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Everything posted by Sn4ke

  1. Jack is back!
  2. @mahdi71 where do you come from? can you tell us which server the launcher uses to download the game content? are you using the installer from the Renegade-X download section? ################################################################################# there is a full build, but it's not official. you can find an out of date link here: -------------------------> https://renegade-x-download.com/ <------------------------------- Forums topic: you'll have to update from 5.31 to 5.33 manually. maybe @iTweek. will fix the full build soon. make sure to download & install the UE3 Redist as well: Hope I could help you Sn4ke
  3. play CNC-Paradise and find the secret room
  4. EMP: EMPed Chinooks are locked to sprint mode EMPed meds / flamers can't move forward & sidewards the same time. [both of this can be fixed by using SHIFT, but if you don't know... it's annoying - at least the med/flamer thing] Suggestion for Commander Mode: if a commander picks up a spy crate he should NO longer be displayed as commander for the enemy team the whole team should be able to see CP status (amount)
  5. TombRedux is still corrupted (wrong environment data). As long as it's not fixed, we have to remove the map from the tourney map pool @yosh56 / @TK0104
  6. My team is down two players now. If we can't find alternatives we'll play as a 8-player-squad. I'm sorry.
  7. Sometimes vehicle sounds keep lingering after the vehicle has been destroyed.
  8. Credits for the new drift feature go to @Cephyrus & Kaunas
  9. I'd love to see a successful community server. Though there is - officially - no official RenX server, we all know there is a de facto official one.... well, looking at your gameplay changes / suggestions the server would be heavily modded. There are many good reasons for these changes, but please consider to setup a pure Vanilla server as well (except for the team scrambling ofc).
  10. So... Muse's new single Thought Contagion is out for ~1 month now. It's good. It's Muse. But... I liked the old (album) single much more - Psycho: https://youtu.be/UqLRqzTp6Rk
  11. @TK0104 v1.7 seems to be ready for the next patch
  12. lol ignore that. was running on high settings for better screenshots. still got my potatoe with some cables running T.O. said FPS are pretty good & stable
  13. @TK0104 so... mountaineering is enabled atm Nod INF can swim all the way behind GDI WF without triggering AGT (or GT) if you add air vehicles, please add collisions to the trees. they have no vehicle collisions atm Regards, T.O. & Sn4ke
  14. @greatShot why are you opening the same topic twice? -> Downvote @Fffreak9999 spam alert
  15. if you look / aim at the floor of the Refineries, you don't get a hitbox / info box. couldn't do damage to the Refs while shooting at the floor. I can post a screenshot later
  16. well... it's possible to swim, but as soon as you dive into the "water" you'll just fall through and walk on the bottom as if there was no water not fixed - are you using UT3 stuff (textures etc.)? both Tib fields are still insta-kill areas both Refineries have no bottom hitbox @Madkill40 is the vehicle collision behind GDI bar intended?
  17. Further information: Mode: round robin Maps: We decided to remove Crash_Site from the map pool [thx to @Cephyrus for his feedback], so there are ten maps left to pick from: Each team can ban two maps per round, which results in six maps to pick from. Pick Phase: We'll use https://justflipacoin.com/ to decide which team gets the first pick. The team with just one map pick will have two side picks in return. e.g. Team2 Pick Map1 Team1 Pick Map2 Team2 Pick Map3 Team1 Pick Side for Map1 Team2 Pick Side for Map2 Team1 Pick Side for Map3 Maps will be banned / picked at least 1 week prior to the matches. [Thx to @Canucck for that input :)] Server settings: Initial Cash = 100 Credits Donation Disable Timer = 180 seconds Initial CP: 200 Max. CP: 2000 Crate spawn: disabled We decided to disable crate spawn as it's an RNG element that possibly wrecks the tourney experience. If you have any suggestions for improvements, feel free to private message @ObeliskTheTormentor or me or post feedback here: @Hakase [Dragon Clan] @Madkill40 [M A N T A N K S] @boxes [exdee] @ObeliskTheTormentor [ChemAddicts]
  18. just download the launcher and you'll get the latest game version. if you have any problems with the launcher please post detailed information here on forums and poke @AlienXAXS
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