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Everything posted by Sn4ke

  1. hehe had some fun there with a TickTank yesterday But once I managed to fall down into the cave my Tick was just back on top of the map @Fffreak9999 is there a way to alter the hit rate of Ob/AGT mid-game? Or better ask @yosh56 as well?
  2. Already did a lot testing on Horologe - switch from sniper rifle to shotgun? - No, that makes any unit a 1-shot-unit-against-ANY-other-unit in close combat and SBH got the greatest benefit.. I can't really decide on a weapon that isn't too OP for the different infantry unit types. Maybe Grenade Launcher as it's no sneak map? - Thommy told me that you can't change AGT / Obelisk range in a running game, but maybe you figure something out. The Uplink is working fine, but that's not what I want at night ^^ not a complete deactivation but a dilution so sneakers have a chance at all.. as harvy walk doesnt work good with broken harvies or Turrets / GTs on the side. Things I forgot... - phone box got no collisions [EDIT: Wolf told me thats on purpose] - harvies... they work or they suck... especially GDI harvester keeps sliding sidewards down the hill. I don't know why - the hill shouldn't be too steep as harvesters are working fine on Horologe... - the wall surrounding AGT has no vehicle collision [EDIT: at least Nod APC can climb em... TickTanks NOT ]
  3. There are no Flood Doors... and you can access the sidetunnels from both sides dying immidiately. At the sniper rifle location (Silo side) is a floor collision missing. Sometimes you'll get stuck there or have to move back to walk on.. Although the sniper rifle looks very cool in 1st-Person stealth mode.... please remove it. Silo needs vehicle collisions... There is a small bush leaving GDI on the left side with a vehicle collision. - Mine Limit should be at least 24, maybe even higher. - While the trees have white leafs, green ones fall to the ground. - The tree branches sway with a quite high frequency. Doesn't look natural at all. - Is there a trigger for the Kane Video? - Gravestones got no engraving. - You can get Wolverines inside the Scrin Temple. - Initiate joined the map after the TS/RA reinforcements arrived. He could hear Hovercraft engine sound all over the map. After map restart all was fine. - There is no chance to sneak the bases undetected... Maybe add Tunnels here (red): or add real cover near the INF entrances (green). The Walls are too low to cover you against Obelisk or AGT (front of base, inf entrance wall cover is ok). Or: while it's night (heavy rain) Obelisk & AGT could have a reduced range / hit rate [I have no clue if this is possible...] so sneakers could take their chances. Sneaking could also be a lot easier if you could hide in the basalt alcoves... but there are collisions all over. Near the Nod infantry entrance is a tree right next to a map border (collision). It's a strange feeling that you can only pass it on the right side while there seems to be a lot of space to the left... - Also reconsider the position of GTs in GDI base. While the Turrets alert Nod very early about attackers, GDI may have a disadvantage. - Nod got an additional alarm system through the Ceiling Guns - just destroy all the windows.. Think Thommy mentioned the rest... it's too dark. Regards, Sn4ke
  4. Both harvies seem to have a problem to return to Refinery after harvesting Tiberium. Hope you'll be able to fix the light problem a.s.a.p. so we can see the real beauty of the map. will post a review as soon as possible
  5. Though this has been mentioned above here's an overview for the right side sneak into Nod base: Not only stanks but also arties can climb the rocks behind HoN: There's a blocking collision, but stank & arty vehicle physics allow to jump over it. Make it higher?
  6. up to now my map testing activity was focused on WIP maps and not the regular map pool. as most glitches are map related (or can be prevented by mappers. e.g. small collisions to prevent stair glitching) we'll publish a list of: a) Primary: gameplay crucial bugs / glitches - e.g. sneak exploits or nuke spots b) Secondary: stuck places - minor bugs etc. c) Tertiary: graphic bugs - floating rocks / grass etc. of the regular map pool to support the developers and enforce bug fixing in general. ## EDIT ## I will make an own thread.... was just a comment on this thread
  7. Hello community, as I've seen many active glitch-users on Whiteout on public games & PUG I want to report some of them here - but I guess there are more... GDI: To Hand-of-Nod avoiding Turret triggering: this is where you start.... Silo side soft border starts here - 10 seconds... plenty of time to reach a safe spot Note: Turret can detect you on the wall... but unless the Turret is already pointing that way he won't shoot you... jump down to HoN... or follow the reticle To Refinery (Turrets will detect you): move close to the rock otherwise you're still "out of the map" and soft border countdown runs out... run to Refinery using the left wall as cover.... Turrets will shoot... Stank shortcut: if GDI is lucky enough to get a stank... drive on top of the rocks next to HoN and hop down.... PP shortcut: climb the rocks at the right side of the infantry entrance of Nod base... Nod: Stank shortcut to Barracks / PP: once on top of the rocks both GT should spot you... I'm pretty sure there is a way to avoid GT detection completey (without distraction!) but I didn't test it that elaborately :-/ Stank shortcut to Refinery avoiding GT detection: start here get on top of the rocks or wall [most will fail here *lol* but once you know how it's really easy..] wait for the harvester to cover you... or ask a teammate to distract the GT... and thats it :-/ I hope Whiteout gets fixed next patch.... :-) Regards, Sn4ke
  8. Sn4ke

    [MAP] CNC-Gobi

    adapt the soft border countdown to 5 seconds (like on Nod side) or add collisions to inhibit access on plateau behind GDI ref
  9. so... you've fixed a Nod arty b2b spot? *lol* what about this: or was the arty spot INSIDE Nods base? no. it was outside. ergo: no base-to-base. was it a glitch? - no. Nod was simply using the projectile physics of an artillery.... this is the way how artilleries work! shoot in the air and wait for the projectile to hit ground again.... (better to calculate ballistic trajetory in the first place though...^^) Other examples: Canyon... Wall in front of GDI bar is no cover against arties... Fort... same principle with WF and many other maps.... e.g. Xmountain... hit bar or ref from lower field (over BUNKER) ### Edit: ### soft border countdown behind HoN never stops... you'll die in Nod base :-/
  10. Nod Bunker not vehicle proofed with an APC you can jump on top of this steel girder... apart from the things I've posted I couldnt find anything else... one last thing might be the crate spots.... 1 SBH can easily farm 80% of the crates... :-/ PLEASE.... finish that map... anyone... as Dakuja is too busy with RL! The map is good! Just needs some bug fixing and polishing...
  11. Hmmm, don't think that City needs a CommCentre. The map is neither big nor really confusing. It's a symmetrical clearly arranged map. And please fix the harvy Thommy
  12. Think this hasn't been posted yet: You can get a Buggy / Humvee inside the Obelisk (other doors are fine though) Soft borders are missing here (well at least there should be some here) You can't access the entire area behind the concrete walls, but there's enough space to hide & repair your Orcas / Apaches. And you can fly to the Refineries avoiding Ob / AGT triggering....
  13. Did some testing today, here are my results: Missing Collision: http://prntscr.com/csyrgg - http://prntscr.com/csysly (thats near the Bunker @ GDI side of the central hill the arrow is pointing at my engineer helmet) You can leave the map from this origin: http://prntscr.com/csytu0 From that spot you can climb the hills and walk almost anywhere... http://prntscr.com/csyuhy / http://prntscr.com/csyuzi / http://prntscr.com/csyvrx And you can still climb the central hill as well. The hill is a deathzone, but if you keep to the edge you won't get damaged: http://prntscr.com/csywml (origin: http://prntscr.com/ctaxtb or http://prntscr.com/ctay8h) (Half-)Glitched Nuke Spot: next to GDI barracks there is a small mound in the water. Nod can kind of hide beacons there. You're able to focus on the beacon and even disarm it, but only from a very specific angle. From most viewpoints this beacon cannot be disarmed... Note: On one side of HoN you can't dive into the water and GDI can place beacons which cannot be disarmed... But the Ion can't hit HoN from that distance... Misc.: - Overview map is missing, so Comm Centre is useless for now (except radar). - The "teambunkers" got the wrong colours. The bunker facing GDI base (path from Nod PP) is yellow, should be red instead. - From GDI base to Silo: http://prntscr.com/ctb06c at this steep point you'll get stuck. Though you can get out on your own it's still really annoying. - other places to get stuck: http://prntscr.com/ctb1g6 (small crevice - you can't leave it...) http://prntscr.com/ctb2ms (near that crevice) - behind Nod teamsilo is a pit - only Patch or SBH can jump out of it Sn4ke *** Special Thanks to: Try-Out ***
  14. looks nice Anubis :-)
  15. Places to get stuck: - between boxes next to GDI PP: http://prnt.sc/cq77xr [was looking for a glitched nuke spot and got stuck there several times... you'll also get stuck behind the upper box] - INF path (HoN -> Bar): http://prnt.sc/cq7b7a / http://prnt.sc/cq7cds [reticle] - behind GDI Ref: http://prnt.sc/cq7dq4 Missing Collisions: INF path (HoN -> Bar): http://prnt.sc/cq7f6r [wall next to Sakura Spy] / http://prnt.sc/cq7frv / http://prnt.sc/cq7gmi / http://prnt.sc/cq7h92 *** Special Thanks to: Try-Out ***
  16. - WF GT can't detect Nod at close range [Freak told me it's likely due to a volume/collision around it.] - Inf path (HoN -> Bar): theres a gate in a fence you can't walk through (neither from field side, nor from inf path side) - Tiberium Field Meteor: you can shoot through it (but you can't walk into it) For screenshots look here: http://tyrant.gg/showthread.php?tid=710 (sorry I'm too lazy to add them here...) Sn4ke
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