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Phase 5 Beta Testers
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Everything posted by Madkill40

  1. For anyone with SwarmAgent issues~ Goto: Go into SDK Binaries folder Start SwarmAgent.exe Swarm Agent should open Go to the 'Settings' tab Under 'Cache Settings' on the 'Settings' tab in Swarm Agent should read 'CacheFolder' This is still set to Ruud's SwarmCache directory, locate your 'Binaries\SawrmCache' folder root directory. Paste this directory into the 'CacheFolder' line SwarmAgent should now work P.S. Go down to 'CoordinatorRemotingHost', change name from RuudePC to your PC username. If your SwarmAgent doesn't actually open at all, then I've no idea how to help you.
  2. Swarm Agent ain't running, or opening or doing anything so lights won't build so @Ruud033 please answer asap on wtf why plz.
  3. New SDK SwarmCache binary bullshit is frustrating bullshit
  4. Here I was thinking the issue was mines being placed in dumb places, or mines left in destroyed buildings by a player who is too preoccupied to remove them. One commander left with the responsibility to disarm mines doesn't seem like the best of ideas, unless a commander can select people to disarm mines for each game as well?
  5. To avoid issues with the E of A, it'd probably be better to create new recordings.
  6. All even ranks on one team, all odd ranks on another team, unless a majority of players are of an even or odd ranked number, then parse the majority of excess players of even or odd ranked numbers to fill both teams evenly; if player is not using Steam and therefore unranked treat those players as the majority of excess? Probably a better method than what I did there but I actually like Agent's idea a lot.
  7. There are active admin/mods for a "Player can disarm any teams' mines" Whitelist, at least for the CT server, it'd have to be SteamID based of course but this method is the least abusive, players would just have to apply via a thread to be on the whitelist but I think it'd be effective and would solve this whole issue. Outside of applying via a thread an Admin/Mod could also pick out active and trusted miners for this whitelist which falls as an added responsibility. IRC can display "SteamID_014808350 disarmed Player294's mine", this way if someone on the whitelist abuses the whitelist it'd be very easy to remove them from the whitelist. Yes, this increases what an Admin/Mod has to do when maintaining a server but that's an occupational hazard. An abuse of privilege doesn't seem very likely as those selected for the Disarm whitelist are trusted regulars, not Joe-Player294. The only difficult part would be creating the disarm whitelist, I'd imagine it would fall under the guise of a mutator making this a serverside addon and not something hard-coded into the game.
  8. Nah, just a screenshot of the jumping spot from the rocks so a blocking volume can be placed there instead. Otherwise there could be camera issues.
  9. Here's a fix: Don't unplug your headphones whilst playing RenX Don't plug in your headphones whilst playing Renx
  10. I was going to suggest that if the mine limit it maxed then mining near poorly placed mines will remove those mines rather than the mines which were first placed, this would allow an active and decent miner to take action on poor mines. But this still emits a problem. I think instead a whitelist for trusted miners should be put in place "A whitelist? What? So anyone not on the whitelist can't mine? That's stupid. You're stupid." WRONG BITCH A whitelist of people who can disarm their teams' mines, there can be a few ways this whitelist works. 1. Whitelist is manually done by admin or moderator. 2. A player acquires 50+ [Player] kills from mines alone in one game then they will be automatically suggested or added to the "Mine Disarm" whitelist. 3. Both 1 & 2 "[Player] kills" meaning bot kills do not count, if its possible not count any names with '' in it then that's probably the easiest method of making bots not count towards the 50+ [Player] kills from mines. A whitelist for players to have the ability of disarming any mines their team has placed in-theory is less abusive, easier to track and more effective than trying to limit or change the function of mines themselves.
  11. In the launcher go to 'Settings' and tick 'Skip intro movies' This should speed up the process from joining a server via Launcher.
  12. He meant the command prompt in windows, follow this guide below: In windows open 'Task Manager', At the top of the 'Task Manager' window it should say 'File' Click on 'File' and select 'Run new task' A box should appear titled 'Create new task' Type in 'cmd' Press 'OK' You should now have a black window appear titled 'C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe' The third/last line should read 'C:\WINDOWS\system32>' With the window selected type in ping -n 100 Post your results in here IF ALL ELSE FAILS: [DO THIS ONLY IF NOBODY HAS ANY OTHER SUGGESTIONS] Additionally, this may make little sense BUT! " It's rather heavy lag spikes than continous lag, where other players run straight for 1 or 2 seconds before spawning somewhere else or I'm moved around several meters, around every 10 to 20 seconds. " Weirdly enough I think you may just need to reinstall your graphics drivers by uninstalling the drivers, restarting your PC, then reinstalling your graphics drivers. [Be sure to have the latest graphics drivers downloaded prior to doing this]
  13. It would make a little bit more sense that a flame or chem trooper didn't hurt an MCT as much, that building damage would be a buff with veterency. But is as Jeff said, don't let them get in the base. If it sprays, keep your distance, if its close and sprays and you're already free infantry and they're in one of your teams' buildings then shotgun them in the face by running pass them and making that big circular reticle be as close to their head as possible and then BANG. dead. Rule of thumb, if a majority of your team is going in one direction and you're behind them, go in a different direction (to where your team is least present) with the aim of taking out incoming infantry, because the most effective sprayers slip themselves inside by not being confronted.
  14. Players need to drill into their heads that if they start filling up another empty server because one is full that others are more likely to join it, so long as those players don't jump ship the moment a space is free on the once full server then more servers can be filled at any one time. I've noticed that Marathon servers seem to be the preferred these days, probably because a game can still be really short but nobody has to suffer the frustration of a game ending when its getting good. Sidenote: Americans that want a US based server should think about donating to CT for an American based server, since the CT servers are so frequently preferred. That would definitely ensure more than one active server at a time with nobody forfeiting enjoyable gameplay at the cost of higher pings.
  15. Be nice to type in a custom objective for the Objectives box, limited to 17-27 characters.
  16. I suppose when you make a thread "Map Pack - Custom Maps" on the same day custom maps end up on the marathon and AOW server it can easily be misunderstood. ...You expect too much if you think I read past your opening statement, which is incredibly misleading because a smaller sized map pack with just these maps would have actually made a lot more sense and been much better for the majority. All you've done is "You want to get on the server and play the current custom maps? Well here is EVERY MAP at ONE POINT SIX GIGGZ! No you can't have a smaller, more convenient to download map pack of the maps that are currently being used for AOW and Marathon! Y'know? Cause ~400mb in this case is better than 1.6GB.
  17. 1.6GB for three to four maps? That makes no sense. How?
  18. If you want the minimap being done, I can help you with that one. Takes no time at all.
  19. The launcher must be downloading slow for a lot of people because MPForums.com server is full whereas CT servers are not, or it's just a Tuesday thing.
  20. ToN looks incredible! Very well done! If you ever want to do a C&C stop-motion video, I'll happily play some voices
  21. Hold up! Nod APC Orca VTOL | From beginning of song
  22. Reservoir is up there. Paradise needs a few things fixed first. Paradise could also do with a precomputed visibility volume.
  23. He said on page 2 that he wouldn't mind someone taking over and finishing the map as its "98% done"
  24. It is a multiple choice poll, just so people are aware.
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