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Phase 5 Beta Testers
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Everything posted by Madkill40

  1. No, there are at least 2 vehicle paths. And thanks.
  2. Download Frostbite Beta: Here! Here are a few images of the current build: Main B2B Infantry Route: Alt. B2B Infantry Route: Nod-side Field: GDI-side Field: OTT Viewpoint of entire map.
  3. If it was possible to put together a pack of additional assets for mappers to use would these assets have to go into an official update first before they'd be useable? Or could we just include the assets along with the map files?
  4. Quantum-DDOS attack. FTL take-downs worldwide. ...Simulator
  5. TLDR: PUGs are awesome, I am nitpicking. L0ng version Generalisation: Sometimes if I'm not able to take part in one of the focused operations the Commander is organising during a match I almost feel left out, but then I usually wind up with part of the non-talkatives collective and we manage to hold our own until I'm the last one left and even then I'm still holding one side by my entire self (map depending) if and only because the opposing team seems to be fleeing the situation. (Or they're like "Oh shi- madkills there! fck! run!" -Sometimes it's related to the commander squad objective) Those moments are so often they make the PUG enjoyable for me but upon speculation each faction will have the vocal pushers and the non-talkative holders throughout a game. (Barring the one person who is vocal and actively defends the base at all times) I like the all-as-one rushes, they're awesome fun! Folks just need to deliver a short and vocalised situation report (i.e. "2 Meds, 1 APC, Left side!") in either ALL-CAPs in team chat or in teamspeak and for someone to either respond with "Affirmative!" using voice-commands or vocally in teamspeak just to confirm that everyone in a team is paying attention to at least one another. This should happen in every situation by all, not just some of the time. If some Q-spots an enemy and you're there then relay it vocally. The non-talkatives have whatever reason they have for not talking I accept this so long as they're listening, but if in the middle of a game during a PUG every person who actually talks does the black-ops group thing then that team is going to struggle simply because there's nobody else to notify the team before the enemy has reached the base. (Non-talkatives do go with these groups too) In these situations a team is going to struggle with victory because we only know the opposing side reached the base because one person with a voice is in the base defending. The problem here is the team is only informed of enemies reaching the base when they reach the base because the vocal-pushers are together as a group and playing as a unit instead of playing as a whole team in that situation. (These situations last anywhere between 2mins to 10mins) This is easily accidentally done, just pointing it out so it can be scarcely avoided. What's noticeable: if one team gets a bit cliquey by just having the people that talk as a unit then their team is hampered immensely because all communications are centralised around the objective of that unit, which does not help a team as a whole. My deduction from all this and the experiences I've had in PUGs thus far is, if a team can't work as a whole then either people in that team aren't listening (reasons possible), disagree with the leadership, are attached to map routines or all three. These are the symptoms and usually caused by the vocal-pushers on the team, a possible antidote for these situations could be; if you're leading the team and your team loses that round then perhaps as a decent leader elect someone else who vocalised ideas in the next round, that way you can be the one to help relay their ideas across the team, help them out, be supportive, work better as a whole team. If you can't do that then you probably shouldn't be leading anyone ever at all again because if you can't support your teammates your teammates aren't going to take your lead, or at least not all of them and unfortunately we can't cap defectors and rogues. (And by "cap" I literally mean take them to a discrete location and shoot them in the back of the head) An Idea A minimum of 4 people can help with crowd control. i.e. If RenXEyes is commander and is unfavoured by some of his teammates because whatever reason from the past which causes them to ignore to the commander then perhaps those people in the team will pay attention when candidates 1-4 relay these commands, or if one of the four state "I'll stay behind and defend with some others" then some of the others could about-turn back to base and not do the stupid one-man-army bullshit. Additionally, each team will always have someone else who will definitely take lead if the first commander fails to commander good which is at least reassuring to the team for the next round. This could cause fairer teams and teams to work together as a whole, each team to have a minimum of 4 people that can take charge in case one messes up, (or if the Commander goes quiet for too long) knowing who will and can do this in your team is more important than thinking "oh yeah sure I mean that'll probably happen anyway" -When it doesn't, you lose. In-short: Know your mates! If you're like me and support whoever is in command by being a relay when a situation requires it, or if the air is dead, then double-coolios, if anyone thinks there were times when your team has needed this then maybe it'd be a good idea to try it out in whichever team you're fighting for. Just to clarify, I'm not saying each team needs a minimum of 4 people in charge at any time. No. If you're commander, do what you think is best, if you're a commander and don't think you're actually in control of your whole team then try the idea out and let me know if it works. Edit: fckme this is long
  6. Frostbite AlphaA* https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B5mmyw ... sp=sharing Download and test. Fixed link,****
  7. Piccies http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/f ... =639461189 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/f ... =639462180 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/f ... =639462917 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/f ... =639463710
  8. Gallery Soon. In the meantime, how do I download this? http://utmapping.wikidot.com/smc-un-snow
  9. You could always just get one tailor made and at least then you know it won't break on you.
  10. Wouldn't mind Flamers and Chems exploding upon death to be honest, grenadiers would also have to explode upon death as well.
  11. Do nothing, Tomb is fine, continue with other unfinished works.
  12. Like the MRLS rockets going a little bit faster to put them at equal value to an Arty? (Yup, I'm still beating this dying horse)
  13. To be fair, Hotwire can blaze the mic with 1337 rapping skillz.
  14. There's a Communications Centre for use as well. (According to Kenz) Not sure where, but it exists. (Apparently)
  15. Unless the devs was implemented Tier3 Infantry to be accessible only if you have captured the/a silo instead???????? But that would be silly.
  16. Shhhh... Don't tell him, he has to figure it out on his own. P.S. Why didn't you just delete the most recent post and lock the thread instead?
  17. I've seen marksman on the top of the canyon in Walls pick off engineers left, right and center. The current inventory builds for infantry are the most well-organised I've ever seen since RenX was released, a step-up from the original Renegade and actually coincides well with the RTS games where infantry had additional abilities outside of runnin'n'gunnin'. Just to generalise your constructive tyranny of a post; you want less problem solving and for certain aspects of the game to be easier otherwise you'll rage-quit and sh!tpost on the forums before reading other topics and realising that the majority of your post has been answered elsewhere, the thread title alone was a nice attention-seeking title for your whiney post. inb4 forum-rage-quit
  18. What's the minimum distance Infantry will have to run in order to reach the opposing base?
  19. Update 6: After testing correct rar filepaths and loading the map I discovered component glitching, I also forgot to include the config file. File has been uploaded to Google Drive. (click Here)
  20. The only way in with vehicles in all likeliness would be to destroy the Power-plant, or to be really well organized but even that's a long shot when there are better things to do than try to Ion both structures. I may have an idea to remedy this altogether.
  21. Update 4: Terrain has been textured and re-textured, Infantry tunnel (Ice Cave) has been formed. (Images Below) Infantry Ice Cave: Large Field (Veh & Inf) GDI Base Narrow Vehicular Path Nod Base To do list: Obtain Feedback Testing Decorate Testing Obtain more Feedback Tweaks (Endgame Cam, soft boundaries, tiberium field textures etc.) Testing Obtain even more Feedback etc.
  22. Didn't notice the drop-down for the landscape selection, that's what I missed.
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