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Phase 5 Beta Testers
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Everything posted by Madkill40

  1. You think it is not okay because you want to be a lonely SBH and destroy a base all by yourself? Or you think it is not okay because you find it too difficult to spot a GDI infantry infiltrating the Nod base on your watch? You realise that no matter where the mines are eventually there won't be anyone actively defending and a hotty/techie will disarm the mines and again nobody will notice that either... Regardless of the amount. But go ahead, keeping telling us how the mines are the problem.
  2. https://club.ubisoft.com/en-us/ubi30 Go to link, register free copy of game to your uplay account and start racing! For all those GTAV'ers out there who enjoy fun free roaming racing, the game is barely limited and has decent servers and fun PVP and coop! The AI traffic actually stop if your car is noticed speeding up to them (unlike on GTAV where they deliberately pull out in front of you) Car level doesn't count much for PVP either as I managed to come 3rd in one race and 2nd in another race and my car level was 154, other cars being level 600+. As far as free MMO Racing games go 'The Crew' is pretty fun! But it is only free until the 12th October, so be speedy about it!
  3. So how many times did you try to vote surrender during the PUG? When one building was destroyed as per usual?
  4. Madkill40

    Mutator help

    @ThommyK0104, perhaps try your hand at making a mutator with a demand? (i.e. Use an idea posted on the forums) Or start small, really small, like a mutator which adds just one item to the 'Items' list in the purchase menu for both sides, without the added complication of a building needed to be captured. Start with a purchasable smoke grenade in the items menu, focus on making it work and don't worry about having a custom gfx for it in the purchase menu.
  5. Try being a base defender instead of being on the offensive. The issue ain't mines, it's defenders, I've sneaked into the Nod base plenty of times on a whim and destroyed a building simply because nobody was watching. Players are aware how vulnerable the Hand of Nod can be on a flying map yet actively defending the base isn't an option..? [in particular focusing on that building and just watching the mines for other buildings] Even if numbers are low, that actually makes it easier to defend, but it is more tedious. Nod vehicles are their weakness, GDI's infantry are their weakness (comparatively to their own faction), hence why the Strip and Bar have one way out and why both buildings are cramped. So long as a team has defenders then a base can stand the test of a marathon. Notice nobody is defending the base? Well shit, guess its down to you to defend and maybe encourage some of your team to stand by you.
  6. One Nod SBH can guard a Nod base very easily because them infiltrators don't know they're being watched. GDI was clever by not having destructible windows. All I'm seeing is not enough active defenders.
  7. This could change if the remaining NA playerbase learned how to populate an NA based server.
  8. People would be able to explore the custom maps if people were not scared away from them with ignorant bullsh*t.
  9. The game-changer for a destroyed Barracks and Hand of Nod is no more adv. repair buff for vehicles on the field, which can turn the tide of a battle significantly, because Techies and Hotties are used sparingly back at the base. I always suggest the first building for destruction should be the HoN/Bar, because without those structures a base can unfold very quickly. The initial suggestion of Jeff can actually be done with a mutator. Really, we need someone who can make mutators or a group of people. Game updates should really just be for balance changes and bugs, additional ideas such as this are mutator business.
  10. That won't work as the Frostbite in the downloads section is not the same Frostbite that is presently on the server.
  11. A thin blocking volume inside the barracks might help but if the barrel(s) can still poke through the volume then it may have no effect. If the barrel is colliding through a wall of some kind then it should disable the firing mechanism. In any case, crouching usually helps.
  12. It is uncommon to have the same map played more than once within 2 hours, a window of time would help greatly otherwise we'd have to look at every Under and Tunnels demo within a 24 hour period, which could be over 10 demos to sift through.
  13. Nice to see myself not on the commander list above there, thanks.
  14. British swears: https://www.indy100.com/article/british-swear-words-ranked-ofcom-7340446
  15. Custom maps DO NOT crash the servers. BlackMamba and Other people who continue to preach that Custom Maps crash the servers are wrong with this ignorant hate-mongering towards new custom maps and this is actually hurting custom maps due to this stupid lying wrong'ness. [People demonizing custom maps will suffer] Recent server crashes have been caused by repair gun alt-fire due to a weird bug in the code. Just to clarify there is a one-time-only issue with custom maps at the moment; which is if it is your first time loading into a custom map whilst on the server you will time out, simply rejoin the server and you will never have this problem again when the server loads into that map. The first time you load a new map or an updated map Renegade-X will take an extra bit of time to load the map, this is also a one-time-only instance. Spread the word! Custom maps are safe.
  16. Smaller PUGs on Sundays seem fun. Start with what you have on a Saturday PUG, if there are 20 people, you start with 20 people, if there are 30 people then there are 30 people, if there are 14 people then you start with 14 people. (Minimum of 14 is probably a good idea though) But not starting on time isn't a people arriving on time issue it's a organization issue you numpty, if you wait for people to arrive then (40 minutes? Wow) then that's just badness and puts down anyone who arrived early. 7pm START, anyone who arrives late has to wait in the waiting room until the first match is finished to join the second match. Therefore after the teams are selected and players are allocated both Team 1 and Team 2 channels are locked to avoid interruptions by LATE COMERS. This isn't me making a suggestion, this is me informing you all how strict you have to be to late comers in future if you want a good, enjoyable, efficient PUG. I should be there next Saturday to coordinate this part of the PUG and will handle late-comers, team selection as I've read will be left to the commanders and as per usual Fffreak will likely do the forced teams thingy.
  17. Outside of turrets I don't really see the mining system as broken but rather people willing to look for excuses for not actively defending the base, what should really be done is more incentive given to a player to defend the base rather than focusing around a damn prop. Bad mining will occur and it is how we treat the players doing it that is the problem, if you burn newbies for incorrect mines then YOU are the douchebag not them for not knowing because lets be reasonable about this, lets just appropriately assume that not everybody has come to RenX from playing old-ren so lets be more friendly to bad miners than "BANBANBAN" like a clique of mingebags. I knew about mines being placed in doorways when I returned to RenX, but I had come from a 5 mines per door system cause old-ren. Its 3 mines per door these days. We need user-friendly advice more than ever if you truly care for Renegade-X's well being. Stop being dicks. As Yosh said, someone should just make a mutator for purchasable mines. Mutators are the way forward in testing ideas such as this, it does seem like something worth testing at the very least.
  18. Infiltrator trying to throw in exclusions. Hotty and Techies will be 1,050, maybe make it x4 so its a solid 1400 for a hotty or techie, but don't exclude them because you hate how they foil your No.1 tactic dude.
  19. This guy is my new favourite tuber
  20. FEAST YOUR EYES ON THIS I fucking lost it
  21. A vote for a surrender should disappear when everybody on the team has voted Yes or No, there would be no allowance for changing your vote within this time. The Surrender vote in this case, for the sake of trolls or protest-voters, will only actually last 5 minutes or until all players vote, whichever option has the highest votes then that option wins. There, surrender vote fixed. Anyone who votes and regrets what they voted for will at least learn not to do that in real life, so at least the game will teach people a lesson about politics.
  22. We've reached a point where the same ideas are coming forward and I've noticed a never ending cycle in this discussion, so I've pondered over this whole fiasco... What are mines for? Mines stop players being able to rush into a building all at once, mines catch sneakers off-guard, mines keep people out of a building for a duration of time by either causing death or forcing a player to disarm before entry, mines keep the observant members of a team alerted by way of a counter/limiter. In this case, mines do that job and they do that job fine, but players will abuse and thus the system is inherently broken. Other than a stationary object that grants caution to the enemy team mines aren't meant to be a permanent defense, a base without active defenders is doomed to explode regardless of the current mining system or a new mining system. But still we suffer abuse due to over-mining. Pre-placed mines are even more limited. Purchasable mines is EKT 55 mines territory, especially if the game is a marathon server regardless of cost inflation with every purchase. AT-style mines for proximity mines is ludicrous!... But y'know something? The buildings are quite spacious aren't they? Exchange mines for deploy-able, automated turrets instead. Nod get a Flame turret, GDI get a grenade turret, they have a proximity around them to disallow players from having too many turrets in one area. Lets face it! Mines are archaic in games these days, by all means, give them the AT-style limit but give them to Hottys and Techies and replace remote C4s for engis with proxies, because now Engis/Techs/Hottys can be on a maximum of 3 mines per player to coincide with deploy-able automated turrets, proximity mines disappear only when they are replaced or exploded, they do not expire, mines by this way could (and probably should) be made weaker. How is a turret effective? Why are you even suggesting this? Well, if a turret is ignored it will kill you but you can get your c4s on the MCT at least! Then its down for an active defender to investigate! Or you can try to destroy the turret instead, but when it goes off it can make an alarm sound as well as noisy gunfire sound effects. [An EMP grenade, if you have one, can nullify their effectiveness by disabling them for a time] A turret would be purchasable and we all know that if that badboy is slapped in the most stupid, trolling and/or retarded position ever then that player can get a turretban, which will make other players not want to get a turretban because who wants to allow themselves to be banned from placing a GOD DAMN turret? These turrets are purchasable items of course that increase in price the more you purchase them rather than a maximum limit, you are however limited by how close one turret is to another turret. Example of outdoor proximity limits for turrets; you would only be able to get 3 turrets at a push on top of the walls on CNC-Walls, this proximity length-ways works the same width-ways so let that square proximity sink in. Obviously a way to abuse the proximity would be to place a turret near a building instead of inside a building, leaving the building defenseless(quite literally), so each building has its own personal proximity of 1 turret per building thus ignoring the proximity limits of outdoor turrets. The turrets themselves? Well, lets see... The grenade turret can spin 360 degrees on its axis but suffers the penalty of a slow rate of fire, the flame turret has a maximum range of say... 165 degrees for the direction its placed to face (Which is the direction a player is facing) but it breathes fire! So its penalty is range. But don't leave the decision of how these turrets work and function down to just me, thoughts? To make the difference between outdoor and indoor turrets possible for the game make two separate purchases. i.e. Complex Turret (Indoor turret), Mesa Turret (Outdoor turret) [D.A.T.] Deployable Automated Turrets, The Short Version: Purchasable turrets inflate in price for each currently active turret. 1 Complex turret (Indoor specific turret) per building. Mesa Turret (Outdoor turret) are limited by proximity to one another and not by a counter, this range is debatable. Nod Turrets are Flame turrets. (Close-range, 160 degree axis) [debatable] GDI Turrets are Grenade turrets. (Slow rate of fire, 360 degree axis) [debatable] Complex Turrets are loud and noisy and create a loud detection noise when they spot an enemy to alert active defenders of infiltration. Mesa Turrets are just loud and noisy. SBH are detected by (Complex) turrets. You're invisible to GDI players so don't ask to be undetectable to (Complex) turrets. SBH are undetectable to Mesa Turrets (Outdoor turrets) Proximity mines replace Engineers' Remote C4s [debatable] Maximum of 3 proximity mines per player. Techies/Hottys can right-click hack turrets to disarm them, somehow, maybe. Perhaps they can just have an EMP grenade? Lastly, the main gist to these turrets is that they're kinda shit in a big open space or on long corridors but in a confined space they can be effective enough to by some time for the active defenders to find the source of infiltration, alternatively they'll kill weak infantry or weakened infantry if the player is shit, alternatively for that they'll weaken not so shit players/not so shit infantry.
  23. If you look at the Dam on Reservoir from the silo there is a big fps drop. Visibility volumes for that map (even though its a day map) might be a good idea. Why it was Reservoir before Tunnels baffles me. [Being aware that Tunnels was going to be the 4th game]
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