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  1. Well perhaps he can reconsider. This game mode can prove very useful for future UGC. Singleplayer as well (SP_Game) as I am working on bringing Renegade X's Campaign into this remake as well. It was an idea I always wanted to make a reality even when I was still working for Totem Arts in the 2010s.
  2. View File Coop - Mission Zero This is my very first custom level for Renegade X. I believe this is also the very first custom cooperative level available for Renegade X (correct me if I am wrong). Enjoy. Submitter OnyeNacho Submitted 03/04/23 Category Levels  
  3. Version 1.0.0


    This is my very first custom level for Renegade X. I believe this is also the very first custom cooperative level available for Renegade X (correct me if I am wrong). Enjoy.
  4. This is my very first custom level for Renegade X. I believe this is also the very first custom cooperative level available for Renegade X. You can download it here. This map is not complete for there are still bugs to fix in scripting. Unfortunately, until the cooperative support can arrive from Totem Arts, my abilities to resolve this are limited.
  5. Damnit. Now I really want a 3D Printer...
  6. Good to have you here!
  7. HAIL to the Havocus!!! WOOO!!!! Congratulations!!!
  8. Well I am no fan of MP in general. Not to mention, I rarely play MP games nowadays (too busy with education and projects). looking back to previous posts, I think this would be the best solution. instead of the abnormal unlimited weapon idea and making Renegade X a simple "Run and Gun" game, I believe a weapon limit would best suite this game. (ends here because i have to rush to class in high school).
  9. ah.... multiplayer.... The competitive, yet semi-ridiculous game mode (semi because of certain games like Call of Duty, Halo, and Valve's Source games, too many trolls that ruin gameplay).
  10. I don't really understand why dual-wielding is suddenly the worst thing ever done.....
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