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Phase 5 Beta Testers
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Everything posted by Madkill40

  1. ^ Download via above link. Changes as of 25th Sept: Added blocking volumes to PP and Ref Fixed collisions at Airstrip Fixed blocking volumes at Nod Overlook Fixed misc collisions
  2. The CT custom map and test server is currently in the process of playtesting Frostbite, if anyone is interested in joining us. Sesh begins at 6:30 pm GMT [UK]
  3. When a team surrenders they should mass suicide.
  4. I work my ass off to bring you a graciously brilliant version of Frostbite and you guys play the same old bullshit. Damn vagabonds, Frostbite for launcher acceptance. I love me. Totes alcohol'd. Frostbite for MVP I.e. Map virtually precious. @yosh56 will do loading scteen bezzy
  5. Issue has been fixed. [Big thanks to @Fffreak9999] Something had made a cube the size of the precomputed visibility volume, so @Handepsilon, you were right in something blocking the nodes all along. Lights are being rebuilt. Hurray!
  6. Yeah I have no idea anymore. @kenz3001! Halp D;
  7. When I go to "Build Paths" they're not actually being built at all, I have a feeling I may just have one too many path nodes. Going to delete some.
  8. Why, satisfaction of sheer destruction and a victory well earned my dear Watson.
  9. The only thing that's lame about surrender is when the losing team are bad sports and make the game finish right before the last building is to be destroyed. But that's just a team with rotten players playing, not the Surrender options fault.
  10. Deleting blocking volumes did not work either. I accidentally deleted the Hand of Nod in the process so I replaced it with a new one, the playerstart nodes in the new Hand of Nod also failed.
  11. Tried it. That still doesn't work.
  12. Saved to a different filename fine.
  13. An error occurs on my newly placed start node.
  14. I cannot spawn onto the map via any of* the UDK's methods. Short answer: No.
  15. The only option that currently springs to mind is to replace every building. But I am hoping, as the issue is paths and their nodes, does not require another lighting build.
  16. Like every single building in both bases? The content browser is currently not saving the CNC-Frostbite package, which is also odd.
  17. "check collisions boxes" ? Edit: It is just ALL building playerstart nodes which have not been touched. Ever.
  18. Yes ^ Lights are built, only took 2hr 42m... woohoo... Unfortunately I ran into an issue... These are mostly the nod buildings, not sure why this is occurring. I knew there was something fishy going on when after a certain point of playing in viewpoint did the editor refuse to place me at all. Rebuilding paths did nothing. None of the buildings have been moved at all. Edit: Oddly, pressing 'P' no longer shows linking paths either.
  19. I did an intensive amount of mapping. Anywho... V1.0.0.1, fixed all raised issues. Currently building the lights now. brb in 4hrs.
  20. Run everything just under ultra and decide your AA level. No AA still looks good though.
  21. May have to remake that infantry bridge in the ice cave.
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