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Phase 5 Beta Testers
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Everything posted by Madkill40

  1. To make setting teams easier consider who should not be on the same team. Example: Should Jeff, Yosh, B0ng, Quincy and Minji ever be on the same team? Hell-fricken-NO.
  2. Three Nod APCs can rip a Medium Tank to shreds. (Just ask Thommy )
  3. They are in quite a few places where it probably wouldn't be a good idea to place rocks. Those spots specifically probably will get that treatment. However I can't put rocks all the way along here...
  4. +1 mappers demand. Also when I was in high school I did Product Design [By accident] and came up with the idea to make a C&C 40k style table-top, your 3D printing is pretty much what I envisioned back when I was a kid. As it stands, take the 3D printed pieces and apply them to the board game Risk. Would be awesome. Right now by brain is already trying to create a ruleset of how a player would use all the building and unit pieces in a game of Risk. Edit: After reading the thread fully I see that the aforementioned tripe I put is pretty much what's been referred to by you already. All the best in your endeavors there, beware of the EA dream-killing machine. Managed to get anywhere with the Temple of Nod?
  5. So what you're saying is if there was a decent US server then RenX could be twice as popular?
  6. Get some Empire Mod tech-trees going with Commander mod. Yeeeeaaaaaaaa But in all seriousness, upgrades for the passenger would be nice. I want to be able to do drivebys with Buggys/Humvees and APCs. (and maybe also transport helicopters)
  7. When the winning team begins to steamroll the base into oblivion the losing team will still take away the wonderful feeling of destruction away from the winning team, no matter which game-mode. In any case, there was that one time on Islands where GDI could have beaten our glorious Brotherhood of Nod had they had a minute longer to kill our Hand of Nod thus voiding our points victory. I swear I could hear a chorus of "Bullshit" coming from the above TeamSpeak channel.
  8. Experimental Tech Upgrades: GDI - Jumpjet (nightmare for mappers), Field Medic & Discthrower [If not Jumpjet then GhoststalkerOn second thought, just have the Jumpjet] Nod - Cyborg (nightmare for mammys), Mutant Hijacker & Cyborg-Commando Not entirely sure which team would prevail but when I followed the Reborn mod the models used in Reborn are toned down from high-poly models, they might share? It'd be nice, would probably be better as a mutator instead of permanently in the gamemode.
  9. We need to have a weekly STD. [Sunday Test Day]
  10. If you remove the stairs from the buildings I'd advise you to move the airstrip tower a little bit further away from the infantry hill, it's possible to leap onto the roof of the airstrip tower from the side.
  11. Having to go all the way back to base for a refill, seems a bit much. Disabling their stealth ability for 30-45 seconds would probably be better.
  12. Might be a good idea to have the custom skins as a togglable option in the games settings. [For the players who can't appreciate good skins or just want the 'original' skins only] Personally, I love the new skins as they look well made and appear quite close to the concept art of the original C&C games. If the free infantry could get the same treatment that'd be swell!
  13. Uncheck Composite Dynamic as well? Dynamic channel disabled, no more fps drop. Awesome. Just need to figure out the issue where there is a line down the texture between components. i.e. P.S. There are no lights nearby so don't go blaming ma lights.
  14. Will I actually have to delete light and replace it? Or is there a faster method of say, a drop down list which allows me to change it from moveable to static? Also, is static basically the light which doesn't have either toggleable or moveable after it? Or should it actually state 'static' in the name?
  15. Cell size was already 200, I have now checked precomputed visibility. My lights are the 'moveable' lights. Is that bad?
  16. You may get EA breathing down your neck depending on which assets you're referring to.
  17. Which lights are recommended in that case? There ain't much particles on Frostbite.
  18. Could disarm three whilst the emp is going off and then place another three in quick succession whilst the EMP is still going off.
  19. That video has some outdated information.
  20. Frostbite F1 [Download Here] Changes: -Added stuff -Removed stuff -Fixed stuff -Refer to ToDo list -New Gallery This is pretty much it.
  21. Frostbite is also ready for a playtest. [See thread for changes]
  22. Frostbite D2 Changes: -Added extra route to Ice-cave, GDI side -Barracks has been rotated -GDI Ice-Cave Entrance/exit modified -General fixes and edits made ToDo: -Optimization [Ice Cave causes FPS drop at the moment, how2fix?] @Ruud033 @kenz3001 Any suggestions? -Minimap -Loading Screen -Future reported errors/glitches/bugs/stucks
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