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Phase 5 Beta Testers
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Everything posted by Madkill40

  1. Of they shot flak, it would mean they were stopped more easily by flak. Note the term flak jacket, and the fact it's more used to stop shrapnel than direct gunfire. Hence "Decimate LCG flak armour with Anti-Flak Armour Rounds!"
  2. Frostbite V1.5.3 : DOWNLOAD HERE
  3. Frostbite V1.5.2 : DOWNLOAD HERE Changes: -Narrow vehicle path readjusted for easy fall-off death. (idea is to push off enemy vehicles) -Misc prop movements -Cave-side HON covered with ice to protect from damage -Misc scenery changes -Minor Lighting changes May require a bit of a tutorial on how to do that.
  4. -Updated first post. Currently working towards 1.5.7
  5. Weapons Factory could have a factory whistle whenever a vehicle is produced, with extra puff of black chimney smoke to go with it. i.e. Because GDI are old fashioned.
  6. GDI APC should still be flak, none of this bullet nonsense like the infidel Nod APC.
  7. If I hadn't gotten hit by that 1 mine in the HON on Whiteout I could have destroyed that bastard.
  8. [basically, the GDI APC weapon needs to use a vehicular variant of Patch's ammunition that's been retweaked for infantry, but practically the same rate of fire and sfx/gfx, higher AOE] GDI APCs need to be Shrapnel-Flak APCs. AOE death bringers to all Nod infantry. In-particular LCGs. Decimate LCG flak armour with Anti-Flak Armour Rounds! APCs biggest weakness needs to be Flametank, so Flame tanks should be the most impervious to GDI APC Shrapnel-Flak rounds.
  9. If your name is on the building kill then you alone get the VP, other players nearby will get additional VP, but please not the whole frikken team? Heck, just let the team losing the building gain a whole bunch of VP for losing the building and it can be referred to as "aggressive morale booster", because how pissed off is a team that loses their building? Give them 25VP. Let's get a bit more VP for repairing vehicles. (By way of Multiplier, the longer the game notices you repairing vehicles the more VP you gain. Maximum multiplier x2.5 if; multiplier x0.5 by repairing +1250 damage within 3 minutes, maximum stack of 5. (i.e. x2.5 Max)) Vehicle kills within a certain timeframe should allow a higher VP so if you get a chain going, the 4th or 5th in the chain of vehicle kills is on a pretty good multiplier. i.e. 1 Vehicle kill, then if you score another vehicle kill in 60 seconds; 45 seconds; 30 seconds and 25 seconds. (Every addition to the chain has to be made in 25 seconds) Graphical note: if the +5 VP floated above the person/vehicle/building killed, that'd look swish. _______________________ ____________________________ ______________________ Spur of the moment idea below, you have been warned. _______________________ ____________________________ ______________________ Heck. Could go a step beyond with VP and link Recruit, Veteran and Elite to the 3 Tiers of classes. At recruit you get the base free-infantry as well as Officers, Rockets and Chem/McFarland's, additionally the buggy/humvee and APCs are accessible until you reach Veteran and later Elite. When a Recruit gets to Veteran they are granted access to Gunner, Patch, Dead-Eye and Hotwire as well as the MRLS, MedTank and Trans/LCG, SBH, BH and Technician as well as the Artillery, Flame Tank, Light Tank and Trans. At Elite Mobius, Havoc and Sydney as well as Orca and Mammy/Mendoza, Sakura and Raveshaw as well as Stealth tank and Apache. Heroic could potentially unlock the Superweapons. Airstrike is always available. If the VP intertwined with the game like this in-addition to what VP does now then this game could improve mechanically.
  10. The post above this one has the latest link of the version of the map you should have tested. Don't recall updating the first post.
  11. Under was crap. No worries. Thank you Thommy.
  12. Hey again: Updated Frostbite V1.2.5: -Backdrop -Atmosphere -Frostiness C&C-Frostbite: Download Frostbite V1.2.5.rar Topic Discussion Thank you so much Ruud033.
  13. Updated Frostbite V1.2.5: -Backdrop -Atmosphere -Frostiness Gallery: Download V1.2.5.rar
  14. Download V1.2.3 : https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B5mmy ... lJNcVkzTGc Quick Gallery: Nothing looks fancy tbf.
  15. Ahah don't be daft, there's work to does. *Work in progress/insistent testing.
  16. Changes: -Hand of Nod -Nod Base rearranged -Scenery -Routes/paths V1.2.1/2 progress: 36%* Download V1.2.2 : https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B5mmy ... URuc1V1alU To Do: -Remove random untextured rectangle -GDI base rearrangement -Modify/remove blocking Volumes -Fix Collisions
  17. I just selected the actors via content browser, deleted them. Tower and HoN no longer have glass panes. Have better ideas in mind.
  18. Set Collision Mode ----> Zero Extend (something like that) ------> Click on the windows (And It's normal you can't see them) If this requires me to select them first then that ain't going to work.
  19. V1.2.1 : https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B5mmy ... VVLNWZidzg Changes: -Hand of Nod -Nod Base rearranged V1.2.1 progress: 33%* How2remove glass panes?
  20. CNC-Frostbite has been updated. What's up Ruud?, you smexy man. can I please have this Frosty map added to your awesome server? Map name: CNC-Frostbite (V1.2.3) Download link: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B5mmy ... lJNcVkzTGc Topic link: | viewtopic.php?f=135&t=76130
  21. It is now possible to play Table-Top C&C.
  22. This map is the bees knees! My favourite detail is the walkway by and leading to the rear Weapons Factory door. And you should know to read the thread before commenting.
  23. Tunnel territory is a good territory.
  24. What if the reason CT got primarily ddos'd... Was because it was an EU server?
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