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Everything posted by Sn4ke

  1. @Phoenix Each Saturday / Sunday evening devs & community mods are organizing the PUG (Pick Up Game). If you want to join the PUG you need to join the official RenX Discord. Commanders will start picking teams around 8pm - 8:15pm CEST, matches usually start around 8:30pm CEST.
  2. @Gliven I'm familiar with Johnny Cashs biography and Cash is far from mainstream, but I guess for most people it's easier to listen to Cash than to NiN, was just a comparison
  3. @Gliven hard to tell to be honest. I guess more people can enjoy Cashs version of Hurt as Cashs style of music is more "mainstream" than NiN. Reznor created more or less his own genre, a mix of Industrial, Electronic, Alternative. some people like it, some don't. Reznor is an incredible artist who created a fascinating music project with various great musicians
  4. + EMP don't disable vehicles anymore. you get the VP for disabling a vehicle, but the enemy vehicle can move like nothing happened
  5. renegade-x.com/discord -> https://discordapp.com/invite/t7wr6zE
  6. listen (carefully!) to the song before you judge the title
  7. seen Chris live on stage a couple of times, he's an amazing artist. @SilentKnight Gute Besserung!
  8. @Sarah! so where's the new version you've mentioned last weekend?
  9. Sn4ke

    Frustration therapy

    11 flame tanks (at once) are a performance issue
  10. If this ever gets a thing.... make it really expensive only once per match possible commander feature? maybe spend team-VP instead of cash? it shouldnt be possible to "repair" the building instantly - maybe 15-30 minutes after destruction (so the team that destroyed the building has time to use that advantage)
  11. Sn4ke

    C&C3 units

    can we expect forcefield generator upgrades from tech centres?
  12. As far as I know vehicle wreckages were part of an early beta, they got removed due to performance issues.
  13. @DaKuja update from T.O. http://tank.stalker-contact.de/Eyes/Eyes.rar @DaKuja hier noch zwei screens, bei dem stuck rutscht man zwar nach ~30 Sekunden wieder raus, aber bis dahin ist man tot ^^ glaub du hattest an der Stelle schonmal was gefixt. zwischen den Felsen bleibt man noch hängen floating crystals
  14. @DaKuja + GDI can still attack any (!) Nod building from their bridge while Nod can only rocket rush Bar & PP
  15. @ShrewdTactician is anyone using PlayArea Volume for 5.3 maps? couldnt find anything in the prelim. notes. especially maps like Field (outer vehicle path) would be much more enjoyable if you didnt die inside the map due to "OUT-OF-MAP-TIMER"
  16. Each unit has a limited number of weapons / devices for a reason. Giving any (at least: most) units additional stuff or changing damage stats is compromising the game balance. For me thats reason enough not to play on modded servers.
  17. @Sarah! just added the mesh spots inside the bases again, there are still a couple of spots outside the bases, just check my previous uploads + some stuck spots and other things edit: the GDI harvy commits suicide from time to time. guess it gets stuck eventually, never observed it though - probably already known Regards, Sn4ke
  18. uhm... the map from the download section is not the current version? I'm confused. you've posted that it's updated @Sarah!
  19. the silo/mushroom cave looks great just took a brief look at your latest release, not sure about the lighting yet. at least the main vehicle path is too gloomy for my taste. but please @Sarah!.... for the sake of Kane... FIX the damn MESH collisions!!!! I'm aware that this is some rather tedious work but it needs to be done.... looks like nothing changed since v0.92x onwards, there are so many spots where you can hide a character inside some rocks [I did post some 100+ screenshots about this issue in the past] that chinook @Madkill40 Sunrise deserves one of your nice n shiny minimaps
  20. I wasnt serious I dont think that any changes to the harvesters would be a good idea (apart from the path finding [going in circles etc.])
  21. yes, great idea - make harvesters HEROIC. let me farm more team-VP
  22. Veyron was working on a Tech Centre (dunno how to @-poke his ☢☢☢☢ forums nick...)
  23. there are effective ways to block the harvesters inside the base on most maps....
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