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Game Modes and Mutators that change the behavior of the game

43 files

  1. Sniper VP Rewards Mutator

    Here is the mutator for sniper vp killer rewards. I've included config options for Marksman, Ramjet and DeadEye/BH sniper rifles. You can adjust the percentage of rewards for each sniper rifle type in UDKSniper_VP_Killer_Rewards.ini. Something I found when looking at the game code prior is that the sniper rifles that BlackHand and DeadEye use actually give bonus VP for kills over every other class, so you get a +1 VP bonus, I'm not sure why their rifles are given bonus rewards but I've added a setting in the config to disable this bonus VP.
    There are a few useful logs from the mutator that you can use to determine current values, just do a search for SVPKR to get them all, examples below.
    SVPKR: BaseVP for Kill of Soldier with Rx_Weapon_SniperRifle_Nod and sniper modifier at 61% is:1.2200 (Default: 2.0000) SVPKR: Sniper VP Bonus Enabled (Bonus Amount: 1) SVPKR: Sniper VP Bonus Disabled (Usually: 1) SVPKR: Rewarded VP: 4.2200  
    You will notice that Rewarded VP is different from what the modifier VP says this is because the rewarded VP is after all other additions have been made such as if the victim was holding a beacon, since they are not sniper specific I haven't made it log that information.
    Sample Config
    [Sniper_VP_Killer_Rewards.SVPKR_SniperVeterancyModifiers] SniperRifleVetPercent=100 MarksmanRifleVetPercent=100 RamjetRifleVetPercent=100 [Sniper_VP_Killer_Rewards.SVPKR_Rx_Pawn] DisableSniperBonusVP=false HOW TO USE Add mutator to list of arguments: ?mutator=Sniper_VP_Killer_Rewards.Sniper_VP_Killer_Rewards Set your settings in the config: UDKSniper_VP_Killer_Rewards.ini If you want anything adding or tweaking let me know.
    Created by @PieMan


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  2. [Mutator] Creative Mode

    This mutator is designed to be a unique gamemode that testers, alternate gameplay players and others may use. Using this mutator on a server that is meant for regular matches to be played is NOT allowed.
    Current Features:
    Set character Give weapon Spawning (summon) Give credits Give VP Fly God mode Destroy defences Lock building HP Display server tick rate and delta time Chat prefix for Admin and Mods To add this to your server, add ?Mutator=Rx_CreativeMode.Rx_CreativeMode to your server startup. You may then press B to open the menu. You can close the menu using the same buttons.
    Potential Future Features:
    Change move speed Configurable keys


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  3. Sniper Deathmatch Mode

    This is basically a copy of OldRen sniper servers. Spawn outside of tunnels, walls so you can only go in tunnels, snipers only.

    Currently supports Field, Islands and Volcano


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  4. [Killsound] Cynthia's Meme Killsound Collection

    This package will add a variety of 20 different killsounds which are being played randomly when you kill somebody. You wanna know which sounds these are? FIND OUT YOURSELF YA PLEB
    might gonna add more at some point
    Installation instuctions:
    copy the file in your game's directory into UDKGame/CookedPC open the UDKGame.ini file in UDKGame/Config scroll down to the very bottom of the file until you see [RenX_Game.Rx_Controller] and [RenX_GameX.S_Controller] after CustomKillsound= add TRR_CustomStuff.Kill_Sounds.SC_Killsounds and save the file open your game, go into the settings menu and change your killsound to custom ??? profit


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  5. [Killsound] AYAYA

    Enjoy AYAYA as your killsound in RenX.
    Extract into RenX directory. Open the ingame settings in the audio category, open drop down menu for killsound, scroll down and select custom. Hit apply.


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  6. RenX_Mutator_Epic_Units.u

    This mutator brings the option of buying the crate epic units, Armored Sydney and Mutant Raveshaw, with some additions and restrictions.
    Only of them can be bought in each team, and after someone does, the whole team is notified with an alert sound and message. When killed all the players are notified the epic unit died and who killed it. It gives more VP than common units.
    Each epic character is unique on its own way, possessing abilities that are justified by what it is. For Sydney, her armor give her bonus and her disadvantage, as for Mutant Raveshaw, his mutant ability make him inhuman. They can be bought in the Purchase Terminal at Items menu, that now have a text on bottom saying Epic Chars, they are at 4th position. If main infantry building is destroyed you can't get them anymore.
    A complete list of abilities and it's numbers can be seen here, along side with the code itself.

    A video show case is available here:


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  7. Korca

    To install, extract to your Renegade X install. The two files in the zip should end up in UDKGame\CookedPC.
    To use, press F5 and type either "summon" (in skirmish) or "sandboxspawn" (on a Creative Mode server), followed by "Korca.Rx_Vehicle_Korca"
    For example, "sandboxspawn Korca.Rx_Vehicle_Korca"
    Special thanks to @Kaunas for providing the sound effects and inspiration for this project.


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  8. Nuke General

    Looked for something wacky to do, 
    Tytonium suggested apache that can self nuke on key press the horn button (H key) 
    So I did it!
    This mutator ONLY WORKS ON APACHES, (not even oracs).
    Just get apache, fly it around , hit the H key and boom
    could even create chain of nukes.
    This is version very initial , might cause crash . but mostly it's fun !

    1) Create backup for UDKInput.ini which located on "\UDKGame\Config" , 
    and put the UDKInput.ini from the zip file you downloaded.
    2) On "\UDKGame\CookedPC" , put the file Dndir_Rx.u
    3)  Open a server: 

    start UDK.exe server CNC-Eyes?maxplayers=10?mutator=Dndir_Rx.Rx_DNDIR_Controller,Dndir_Rx.Rx_Controller_Binder
    It would open the dedicate server, 
    To connect simply login to your localhost address:
    have fun!


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  9. Laser_Fences_Pack

    I'm throwing here a little pack for mappers who want to use easly the laser fences that you can see on Desolation and Steppe..

    With these prefabs you can ealsy place the Node, the lasers, or a full laser fence, it is modular.

    (Thanks to Handepsilon who made the laser beam)




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  10. CQC Mod_v1.0.4

    This has been up on the TDM server for awhile, but it's the mutator that aligns headshot damage and base damage on all* infantry weapons. Basically body damage is increased, and headshot damage is 'roughly' the same. Some weapons may do a bit less, or more to the head, though their vehicle damage should be more or less identical. 
    The readme should tell you everything you need to know. 


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  11. Ambush Crate

    For those who have met me on Discord, you might recall me babbling about adding a crate that summons an ambush party. Well, now I give you a crate that summons an ambush party. Up to 5 of them
    All you gotta do is extract the rar file into your game directory and run the mutator using the command line "?mutator=RenX_Extension_AmbushCrate.Rx_Mutator_AmbushCrate". It should be compatible to any edits done to the purchase system or the mapinfo default which changes the classes.
    You can configure the standard setups in DefaultAmbushCrate.ini


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  12. what an aim

    This is just a simple and fun mutator that makes it seem as if a player says "what an aim" when he dies. It is all done in fun. : )
    This will not affect bots, and a player will still appear to say it even if he dies by suicide or falls off a cliff. : )
    To install, simply extract WAA.zip into your main Renegade X install folder. WAAServer.bat should end up in the base folder, and WAA.u should end up in UDKGame\CookedPC. Running WAAServer.bat will start a server on your machine that you can join by joining from the launcher with join IP or from ingame with F5 open
    Have fun!


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  13. HIHIHI+Iridescence+Madkyll Vehicle Pack

    This package includes the six vehicles Iridescence made that were found on the FPI test server, and also a few by HIHIHI (also two weapons). To install, unzip the archive into the base folder of your Renegade X install.
    The vehicles can be spawned with the summon (skirmish) or sandboxspawn (admintool, Creative Tool, etc) console commands. The weapons can be obtained by the GiveWeapon (skirmish) or Gimme (admintool, Creative Tool, etc) console commands. A list of the spawn names follows. Have fun!


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  14. Drivable gunboat

    I still am bad at this editing stuff. Screenshots added.


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  15. Short-range planes

    Here are some short-range, nerfed versions of the A-10 and MiG-35. To spawn them, type "Summon TO_Mut.Rx_Vehicle_A10_SR" or "Summon TO_Mut.Rx_Vehicle_MiG35_SR" (in skirmish) or "Sandboxspawn TO_Mut.Rx_Vehicle_A10_SR" or "Sandboxspawn TO_Mut.Rx_Vehicle_MiG35_SR" on a server with the sandboxspawn command available.
    Installation instructions: Extract the zip file into the base folder of your Renegade X installation. TO_Mut.u should end up in UDKGame\CookedPC.
    IMPORTANT NOTE: Previous versions of TO_Mut.u included a mutator - this is no longer present, as it was not functional. Do not attempt to start a server with this mutator anymore.


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  16. FlowerpotGun.zip

    (I messed up editing the description, so here's a little text for you.)


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  17. RenX Buildings with Ramps (Prefabs)

    Hey guys,
    I noticed, that if you want to make a flying map, waste your time with grouping and replacing to get this Mesh with ramps in. 
    So I just created Prefabs of these buildings with ramps to save time. I wanted to create them only for myself, but maybe someone can use it, so I decided to upload it.

    You'll find 2 folders inside the zip. The first folder is for the SDK, the second for the game. You have to include it, if you want to see this buildings inside the game. So if you uploading a map, which is using these files, the .upk file must be inside your zip-folder (or .rar etc).
    You can just open your Renegade X folder and paste in inside there. The .upk file will be at the right place, if you don't changed any folder names. 

    For the SDK version, you have to open that folder and you'll find another UDKGame folder. You just paste them inside your RenegadeX 03-03-2017 and it will be at the right place, if you didn't changed any folder names
    Then it should be included in the game and in the SDK. If you Content Browser doesn't find it, just open it with the folder symbol.



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  18. [Mutator] Big Head

    This mutator will scale heads based on k/d. There are no configurable options. Put all files in UDKGame\CookedPC\.
    Add ?Mutator=Rx_Mutator_BigHead.Rx_Mutator_BigHead to your server startup line.


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  19. Generic 3d Models FBX [diff/normal/spec]

    Hello Guys, this is just some small release of some models I did erlier.
    More will come soon!


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  20. [Mutator] Superweapon Blocker

    This mutator will block players from purchasing beacons if the current player count is not above the configurable amount.
    To use, drop the Rx_Mutator_SuperWeaponBlock.u into the UDKGame\CookedPC\ folder of your Renegade-X installation directory, and put UDKSuperWeaponBlock.ini in your UDKGame\Config\ folder. Edit the config to your liking.
    Then, simply add ?Mutator=Rx_Mutator_SuperWeaponBlock.Rx_Mutator_SuperWeaponBlock to your server startup line.
    udk.exe server CNC-Field?Mutator=Rx_Mutator_SuperWeaponBlock.Rx_Mutator_SuperWeaponBlock Warning: This mutator may not be compatible with others.


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  21. [Mutator] Commander Reminder

    This mutator will add send a message to all members of a team who don't have a commander. The message will look like the one in the picture, however it will not show the [FPI] part on it.
    To use, drop the Rx_Mutator_CommanderReminder.u into the UDKGame\CookedPC\ folder of your Renegade-X installation directory, and put UDKCommanderReminder.ini in your UDKGame\Config\ folder. Edit the config to your liking.
    Then, simply add ?Mutator=Rx_Mutator_CommanderReminder.Rx_Mutator_CommanderReminder to your server startup line.
    udk.exe server CNC-Field?Mutator=Rx_Mutator_CommanderReminder.Rx_Mutator_CommanderReminder  


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  22. Rx_blockIonNuke

    This mutator blocks purchase of nuke\ion if the amount of players at server is below the player limit (it's a variable inside , change as you like) 
    simply add:
    The function mutate is activating the blocking. just type in console "mutate fafa"  and it's done. to undo the blocking  type again the mutate command when there are enough players (above the player limit value which defined).
    Speical thanks to Alienx for helping with most of the issues and unrealscript understanding ! 
    Also Ukill, fffreak9999 and every one else if I forgot sorry!


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  23. [Mutator] Keep Credit Tick With Dead Refinery

    This mutator will add a 2 credit per second tick to each team that has their refinery destroyed. The source code is the .uc file, while the compiled and useable file is the .u one.
    To use, drop the Rx_Mutator_AlwaysRefCredits.u into the UDKGame\CookedPC\ folder of your Renegade-X installation directory. Then, simply add ?Mutator=Rx_Mutator_AlwaysRefCredits.Rx_Mutator_AlwaysRefCredits to your server startup line.
    udk.exe server CNC-Field?Mutator=Rx_Mutator_AlwaysRefCredits.Rx_Mutator_AlwaysRefCredits -log  


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  24. Rx_Mutator_InfiniteAmmo

    This mutator enables Infinite ammo on most weapons.


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  25. Rx_Mutator_AdminTool

    Warning : This mutator can crash your server

    *  This mutator will add a votemenu item, the submenu's contain items you can enable/disable during gameplay
    *  For now i added the functions "FutureSoldier","Sandbox"........ Later i will add more options

    Modes :

    All modes can be enabled by entering the "Vote Menu" (Ctrl+V), then choose "Server GameTools" (9).

    The modes below will be displayed on the screen, choose the mode by number.

    Mode 1 : FutureSoldier
    Mode 2 : Sandbox (SandboxSpawn)
    Mode 3 : Sandbox (Gimme)

    After the vote successfully ended, the Mode Access-Level will be set to 2, the chosen mode will be activated en accessible by the command screen (F5 or ~)


    Mode 1 Command :

    Mode 2 Command :
    SandboxKillOwned destroy all items spawned in Sandbox

    Mode 3 Command :

    Commands (Only Admins) options:

    AdminToolHelp  -  Displays information about accesslevels
    AdminToolInfo   -  Displays the current status of all modes
    AdminTool {Mode} (Optional{Status}) (Optional{Level})  
    Command:                                   Description:

    Admintool mode1                   -     toggle current status mode1
    Admintool mode2 true            -     toggle current status mode2 to true
    Admintool mode3 false 1        -     toggle current status mode3 to false and set mode1 access-level to 1
    Admintool mode4 2 true         -     toggle current status mode4 to true and set mode1 access-level to 2
    Admintool mode1 3                -     set mode1 access-level to 3

    Mode Acces-Levels :

    1 = None
    2 = All Users
    3 = Administrators
    4 = Developers
    5 = Administrators and Developers

    Mode Status :

    true = mode is Enabled (All Users got access to the function depending on the Access-Level of the mode)
    false = mode is Disabled (Can only be enabled by command line)  
    Version 1.0.0
    Compatible with Renegade X v5.283  


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