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Phase 5 Beta Testers
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Everything posted by Madkill40

  1. I'm curious how this map would be if vehicles could only go around the outisde of the map and not through the middle at all, making Harvesters only susceptible to infantry attacks.
  2. New version of Frostbite has been released. Changes as of March 06 2017: Added rocks to mid-GDI side in order to mask the Weapons Factory to decrease Arty-Party tactic Swapped Hand of Nod and Nod Refinery around Added additional rocks to mask incoming GDI vehicles from the Obelisk's sight on both the left and right vehicle paths Smoothed out the terrain throughout the map Ice-cave bridge has been remade Tiberium crystals have been reduced in size Fix prefab props' collisions (and hopefully their corresponding kismet should function) Added blocking volumes above all ladders to avoid infantry being propelled into the sky Fixed Obelisk's crystal (hopefully) Fixed Hand of Nod's wonky doors (hopefully) Fixed missing textures on some meshes Fixed mid-battlefield bunker to allow infantry whilst still blocking out vehicles Fixed Nod's side-infantry path (by the Obelisk) Terrain and mesh changes have been made to Ice-cave entrance (Nod Base) Fixed GDI wall by GDI Ice-cave entrance [This should hopefully remove the weird damage issue that was occurring as well] Misc changes~ To Do: Decorate more / tweak Weather Redo Minimap Add the Moon Fix Endgame Cam Fix reported issues
  3. Two patches later and we're still waiting on this SDK like Bullfrog fans were waiting on DK3.
  4. Glad you sorted the danger zone on this map for Nod. Just to remind the disgruntled GDI-favouritism... Volcano had a minor addition of an extra infantry path to quell vehicle rushes and there's barely a dominance when GDI does get the lead. On Under there is barely a chance to take advantage of the Airstrip's drops. In most cases the Airtower blocks the vision or there is little for GDI to take advantage of, Islands is one of the only other maps where vehicles are massively exposed but even that is more limited than that of Complex. Island's could only be 'balanced' by rotating the Weapons Factory 90/-90 degrees. (But that would just be multiplying the same issue.) I like this change to Complex, farewell my favourite tactic as GDI.
  5. How about an amendment to the CMG where we have them bi-weekly (every two weeks) or monthly? Depending on progress made on custom maps. Or we just base CMG's on whether or not a custom map has made it to a 'gameplay test' stage in development and then we hold a CMG on a Sunday following this? As it stands I've not made much progress on Frostbite as I have been preoccupied. For the next CMG which will either be the 12th March or later I suggest: Hopefully @DoctorAnubis could be available for this map test?
  6. And then windows, windows everywhere! Scripted windows! Which crack and snap upon damage hurtings but resurface upon building repair. So many scripted window break animations among other such destructive gfx.
  7. Well obviously because he's spoken to Yosh56 from Dimension 3 and that Yosh has clearly been talking a lot of shit or is just a much more cockier Yosh.
  8. Active thread on this already. Post in there.
  9. I will be on for the CMG and PUG. CMG playtest again. No new update, actual playtest.
  10. had a weird night... not sure if am in good condition. tiredzzzzzzzzz
  11. I've had a few machinama ideas floating around in my head for a while that I really want to put into action. But I need people.
  12. Like, potatoes and cheese soon?
  13. At least we know for sure a top-down interactive view is possible for a commander in the UT3 engine.
  14. If you're still enough to be hit in the head or run into an incoming tank shell then that's hardly cause to remove it. Pretty easy to dodge incoming fire if you're paying attention.
  15. Server hates my map, maybe it'll sort itself at some point but in any case we got a good test out of this.
  16. Waiting for testers and other players to join us, we start in 45 minutes and will test for 60 - 90 minutes.
  17. Changes as of 19 February 2017: Re-textured environment static meshes Fixed some collisions Reduced fog Some optimization modifications Re-scaled trees Changed silo textures Reduced Nod Tiberium crystal sizes Endgame cam changed (But evidently broken)
  18. No need to try to fix it, that was my point.
  19. That just seems really impractical for the tank to be honest, if any enemy infantry are coming through they're just kill the tank with ease.
  20. Depending on how well this works I have a map idea which could massively benefit from this, although it would require a unique kismet to be employed to avoid certain spawn issues.
  21. A temporary server will be set up under the name ' Constructive Tyranny CMG ' with just CNC-Frostbite map on it outside of the default maps.
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