks could be done though. But even though it tends to be super-controversial... I love that it forces people to communicate / discuss about different mining systems / strategies. [yes, a majority does not discuss but state: NOOB; I'LL BAN YOU: MY SYSTEM IS THE ONLY TRUTH!!!!11111!!!!! ] As with many many many things in the unique Renegade universe... it's up to the people how things are dealt with ########### Edit: oh and I have a tendency to run into "noob" mines as I don't expect them to be at weird spots... sometimes it's like I'm running around mindless and don't care about C4 lying visibly in the wide open - some people also love to place "slut mines" in front of the enemy base...
  2. http://leaderboard.renegade-x.com/ ######## The problem is... only players running steam are listed here. And people love to SMURF to avoid certain toxic haters. ######## And the leaderboard statistics are junk anyway. just order the list by SPM or set points in relation to game time. I'd love to see a system as in OG Renegade were you gained or lost leaderboard points
  3. @Bulbaga can you at least play the game? ...\Renegade X\Binaries\Win32\UDK.exe OR ...\Renegade X\Binaries\Win64\UDK.exe
  4. time for some 80s
  5. not all parts of the RenX wiki are out of date... but whatever...
  6. uhm... is there any server that forbids the free use of mines? don't think so. there are some maps with a considerably high mine limit where you can (and should) place some mines outside of buildings at certain spots. some players place proxy mines on the field due to lack knowledge, some do that to hamper their team. hard to tell the difference. but it's also super hard to mineban other players on a full server.
  7. @TheOlsenTwins according to @j0g32s post there are plans for an official game tutorial. So there's hope
  8. SBH was never meant to be a commando unit which you'll buy to fight 5 enemies at once. It's a hit and run ninja, good for team infiltration (rep tool or outside c4 - BOTH methods require teamwork, especially the outside c4 attempt) and also very strong against tanks, if you have 2-3 SBHs they can take out most vehicles easily - just hit it from different angles from a spot where you're unlikely to get splashed. + the SMG is pretty strong against any infantry. Officers are only weak while reloading (if you dont switch to side arm). depends on the map / situation. just take a look at the dmg table, you call that weak? actually Marksman should get nerfed. way too much range. https://wiki.renegade-x.com/wiki/Marksman_Rifle#Damage_Table
  9. @TK0104 I like the overall design, not sure why the Nod Refinery base entrance has such a tight chokepoint though. There's an out of map spot around GDI tib field. Didnt take screenshots yet.
  10. like..... this?
  11. Hitbox & EMP's Seriously, what the heck is wrong with hitboxes since 5.31? Unfortunately I can't record this on video, but there are so many incidents when you're shooting at an enemy (direct vehicle or body hit), you get a hitmarker* but the enemy unit is taking zero damage. Happens most often with tanks, but also with infantry. Same with EMP's. Either EMP's are not working at all (EMPed vehicles get the EMP special effect but can move on like nothing happened) or you evade an enemy EMP, are super far away from the impact point but are still affected by EMP.
  12. thats already sorted. - map bans: M A N T AN K S : Islands & Snow Lappen: Gobi & Walls
  13. Mendoza: reduce alt fire dmg against buildings LCG: reduce armour (or buff Gunner's armour) remove unlimited clips* (unnecessary since latest speed buff) * for SBH as well CHEM / FARTY: revert price changes and hell yeah revert chem dmg buff it's just ridiculous yes they are - Nod Officer is faster, GDI Officer has more armour
  14. @swaffelen please check your nvidia system settings if you're starting the UDK with onboard or the 940M. I think you should be able to get more than 30 FPS on 720p. could also send you an altered graphics config, but I guess you don't want to play RenX with extrem-ultra shitty graphics
  15. @swaffelen are you sure the game is using the nvidia GPU while running and not just the on board graphics? also whats your CPU?
  16. sneaking possibilities need to be heavily reduced sniping from ladders (both REF) sucks tank field is a clusterfuck, not enough space to move a mammoth properly airstrip tunnel doesn't make any sense, just block it off
  17. lol. iTweek is a RenX fan who shares full builds for all the players who might have troubles using the launcher to download & install RenX. his full builds already helped a bunch of players out, but as I said it's not official. make sure you installed the UE3 redist (which you already did) https://renegade-x-download.com/
  18. @lordofcnc did you update from the previous version or download the whole game again? looks like a complete new installation to me. you can always try @iTweek.s full build (though this is NOT official) https://renegade-x-download.com/ ###### also: which launcher version are you using?
  19. omg just read the version number my fault
  20. @mahdi71 https://file-server.download/Renegade-X/MULTIPLAYER/VERSION-5.293/FULL-BUILD with out parts/
  21. oh noes. after multiple tiberium caused mutations we also get this now?
  22. @AlienXAXS @Agent guess the developers can help. though you probably have to provide more information
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