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Phase 5 Beta Testers
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Everything posted by Madkill40

  1. Hey again: Updated Frostbite V1.2.5: -Backdrop -Atmosphere -Frostiness C&C-Frostbite: Download Frostbite V1.2.5.rar Topic Discussion Thank you so much Ruud033.
  2. Updated Frostbite V1.2.5: -Backdrop -Atmosphere -Frostiness Gallery: Download V1.2.5.rar
  3. Download V1.2.3 : https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B5mmy ... lJNcVkzTGc Quick Gallery: Nothing looks fancy tbf.
  4. Ahah don't be daft, there's work to does. *Work in progress/insistent testing.
  5. Changes: -Hand of Nod -Nod Base rearranged -Scenery -Routes/paths V1.2.1/2 progress: 36%* Download V1.2.2 : https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B5mmy ... URuc1V1alU To Do: -Remove random untextured rectangle -GDI base rearrangement -Modify/remove blocking Volumes -Fix Collisions
  6. I just selected the actors via content browser, deleted them. Tower and HoN no longer have glass panes. Have better ideas in mind.
  7. Set Collision Mode ----> Zero Extend (something like that) ------> Click on the windows (And It's normal you can't see them) If this requires me to select them first then that ain't going to work.
  8. V1.2.1 : https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B5mmy ... VVLNWZidzg Changes: -Hand of Nod -Nod Base rearranged V1.2.1 progress: 33%* How2remove glass panes?
  9. CNC-Frostbite has been updated. What's up Ruud?, you smexy man. can I please have this Frosty map added to your awesome server? Map name: CNC-Frostbite (V1.2.3) Download link: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B5mmy ... lJNcVkzTGc Topic link: | viewtopic.php?f=135&t=76130
  10. It is now possible to play Table-Top C&C.
  11. This map is the bees knees! My favourite detail is the walkway by and leading to the rear Weapons Factory door. And you should know to read the thread before commenting.
  12. Tunnel territory is a good territory.
  13. What if the reason CT got primarily ddos'd... Was because it was an EU server?
  14. Does this mean the snipers get nerfed and will only be ridiculously lethal at full vet? Loving the changes all in all.
  15. CNC-Frostbite has been updated. What's up Ruud?, can I please have this Frosty map added to your awesome server? Map name: CNC-Frostbite Download link: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B5mmy ... TB4QkdtakU Topic link: | viewtopic.php?f=135&t=76130
  16. Map has been updated: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B5mmy ... TB4QkdtakU -More Scenery -Infantry Cave has added features (Need to find a better way to light it up -Nod base exposure to MRLS has been sorted -More Vehicle Blocking Volumes added -Misc
  17. DaKuja, your CY 100% satisfies me. 10/10.
  18. Why did I never think of this before.
  19. Mammy's should be able to squish stealth tanks.
  20. You said you were leaving because you didn't have the time to play more or something? I see you were lying. You also just explained why you left. -2/10 for contradiction and inaccuracy.
  21. Gunner's opposite is the LCG Patch's opposite is the SBH For that tier, thems the opposites. Patch's grenade has a long recharge as it is and the delay between Patch's grenade and regular ammunition is however long it takes for the player to tap 'X', it makes no logical sense to add a delay on top of this because the grenade comes out of its own chamber. Patch became a really good anti-SBH with that grenade launcher, it's a very ideal counter for those invisibility bastards. (Which have been a larger problem for a longer time) Just seems to me like you enjoy running in a straight line towards the lower chamber of Patch's firearm. It seems, you are equaly brain dead as the one who decided to make patch such unbalanced unit ! Thanks! I like it when an OP fails to respond effectively and constructively.
  22. It'd be nice to keep the trans helicopters
  23. The House - A political simulator; audience members are given the chance to suggest any topic for debate so long as they come and take the stand to debate their topic against the favourable Mr Trope. A 'Mock' House of Commons performance. Day 1 Day 2 Curious to what people think about this, as a performance and as a potential series. !!Warning: Contains Brits!!
  24. Yes. Lets put flying units in the map so the MRLS can shoot down all those apaches trying to leave the base; flying over the big open skyspace above the centerpiece of the map. Meanwhile over at the GDI base with its 4 keen MRLS's the Orcas have come out to play and Nod are completely screwed because their Arty's are going down and the MRLS's are taking out the Apaches. Maybe, just maybe, adding flying units was the worst possible implementation because GDI would potentially always be unstoppable. If it was possible to just allow a transport helicopter then at least LCGs could paradrop onto MRLS and melt them down, likewise GDI could paradrop Gunners onto Arty's. But other than that it's more of a geometry issue if long-range is such a problem. Never had a problem killing artys and MRLS's with HumVees and Buggy's though.
  25. Woah. Just... Woah... If you want a clean looking trailer to show off the map at any point then just let me know dude. Awesome job, looking forward to checking this out when it's available all the same.
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