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Everything posted by Sn4ke

  1. if noone votes, the first map of the possible choices gets picked by default. Saving GDI harv & destroying the Nod harvy + focusing on the short route is (usually) the only way to win Mesa as GDI (during a PUG). your rocket rush was almost successfull, but even then - some of you gained a lot of ponts -> cash, GDI failed to keep control of the short route. but I guess most of GDI were too frustrated at this time due to the Mesa pick
  2. yes indeed. you opened the door, started disarming mines and moved 1 step closer. 1 step too close. The GT couldnt hit you and any GDI would haave seen you if they looked over there. So no need to snuggle against the WF wall. just a comment
  3. https://youtu.be/5TW_6gYQ8Y4?t=260 @Ryz / @Hackerham what did you do https://youtu.be/5TW_6gYQ8Y4?t=685 Don't move!
  4. Sn4ke

    Earth 2047

    Bavaria, Upper Franconia, Independent State of Milk, Honey & Beer Yellow zone We survive any Tiberium infestation with brewing technology #_Mr._A._Orban._is_a_100%_Grammar_Nazi_who'd_like_to_immigrate_to_Germany
  5. google *Youtube+kenz3001 UDK how to trap innocent RenX players super META tutorial - NEW trap design*
  6. hi @rocknroll237 , first of all: welcome to RenX! RenX is based on the UDK which is an engine that can't properly handle multi core CPUs. From experience I know that a decent CPU is more important for RenX than the GPU. Usually: the more GHz / core the better (but not always). What are your specs? Don't forget to run RenX on the nVidia GPU by default. Did you test the different graphic presets? [you can set the preset to "medium" and still set the resolution to 4K. An easy way to quickly test various graphic settings. Regards, Sn4ke
  7. all we need is an economy value: how much cash do you need to spend to wreck the enemy? damn the Mammoth price. free units 4tw just ignore that anyway
  8. yes, they do. I just wanted to highlight, that a single LCG can be a pain in the ass for a medium tank. both fractions rely on a good combination of units. Mammoth tanks only might work. but they might also end up blocking each other permanently, feeding Nod with easy VP. Meds only might work, but they lack DPS/splash (they can't replace MRLS or Mammoth) - unless they move & FIRE as a group! Artys only might work.... until GDI kills the field reps or gets 2 mammoth tanks, focusing each arty after the other [or GDI uses Gunner to counter Arties in the first place - see Islands.....] LTs only might work - but they usually don't due to lack of DPS (Arties needed!). literally anything might work. but a balanced combination of various units has much better chances to succeed.
  9. if you can't rollover or HS the LCG with your med, it takes ~8-11 hits to kill a damn "man tank". so you're busy killing a single inf unit for ~17-25 seconds which gives Nod enough time to deal with the vehicle... especially bad for geeds, if the LCG knows how to make good use of his EMP + if someone else kills the field repair.
  10. they are much more annoying due to unlimited ammo the price is fine
  11. x5 HS multi. ouch
  12. what do you expect from a T2 class? to have super effective OP grenades that blasts any other class to tiny pieces. Nah, wrong game
  13. there are five different free infantry classes to chose from... why would the soldier need different weapons to chose from
  14. Sn4ke


    TS is sufficient for voip, but Discord combines a decent chat client with a voip client.
  15. https://renx.wiki/wiki/Railgun I guess x.05 = x0.5 ? well, 200 base dmg, so half of that = 100 dmg.
  16. lol why? LCG & Raveshaws are already a deadly combo against vehicles. (same with Gunner / Sydney) [given the player can use his EMP well]
  17. Sn4ke


    were PUGs (back in the days) official RenX business?* Cuz right now... PUGs are organized & hosted by CT. Or do you think that more people would join the PUGs if they were organized on an official Discord? *excuse my ignorance, been here for ~1.5y only I think an official RenX Discord could help to get in touch with more players. Especially if they need any technical support. Discord is rather popular and some players are probably too lazy to sign in here. But for anything else you've got a great Forum here @Agent
  18. first 112 screenshots. mostly bad mesh collisions (where you can hide your char inside rock textures etc) and some other stuff. I'm not done yet... http://tank.stalker-contact.de/Sunrise.rar
  19. don't lose your tank, don't leave your tank. and you'll get a good k/d
  20. they always were?
  21. what are your hardware specs?
  22. As @DaKuja did a lot of culling & changed the lighting, it is recommended to run the latest CNC-Eyes at least on "LOW" graphics preset. "VERY LOW" will result in... a not so beautiful yellow lighting.
  23. boxes as an engineer? Nod just wanted to believe that he's friendly
  24. the spread is not relevant in close combat + you can simply press both mouse buttons together
  25. I play with 30 FPS. so what....
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