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Phase 5 Beta Testers
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Everything posted by Madkill40

  1. I understand your drive, I honestly do, but by the seems of this thread these are the final three things for Glasses to go out as a 100% release where any further stuck spots or minor player placement issues are okay to be found in-game. (There were still stuck spots when X-Mountain came out) Tiny bit of a polish up and BAM, go nuts with your Eyes?
  2. Low-poly with a decently res'd texture is still good to have, like basically what is at the top. Convert it into an asset structure for mappers DaKuja, it'd be nice to use. (Nod one needed) That way it can make an appearance in maps. Please?
  3. So long as the arab building doesn't bug out collisions.
  4. For the OP. Run 'Launcher.exe' as administrator. Sometimes this helps in Win7.
  5. In case anyone reading this ^ struggled to understand here's a How2Wat pic:
  6. In case Yagi wasn't able to get a long distance shot here is a basic minimap. (roofed paths visibility not included) Minimap Map Center X : -7494.00 Y : 7395.00 Z : 0.00 Map Extent : 57500.00 It is nice to see a minimap and overview map for Eyes at long last. If there have been any visual map changes to Eyes since the current release then this will have a few missing/incorrect map visuals. But it is a template. Rx_Eyes_MiniMap.tga
  7. Here you go @DaKuja, Rx_Glasses_MiniMap ready for import, Minimap 'World Properties' stats are as follows below. Minimap Map Center X : 540.00 Y : -2017.00 Z : 0 Map Extent: 42900 Minimap fixed. Rx_Glasses_MiniMap.tga Edit: in case your Rx_CNC-Glasses hasn't been updated since the most previous release then here's the import side done for you already. RX_CNC-Glasses.upk
  8. Could you put this under 'Tools' in the download section?
  9. We acted too late on all maps and we didn't do repairs all that much on the field with vehicles. Nobody was really scouting and giving sitreps which will potentially counter commander orders. Base defence was legit. (Saturday PUG)
  10. If 2048 x 2048 is no longer the map overview resolution then what is it? Might help to know.
  11. Just for the 'fun' server
  12. Change 'Harvester Destroyed' sound clip into an evil laugh.
  13. Change tiberium crystals into bagels
  14. Not sure where Renegade X came but it made it into the top 100
  15. New minimap looks great in the little minimap bottom left corner, fits fine, no cut offs and 100% accurate player-to-minimap position. However despite using the Rx_minimap template.psd provided by Kenz and only since the new UDK update have I encountered this annoying big map cut-off issue (See attached image) I blame @kenz3001 X: 538 Y: -2067 Map Extent: 32299 For minimap coords ^ Rx_Glasses.tga attached for minimap needs. Rx_Glasses.tga This could just be a me issue and the map might be fine for everyone else, this minimap is in the currently uploaded version as it is just the big overview map which decides to be an absolute c*nt.
  16. Y'know what? I'll slap a minimap together. Last little effort I can do. New version updated to main download section.
  17. Everybody knows that I am the greatest at customized settings for games that make games 'fun'. Hit F1 if you want me to dictate custom game settings.
  18. I was narrowing out the vehicle routes for the GDI base, can't make it too easy for a Nod Steamroll. It is just the angle of the picture, me trying to cram it all into one pic.
  19. Jan 1 2017 Sunday PUG Team @Schmitzenbergh 2 - 1 Team @Madkill40 1. Mesa The goal was to go for the economy at the beginning and by golly did we manage to kill GDI's harvester whilst keeping our own intact, avoiding the typical flame rush for PP, we were able to keep our Harvester alive which gave us an early edge but throughout most of the game the Nod base was being battered by GDI vehicles on the short route consistently throughout the match which had most my attention, I hadn't even noticed the GDI PP was dead until I entered the GDI base with a Flame tank from the long route 15 minutes into the game. I kinda held off on ordering a flame tank rush, the flame tanks were good tank killers and at times UKill and myself were picking off the stray med tank or MRLS on the long side whilst the rest of the team kept the GDI vehicles at bay, there were some really close calls with our buildings and rarely was infantry a tactic in this map. Lights, Stanks, Ftanks and Artys were in full swing this round. 2. XMountain We kept our harvester alive but this was not enough to get the desired med tanks, so whilst some got an MRLS out some of us held off until we could get our first meds and for a time it was good but then everything fell apart when the Nod Stank attacked and plunged the GDI base to being powerless, with 1200 a med and Nod bulldozing the infantry path with snipers there was little we could do, we used our entrance as a bottleneck with 3 meds but were struggling to obtain more for a decent push, we failed to get an upper-hand. 3. Gobi This was voted to be short and sweet, no real care who won as the map is fairly balanced provided economy goes well, alas the Brotherhood failed to keep their harvester alive despite all of our best efforts, like the previous two games we held our own but like with XMountain this was not enough, Arty's were a waste of money and we should have saved a little bit longer for Light Tanks and Flames to better defend and take back the field. Overall, the games were good and lasted nicely, each game being shorter than the last rounded the whole PUG off very nicely. Thanks for all who turned up and for dealing with a guy in Command who has been out of the game for over a month.
  20. Glad you were able to fix the remaining issues.
  21. I'll make a reappearance on the CT TeamSpeak channel, (Cover your anals) I'll be happier. (I don't even know how) I'll be more enthusiastic. (WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOO like a siren) I'll be funny. (Penis) I'll be hateful. (Penis) I'll be egotistical. (I'll) I'll be culling the bear population. (kukukukukuku) I'll probably finish Frostbite. (yay prefabs are fab) I'll be more me. (Hah hah hah penis) I'll be excellent. (Rock on) I'll be more caring about caring less (externally) I'll perhaps be a little more serious. (Kidding) Quite a lot to do but it is doable nonetheless.
  22. Tried out @j0g32's Prefab kit, obviously not built the lights but it's getting there. Greatly appreciating these prefabs.
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