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  1. So yall know how much i enjoy bots. Ofc i know that means about 1 or 2 here in forums... But still i really enjoy messing with bots. And the new lvl 9s have only inspired me to HIGHER LEVELS of Insanity. . . . PUN intended. I challenge you all to play with bots. Today i was playing bot AOW Marathon. ? What you don't know this game? nvrm.. that is another topic... This Is a story of AOW with bots: ANyway.... today i was supporting a lvl 9 bot. Heck why not? the bot had climbed the ladder past lvl 1 and 5 bots... Why not support it>? I rode along in the apc as a hotwire.... but thestupid bot tended to get stuck at diff points against walls etc... Following a tip i heard ... .. i jumped in the apc. I HIT 1 key! I took control.! moved the apc...then jumped out. !!!! the DAMN BoT took over and continued the push forward! I did it again when it got stuck. Again Success, i.e. one of the fun things in this game right now is testing the bots. Thanks for fixing them devs.
  2. I know you guys are working on the new game, that's the main focus. So, I'm worried that Renegade X will stop receiving important updates after Firestorm is launched, and that the bots will remain as stupid as they are now in Renegade X. The bots currently (and seemingly) have no tactics, on some maps they only take direct routes and completely ignore longer paths, they get stuck, they aren't amazing combatants or drivers, and so on. I feel like fixing some basic issues to make them fun to play against shouldn't be too hard, as in, nobody expects them to be on the level of an experienced player. They just need to be good at the most basic tasks. Right now, they just sort of mindlessly march forward. Take a look at Enemy Territory: Quake Wars' bots. They are beatable by an experienced player, but can still offer a fun challenge. Most importantly, they simulate how real players would play the game, meaning that they have some basic tactics to follow. They are good drivers and shooters, they take longer paths as well, hunt harassers who camp, taunt, use all in-game items well, and generally try to accomplish some important objective and assist the player, all while not getting stuck all the time. Heck, UT2004/UT3 are also great examples (though the wallhacking is stupid). Renegade X is a free game, so I really, really want to make it clear that my post is not a demand, cause I seriously appreciate what you guys have done. This is just a strong wish/suggestion of mine that I'd like to put out there, as I sometimes like to screw around with bots, especially when there are no/few players on. Plus, the game will die at some point, and it would be very cool to simulate the RenX experience alone in the future. I'm no seasoned Renegade X player, but I think the most important and simple three changes bots could benefit from are: 1. Don't just take direct routes to objectives, try to take longer paths 2. Never idle around, always have an objective or assist a bot with an objective 3. Change priorities accordingly if the enemy team keeps repeating their actions
  3. Version 1.0.1


    For those who have met me on Discord, you might recall me babbling about adding a crate that summons an ambush party. Well, now I give you a crate that summons an ambush party. Up to 5 of them All you gotta do is extract the rar file into your game directory and run the mutator using the command line "?mutator=RenX_Extension_AmbushCrate.Rx_Mutator_AmbushCrate". It should be compatible to any edits done to the purchase system or the mapinfo default which changes the classes. You can configure the standard setups in DefaultAmbushCrate.ini
  4. Ambush Crate View File UPDATE : Do not install the mod right now, it's currently broken and will be fixed later in the next patch For those who have met me on Discord, you might recall me babbling about adding a crate that summons an ambush party. Well, now I give you a crate that summons an ambush party. Up to 5 of them All you gotta do is extract the rar file into your game directory and run the mutator using the command line "?mutator=RenX_Extension_AmbushCrate.Rx_Mutator_AmbushCrate". It should be compatible to any edits done to the purchase system or the mapinfo default which changes the classes. You can configure the standard setups in DefaultAmbushCrate.ini Submitter Handepsilon Submitted 09/29/2019 Category Modifications
  5. I'm not in the game yet due to a lack of a pc but I need to ask, how are the Bots in skirmish? The same from the Original Renegade or do they actually get vehicles & different classes?
  6. As offline player i have some concerns with bots. Most of the bots will suicide if they get stuck for couple of seconds or they will just suicide at the spawn for no reason, they simply do not move and just die or they waste their credits on a character and then kill themselves. This usually occurs when you setup them in game's menu and start the match. Picking any different skill doesn't help however issue can be resolved by not adding any bot while starting the game. Simply start a match without bots and once match starts cast a vote to add 40 bots for example with skill 1. They will behave way better than with automatically added bots from the menu for some reason. Bot vehicle navigation issues: When bot is in a tank they will mostly try to get in to the places where usually humans can enter which means bots with tanks tend to try and force their vehicle through small gaps like small holes or barricaded caves. This results in a high traffic and most bots gets stuck in place blocking most of the other bots and players. These issues can be easily spotted in game if you pay attention to bots. Well im just here to let you guys know what AI issues this game currently has that can ruin that offline experience.
  7. How can you spawn Bots of a certain class (via Kismet) ? In Black Dawn, your squad (Gunner, Hotwire, McFarland etc.) are spawned at "notes"/pathnodes via Kismet, and their health and ammo is set to "godmode". But I couldnt yet figure out where the character type is set, such that HUD (and possibly stats) would be updated. There is only one Rx Pawn class available, so I tried switching the skeletal mesh but that doesn't work. Or perhaps is there some other function that can be called on the bots/pawns via execute command, e.g. similar to when you buy a new class at the PT? Thanks!
  8. For those that are into drinking games, take a shot every time a bot suicides. Danny look what you've done.
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