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Phase 5 Beta Testers
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Everything posted by Madkill40

  1. A to rotate legs anti-clockwise, D to rotate legs clockwise, W to move legs forward, D to move legs backward. Something like that? Wolverine should be the same, because legs. Let us know how your unrealscript'ing becomes.
  2. Madkill40

    New Forums!

    @Agent has learned how to make me moist PS. Disable emoticons, we don't need them here. [Text-based emoticons rule]
  3. Added path into cave and sectioned off another part with Tiberium.
  4. Madkill40

    New Forums!

    We can tag people??? Like @Agent and @Agent and @Agent Again and again. Repeatedly. Mwuahaha
  5. The only one I missed was the hollow rock in the GDI base, however... Frostbite D1 - Changes: -Modified blocking volumes at GDI base. -Modified blocking volumes throughout the map. -Reduced map size. (Lowest/longest route no longer accessible) -Ice cave rehauled, reworked, relit, redone. -Peak route expanded on Nod's side. -HoN Emplacement moved out of HoN. -Some lights have been removed. -Misc changes.
  6. Old Ren had all the pros of early 2000s BIG online multiplayer venture, there weren't that many options and the maps catered towards the limit of the game's possibilities. (This is back when 100k people playing a game was a lot) If Ren-X only ever offers "New Old Ren" then that doesn't appeal to anyone else other than people who'd still be playing OldRen now if GameSpy was still around. Before questioning changes to the original maps, ask yourself this: Why did Old Ren have so many custom maps that were more frequently played than the originals?
  7. Just put one directional light, set up environmental light in world properties and be done with it :v JK Maybe it's time to redesign the ice cave.
  8. Very good findings, thank you.
  9. Always go for the Bar/HoN first because advanced reps are detrimental to keeping a base alive with less repairers. I liked how you didn't include that it is much easier to camp a beacon with vehicles compared to infantry.
  10. This is intentional, it's for SBH to hide.
  11. Use Frostbite for the Optimization tutorial ...god forbid it needs it. (It can't just be the lights) Then again, I wouldn't want to give Kenz a heart attack. (^This last sentence is a lie)
  12. I kinda figured I used too many lights the first time round but other forms of optimization outside of "delete some lights" Would be appreciated. Less babbling in the tutorial though if that's kwlokaythanks.
  13. Negatory. 1.0 soon. Speaking of 1.0 ... Frostbite V0.9.9.9 - [Download Here] Changes: -Version number *corrected. (hurr) -Some lights removed. -Collisions modified. -Pathnodes modified. -Terrain modified. -Misc changes. First post updated to a front-page, new gallery featured there.
  14. C&C Frostbite - Version F1 Last time I'll be posting an 'updated' link in this thread hopefully.
  15. Why not just keep the two vehicles more simple by allowing access to Wolverines and Recon Bikes instead? Leaves the map more practically stable.
  16. It's mostly just self-motivation, I wouldn't really expect many to update the map so often but it's there anyway. You're not wrong though. Anywho... _________ _______ _________ __________ ________ Frostbite V1.9.9 Changes: -Lighting overhaul. -Frostbite is now a night map. [because it took so long to make the in-game sun went to sleep] -Added sound for atmosphere. -Added weather effects. -Misc collisions modifications. -Light decorations. -Upper Middle Infantry path, Nod-side, has been modified. -GDI can no longer shoot Nod Harvester from Upper-mid or lower infantry paths whilst the harvest is docked in the base. -Misc changes. Enjoy. Gallery: See first post/front page. TBD: -Minimap -Point nodes -Better camera roll for endgamecam -Loading screen
  17. Perhaps for the editor preview the map with a lower light build quality? If it looks good in low then you'll know it looks fantastic in full?
  18. Frostbite V1.9.3 Changes: -Large lower field path has been crafted, enjoy the icy tundra below! Do be careful when driving on the ice. -Collisions modified. -Bridge lowered. -Bots should now go everywhere. -ReadMe.txt added to .rar file for install instructions. -Mid-Infantry tunnel/cavern modified; slope to HON. -Misc Changes. -----Frostbite is nearly completed, just sound and graphical effects need to be added for atmosphere and beautification progress, secret lighting surprise also needs to be worked on for further beautification-----
  19. ... Get what to show in the map?
  20. Frostbite V1.8.4 [DOWNLOAD HERE] Changes: -Dominant Lighting colour changed. (Orangish to Pinkish) -Narrow path now more narrow. -Nod has gained a structure on their side of the main field. -Silo added to end of mid-inf route/middle of the narrow path. -More blocking volumes added; i.e. collisions fixed; i.e. less places to get stuck. -Misc changes. -Nod Harvester Fixed. -Scenery changes. -Base Defences modified. -Improved path nodes. -Bridge collisions fixed. -Endgame Cam Added.
  21. Remove the bugtastic APC from your map.
  22. Frostbite V1.7.2 [DOWNLOAD from HERE] Changes: -Upper middle infantry route has been drastically changed. -Some volumes that block. -Added a 'special' place. -Added crates. -Misc changes to scenery and lighting. -Paths fixed. (Bots should now go nearly everywhere) Enjoy. Map currently being tested on- Official Custom Maps & TS - Marathon C [TS = Test Server] Gallery:
  23. Hence "Decimate LCG flak armour with Anti-Flak Armour Rounds!" bullets are anti-flak But they're not AOE. Flak bullets are AOE. More Flak bullets plz.
  24. Frostbite V1.5.3 : DOWNLOAD HERE Changes: -Harvesters Synchronised. Will likely have to rotate the Weapons Factory for game beginning harvesters to not have a 16 second difference, other than that the GDI Harvester is potentially a few seconds faster than Nod harvester when starting at the same distance of Ref to Tib etc. Not really too bothered as Harvesters should be regularly destroyed. -Frostbite is currently being hosted via 'CT - Tyrant.gg - Custom Maps - Marathon 3' server.
  25. Dunno how you get an Ion and a Nuke confused but by golly you did it.
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