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27 minutes ago, yosh56 said:

+Light Tank:

-Decreased Reload speed from 0.75 > 0.65 (Closer to Med DPS vs. heavy armour) 

-Increased veterancy projectile lifespan modifiers to 5/10/15% 


27 minutes ago, yosh56 said:

- Fixed a number of out of bound glitch spots
- Fixed being able to easily walk over the nod wall on the communication centre side.
- Can no longer sneak into the nod base from behind the Hand of Nod
- Can no longer sneak into the Nod Power Plant, from behind the storage containers


28 minutes ago, yosh56 said:

-Chemical Thrower: Increased Headshot multiplier from 1.0x > 1.25x
-Tiberium Grenade: Increased Base Damage from 100 > 150; Added a slowing debuff when hit by a chem grenade

... uhm okay... there is no need to buff the Chem? -_-

  • Totem Arts Staff
Posted (edited)

Nice! Love the sound of new functions! Got some questions that came up in me (Pls don't freak out because so many questions are getting asked)


- M2 Bradley Light Tank? Is it something like a neutreal vehicle (So no GDI/Nod logo is shown on it)?

- New Laser RIfle? More looking like the one from original Renegade?

- When you say "repositioned Airtower", you moved it to the original spot in the current version? Or are you guys going to use an older version of Complex (so all buildings are back on it's original location / not moved and not rotated slightly)?

- Are we going to see new maps in this patch? I thought Havoc said there was going to be a road map in an upcoming patch....

- Could we have some sexy screens or pics of the new content? :D 


Looking forward on the release!


Also love to see some more loading screens for the previously added maps (Tunnels, Reservoir etc.) @Glacious

Edited by TK0104
  • Totem Arts Staff

Fantastic !!

My question is, are the plans to fix the *tiny* UI elements when running at 2160p ??

It's not a game breaker of course, but it's a good thing I already have all the keyboard commands memorized cuz I sure as heck can't read them 😂

  • Totem Arts Staff
26 minutes ago, roweboat said:

Fantastic !!

My question is, are the plans to fix the *tiny* UI elements when running at 2160p ??

It's not a game breaker of course, but it's a good thing I already have all the keyboard commands memorized cuz I sure as heck can't read them 😂

Just a guess but the switch into "flash" might be the answer to this issue

  • Thanks 1
Posted (edited)

These are amazing changes! 

For the map changes, before you push this out, don't forget to ask map testers if you missed anything. There was a lot of changes so its understandable if you missed something.

The ability to drive into the weapons factory on both snow and complex comes to mind.

You can also shoot at the bar/hon from over the rock walls in the forest on lakeside with orca/appache

Edited by Gliven
26 minutes ago, Madkill40 said:

Just a guess but the switch into "flash" might be the answer to this issue

I'm moving the UI framework from Flash AS2, to Flash AS3, and then finally doing some more work on ui in general. This release comes with the frontend menu completely moved over to AS3, but no actual real UI changes, tho i did fix the ping sort on the server list. Next release will come with the hud being moved over to AS3, and ui changes to both the hud and frontend.


3 minutes ago, HuskerDoggo said:

also is the 64-bit sound bug fixed in the update aswell?

No work specifically was made to fix this; that being said, there was the fixes to the videos for 64bit. Also, I've set the sound buffer from 0 to 96Mb's and changes some of the sound category volumes; making announcements and dialog more audible, bumped up weapon sounds a tad, and reduced music volume by 25%. So you may see some improvements in general.

  • Thanks 2

This all sounds really good, im hyped.

More and better light tanks! aaawyeaah.
Glad to see the commander mod making a comeback, much more immersive than having a crackling cacaphonic Discord TS, or having a few lines of teamchat that gets drowned in radio spam.

Posted (edited)

So just throwing this out there as an idea for Commander Mode!

Instead of voting the commander every round would it be possible to instead award commander status to the players who won MVP, Support, Defense, or Offense in the last game? It would not only create value for those awards, but also motivate better team play as people strive for one of those top spots.

So at most you would have 4 commanders per team. I don't this that's too much saturation, and would allow everyone a chance at the role.

Unless you only want a single Commander. Stay awesome! :D 

Edited by MintLemonade
1 hour ago, MintLemonade said:

So just throwing this out there as an idea for Commander Mode!

Instead of voting the commander every round would it be possible to instead award commander status to the players who won MVP, Support, Defense, or Offense in the last game? It would not only create value for those awards, but also motivate better team play as people strive for one of those top spots.

So at most you would have 4 commanders per team. I don't this that's too much saturation, and would allow everyone a chance at the role.

Unless you only want a single Commander. Stay awesome! :D 

Honestly, at the moment, I would say wait till you get to experience the changes to the commander system, although I would also like to see multi-commanders

16 hours ago, MintLemonade said:

Instead of voting the commander every round would it be possible to instead award commander status to the players who won MVP, Support, Defense, or Offense in the last game? It would not only create value for those awards, but also motivate better team play as people strive for one of those top spots.

The MVP calculation isn't as superior as conscious human judgement. Just because someone is top score doesn't mean he is capable of leadership and command. It could be an AFKer doing repairs on buildings with zero commanding experience. What if there is no last game (server reset f.e.) or the players who won those mvp tittles left game? We still need to decide who is the best commander.

Not sure why we need to create value on those awards, but people are already motivated to play better if they wanted to earn their teammate's trust to be voted commander.


Iam going to nail my ass to the chair and will not move untill you bring me that update like I dont care if I will starve or pee all over my carpet just give it to me now.


1 hour ago, dr.schrott said:

why is there nothing about the team balancing ?

Becouse it would be kick in the guts if the game decided to move you from one team to another. Changing team should be only done by your own will. Its not like u play Counter-Strike with 2m rounds.


@dr.schrott Fair enough. It could be based on reputation points too, but it might be mildly misleading. Finding an efficient way must be indeed difficult since we have nothing like official account that would register your character and name and rank so team balancing could be based on players rank (bronze, silver, gold).

The problem is that this comes to conflict with what I belive that everyone should be able to join his beloved faction if free spot is avaiable... which could be solved by buffing weaker team somehow..

Anyway, RenX is still in beta and develops fast. You shall no wonder why there is no team balance feature (yet?).. just look at this awesome update. it took a lot of time to make. Who knows what awaits us in the future.


There was teambalancing for a while. But it got disabled i think mainly because people really wanted to play with their buddys. Their was always a vague idea of reenabling it when some kind of party system might get invented.

  • Totem Arts Staff
Posted (edited)

You know I think is missing on the Tac-Rifle.... an reload animation for the grenade launcher. Originally it was made but it's never used I guess


Maybe something for new update?

Edited by TK0104


On 2017. 12. 12. at 12:55 AM, KrypTheBear said:

The 60 player thing is also, guess the fuck what, A MUTATOR. Which we don't even like. Maps get stupidly laggy on 60 players and it kind of kills the way the game was meant to be played.


On 2017. 12. 30. at 4:33 PM, yosh56 said:

-Maximum allowed players on servers upped from 40 to 64


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Guest once upon the time

@Radeon3  I agree completly with you. After 2 years I start again and must say the gameplay is getting worse when the player amount will be more than 40.

Sometimes when a server has close to 60 Player it's getting laggy and the Gameplay feels like in a rush hour of a German Highway (terrible).

A lot of playstills get killed for example sneaking in, SBH (for What, own bases is camped like hell). It's only luck or perfect orgamized Teamwork. But real, in a public game good teamplay is selden.

In the past we 40 Player Server and other Server getting filled too. Don't misunderstood it , I still like the game but,

last days it feels sometimes over 40 player like this: 

kind regards

Silent Knight




I totally agree with you guys on playercount, but that should be a server-owner setting. I would like RenX to officially support 60 players, but would also hope that server owners wouldn't push it that far. Personally, anything beyond 36 or so and I leave the game and come back at a less crowded time. I'd rather have two servers of 30 than one server of 60.

I guess my point is that we're complaining to the wrong folks.

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Posted (edited)

i also prefer playing on smaller servers... 30 players seem enough on one server.

imho the main issue with 40+ players is that neither the gameplay, nor the maps have been designed for that amount of players. RenX improved a lot gameplay-wise, but most of the maps still remain too small for 60 players. on the smaller maps it always ends in one team camping all the exits and routes of the other team and that subsequentialy means the only thing the defending team can do is defending. you then get a hoard of hotwires/techs on the defending team that constantly monitor and repair the entire base and nothing happens for hours. until a few people log off because they are bored or the camping team gets heroic and eventually outdamages the repairs.

This is especially problematic on marathon servers as there is no timelimit.

60-player-servers need 60-player-maps with enough alternative routes to support 60 players. more open and less defensive maps feel great with 60 players. smaller maps don't.

Edited by rocky44r
  • Like 1

*gets excited about the new update*

*remembers about the 60 players limit*

*gets depressed*


But hey,there's still hope ... ... ... I think :|

On 12/30/2017 at 5:33 PM, yosh56 said:

Note: These are PRELIMINARY, so this list is subject to change.


Posted (edited)
24 minutes ago, DarkSn4ke said:

...not to forget the huge performance drops when more than X* players joined a server. noone likes laggy servers.

is just the question of whether it has been fixed. 
but I am happy that überhaubt an update comes :)
Edited by iTweek.
Guest once upon the time

@djlaptop  I agree with you that's should be a server owner setting. 

In my case I share "my opinion" and do not complain. That's my personal feeling !!

The server owner is doing his/her own choice (if they not get pushed in one direction without a choice) . 

Sorry for my bad english .

  • Totem Arts Staff
Posted (edited)

Made some "Fan Art" (This is not real fanart ofc) for OPEN BETA 5.3 :P


Edited by TK0104
  • Totem Arts Staff

When +40 player servers isn't running off a mutator and is something worked into the game itself you would think any instability issues would be a thing of the past, but as it has already been stated the population limits are at the server owners' discretion and upto 64 players simply makes for a nice additional feature for the game.

  • Totem Arts Staff

@yosh56 I there is another bug on Whiteout where you can snipe, which is impossible to counter-sniper someone or kill him with tanks



I see Glasses got removed! Nice! Sorry Dakuja, no offense, but this map s*cked :/

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  • Totem Arts Staff

I am curious if commander is able to select two players to be defense and offense Captains for their team, each being rewarded with some form of buff for themselves and maybe an AOE for players nearby? Like in RTSs


I don't know why you guys are making suh a fuss over the 60 player limit. Having that option there is a good thing, i'm all for admin choice -- don't forget that it can always be reduced, like Serah said, AGN is staying at 50 players.

Now, if this update forced all servers to have 60 players, then yes - you can get mad, but as it stands having another option on the bar is no reason to get upset.

  • Totem Arts Staff
1 hour ago, TomUjain said:

I don't know why you guys are making suh a fuss over the 60 player limit. Having that option there is a good thing, i'm all for admin choice -- don't forget that it can always be reduced, like Serah said, AGN is staying at 50 players.

Now, if this update forced all servers to have 60 players, then yes - you can get mad, but as it stands having another option on the bar is no reason to get upset.

The problem is, it's up to the choice of basically 4 people. Boxes/Freak for CT and AlienX/Me for AGN. The 60 player limit itself kind of breaks the game mode, but it is necessary to accommodate the amount of players there are. It's very hard to split them up to 30 player matches, as that would usually result in people just leaving. It's a very weird situation. Would you rather let more people play, with an arguably lower quality of gameplay, or let less people play with an arguably higher gameplay quality?

1 hour ago, TomUjain said:

I don't know why you guys are making suh a fuss over the 60 player limit. Having that option there is a good thing, i'm all for admin choice -- don't forget that it can always be reduced, like Serah said, AGN is staying at 50 players.

Now, if this update forced all servers to have 60 players, then yes - you can get mad, but as it stands having another option on the bar is no reason to get upset.

Considering that the official 40 player limit upped to 60 started by CT, we all know what to expect.To simply put, the game, engine and maps were not designed for this, unless you don't mind lag, team deathmatch gameplay and lack of tactical solutions which defines Renegade. You can read more about it in this topic.


You can also grab yourself like some popcorn or icecream and read more about 60 player servers here here here and here. And probably in like 10 other topics, if you can find them.

Pretty much every dev is against it and the majority of the playerbase is against it according to all the threads. Then why is it a thing ? The most strong argument seems to be that one 60 player server at peek hours is better then one 40 player server. Its a crappy situation and i understand that its hard to decide for server owners. What we would need to fill like two 40 servers again is probably something like a chat client in the launcher and ideally some sort of matchmaking.

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  • Totem Arts Staff
4 minutes ago, RypeL said:

You can also grab yourself like some popcorn or icecream and read more about 60 player servers here here here and here. And probably in like 10 other topics, if you can find them.

Pretty much every dev is against it and the majority of the playerbase is against it according to all the threads. Then why is it a thing ? The most strong argument seems to be that one 60 player server at peek hours is better then one 40 player server. Its a crappy situation and i understand that its hard to decide for server owners. What we would need to fill like two 40 servers again is probably something like a chat client in the launcher and ideally some sort of matchmaking.

First link is in private forum by the way

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