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Phase 5 Beta Testers
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Everything posted by Madkill40

  1. Uncheck Composite Dynamic as well? Dynamic channel disabled, no more fps drop. Awesome. Just need to figure out the issue where there is a line down the texture between components. i.e. P.S. There are no lights nearby so don't go blaming ma lights.
  2. Will I actually have to delete light and replace it? Or is there a faster method of say, a drop down list which allows me to change it from moveable to static? Also, is static basically the light which doesn't have either toggleable or moveable after it? Or should it actually state 'static' in the name?
  3. Cell size was already 200, I have now checked precomputed visibility. My lights are the 'moveable' lights. Is that bad?
  4. You may get EA breathing down your neck depending on which assets you're referring to.
  5. Which lights are recommended in that case? There ain't much particles on Frostbite.
  6. Could disarm three whilst the emp is going off and then place another three in quick succession whilst the EMP is still going off.
  7. That video has some outdated information.
  8. Frostbite F1 [Download Here] Changes: -Added stuff -Removed stuff -Fixed stuff -Refer to ToDo list -New Gallery This is pretty much it.
  9. Frostbite is also ready for a playtest. [See thread for changes]
  10. Frostbite D2 Changes: -Added extra route to Ice-cave, GDI side -Barracks has been rotated -GDI Ice-Cave Entrance/exit modified -General fixes and edits made ToDo: -Optimization [Ice Cave causes FPS drop at the moment, how2fix?] @Ruud033 @kenz3001 Any suggestions? -Minimap -Loading Screen -Future reported errors/glitches/bugs/stucks
  11. A to rotate legs anti-clockwise, D to rotate legs clockwise, W to move legs forward, D to move legs backward. Something like that? Wolverine should be the same, because legs. Let us know how your unrealscript'ing becomes.
  12. Madkill40

    New Forums!

    @Agent has learned how to make me moist PS. Disable emoticons, we don't need them here. [Text-based emoticons rule]
  13. Added path into cave and sectioned off another part with Tiberium.
  14. Madkill40

    New Forums!

    We can tag people??? Like @Agent and @Agent and @Agent Again and again. Repeatedly. Mwuahaha
  15. The only one I missed was the hollow rock in the GDI base, however... Frostbite D1 - Changes: -Modified blocking volumes at GDI base. -Modified blocking volumes throughout the map. -Reduced map size. (Lowest/longest route no longer accessible) -Ice cave rehauled, reworked, relit, redone. -Peak route expanded on Nod's side. -HoN Emplacement moved out of HoN. -Some lights have been removed. -Misc changes.
  16. Old Ren had all the pros of early 2000s BIG online multiplayer venture, there weren't that many options and the maps catered towards the limit of the game's possibilities. (This is back when 100k people playing a game was a lot) If Ren-X only ever offers "New Old Ren" then that doesn't appeal to anyone else other than people who'd still be playing OldRen now if GameSpy was still around. Before questioning changes to the original maps, ask yourself this: Why did Old Ren have so many custom maps that were more frequently played than the originals?
  17. Just put one directional light, set up environmental light in world properties and be done with it :v JK Maybe it's time to redesign the ice cave.
  18. Very good findings, thank you.
  19. Always go for the Bar/HoN first because advanced reps are detrimental to keeping a base alive with less repairers. I liked how you didn't include that it is much easier to camp a beacon with vehicles compared to infantry.
  20. This is intentional, it's for SBH to hide.
  21. Use Frostbite for the Optimization tutorial ...god forbid it needs it. (It can't just be the lights) Then again, I wouldn't want to give Kenz a heart attack. (^This last sentence is a lie)
  22. I kinda figured I used too many lights the first time round but other forms of optimization outside of "delete some lights" Would be appreciated. Less babbling in the tutorial though if that's kwlokaythanks.
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