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Phase 5 Beta Testers
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Everything posted by Madkill40

  1. Guys, just state which of the four dates so I can fill the list. @Ryz @Luhrian
  2. Could you just release it as a packaged asset in that case anyway? You'll still be credited for it, no one is going to be able to take that away from you. If it's for maps with AGT/Obby anyway *cough* Frostbite *cough* would certainly love you for it. That way any problems with it will be refined before it's used in one of your own maps.
  3. Anyone that may have tested the much older version of Frostbite is in for a surprise, the map has changed drastically indeed. Here's the list so far: Availability for Testing. 5th: Henk Hohndo DarkSn4ke Illumzar 12th: Madkill Henk Hohndo Luhrian Illumzar 19th: Madkill Henk Hohndo Luhrian Illumzar 26th: Madkill Hohndo Luhrian Illumzar C'mon folks! Sign up, sign up, sign up! For Chicken Kickin- I mean, Custom Map Playtesting!
  4. I tested the latest version on the CTCM server and it is certainly an enjoyable and playable version, I am sure Try and yourself ( @DarkSn4ke ) will find areas to climb to that are not intended and hopefully those are the only kinds of issues I can expect. The bots certainly had an enjoyable time, harvesters didn't bug or glitch once, there are numerous accesses to both bases for both infantry and vehicles, the Obelisk has never been so scary and the AGT has never before been so effective , spots for MRLS and Arty's to fire from towards the bases is limited but easily accessible to be countered by enemy vehicles and especially infantry. Infiltration of either base is very possible, as always for Nod you must kill at least one GT to get access to the GDI PP meanwhile GDI have a long way to go to access the Nod PP and you will definitely need a Hotwire for the job. [Because the engineer's repair gun's range is too short for what dastardly trickery I have pulled in this map] Before the majority of the final touches are applied [Environmental decorations & Weather] it would be good to have a decently sized playtest to see if there are any crucial balance issues that need to be sorted, I worry that this map may favour Nod more than GDI but the real strength of this map for either team are the AGT and the Obelisk so PowerPlant's are quite crucial for success. I can think, analyze and be critical all I want but all I have are theories of how the map can play out. Gameplay test is a yesyesyes.
  5. If you have exhausted options 1 & 2, please refer to the new option 3.
  6. Do not exceed the file size and the forum should automatically resize your image to fit.
  7. That's a bridge better crossed when we come to it, one change at a time to better understand any further issues because 1 engineer already takes a while to disarm a Timed C4 and engineers are quite slow. This one change could make all the difference and given the way this thread has gone it would seem to appease everyone to just increase the Timed C4 volume ticks/beeps. Pros: Less adjustments for Yosh, H/T keep their 2nd Timed, defenders have a better chance, infiltration isn't entirely nerfed Cons: May require further adjustments to better balance infiltrators Vs defenders. And maybe remove the headshot multiplier from the heavy pistol as well? Why do sidearms even have headshot multipliers? If you're in a support role they're good to deter attackers enough to escape them, why have that added offensive bonus to a sidearm? [Just curious]
  8. February 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th. To anybody interested that would also be available on any of these Sunday dates please put your name forward for whichever date you will be available for map testing, please leave your response regarding your availability in BOLD. [Like I have done below] If 10 or more people are available for at least one of these dates then that will be the chosen date for this playtest. I am available on the 12th, 19th and 26th. I will update this list below as people post their availability.. Availability for Testing. 5th: Henk Hohndo DarkSn4ke 12th: Madkill Henk Hohndo 19th: Madkill Henk Hohndo 26th: Madkill Hohndo
  9. Peoples' gripe tends to be if you snipe too often it's kinda your enjoyment over theirs, which if you consider you could probably have a more satisfying time using less sniper units to kill them anyway. Your point still stands nonetheless but when you kill folks with such ease (because they refuse to admit they make themselves easy targets) they're bound to get mad because they're doing so often.
  10. The heavy pistol does considerable damage on it's own without HS damage, as it is a pistol it not doing HS damage seems acceptable simply because it has a higher base damage anyway and it's also a sidearm. As nice as a 2nd purchasable Timed C4 would be it seems the only way it'd be possible is to allow any/all units to purchase a second timed C4 via the items menu, in which case make that second Timed 700 Credits. (100 credits short of an Airstike) I still recommend increasing the volume of the Timed C4 'Beeps' for defender purposes because otherwise the game will feel stupid and broken due to the fact that you don't know you've been infiltrated until you lose a building, which is a stupid, inconsiderate and unfair penalty to defenders against infiltrators who have the easiest time because they rely on human stupidity which no game is ever short on.
  11. Did you try the FULL-BUILD instead of the .msi? If not, delete your Renegade X Directory, restart and download via one of the mirrors below. i.e. Unpack and try to run the game via the launcher within.
  12. They're pretty effective to run circles around an MRLS + Dodging their missiles.
  13. Silenced Pistol nerfed Hotties/Techies when defending the base, but it ensured their role was to repair buildings and vehicles rather than trying to attack players directly unless they were at 25% health or lower. An ineffective trait for a unit that is often left defending a base solo. Heavy Pistol does give Hotties/Techies enough firepower to be effective offensively and defensively, so maybe remove the headshot bonus from the Heavy Pistol? Reduces their overall offensive effectiveness against 1000 credit infantry at the very least. Hotties/Techies are the RTS-style 'Commando' with their Heavy Pistol and the ability to destroy an unattended building in one go which seems to be the gripe when 350 credits can enable players to accomplish all of this, but as upping their cost is a no-go they need something removed. When H/T had an automatic weapon as a sidearm they were too strong. The only option that hasn't be tried is the removal of the 2nd Timed C4. Seriously. Remove the 2nd Timed C4 and remove the headshot multiplier from the Heavy Pistol; Why? Because when infiltrating the base with a Hottie/Techie the first time would weaken a building, if you make it to the same building a second time [Legit your enemy teams' fault in that case] then that building is as good as dead. This would be the penalty of SOLOING in a TEAM-BASED game with a SUPPORT class-based character. This ^ Is what would make the game fair for all players, it doesn't take away from the fact that you got perma-damage in your solo-conquest leaving that building weak for your team to kill off and if you have somebody else with you with that 2nd Timed C4 then you are team-playing. Are you an elite player and really want that building kill? Team up with one other person and go for it! Don't want to team up in a team-based game? Think you're doing it all for your team anyway? Okay! Do it twice! Make that kill really worth it and show that team what you're really made of! Heck! The second time a decent infantry rush would be more effective! Yay! more than one tactic! Woooooo! Now then, let's remove heads from asses and stop with this greed for glory of "soloing" a building all by yourself, it hurts Renegade-X. (Seriously) Renegade-X is a team-based game and as such there should be penalties for soloing. [Example: Penalty for solo-beacons is nobody to defend them immediately] Remove 2nd Timed C4 from H/T and take another player with you, still don't want to? Okay, your penalty is to solo that building twice if you have that much greed for glory. Just one player's satisfaction is something nobody should have to give a god damn Trump about when you have an entire team unsatisfied by one player killing their building without so much as a handicap. You can still destroy a building but you'll just have to put more effort into it if you're planning on doing it all on your own. IF THIS IS ALL TOO MUCH FOR THE GREEDZ _________________TL;DR;IAC_____________________ Then lets put a LOUDer BEEP 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, BEEP 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, BEEP 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, BEEP 1, 2, 3, 4, BEEP 1, 2, 3, BEEP 1, 2, BEEP 1, BEEP- BEEP- BEEPBEEPBEEPBEEPBEEPBEBEBEBEBEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP-***BOOM! This BEEP being something you can hear from a substantial distance away, Example: C&C Under; T-C4 is on Nod's PP MCT; You can only just hear the BEEP faintly from the Airstrip Door. Combine this with the mine counter and defenders will have a better idea of where to go. We've been wanting a sound indicator, right? Timed C4 "BEEP"'s are probably the best sound to increase in volume. [Y'know, since the mine disarm sound fell flat] T-C4s are so quiet until they explode, this is wrong. Your infiltration should stop upon placement of the Timed C4, not when the Timed C4 has exploded.
  14. An asset exclusive to your maps until you release a test map and someone copy's and paste's it into theirs then?
  15. Sunday, before the Sunday PUG? Maybe? If people take part in this they have to have the map already, none of the "How does I do dat install map foil?" over TeamSpeak. *cough* Tony *cough* Two hours before the Sunday PUG and it only goes ahead if 10 or more people have signed up for that particular Sunday to test the map(s).
  16. To summarize what has been repeated the most within this thread. Switch Heavy Pistol to Silenced Pistol for Hotties/Techies. Remove the second Timed C4 from Hotties/Techies. Hotties/Techies would no longer be an infiltrator unit with these two changes. I find these two changes the most agreeable. [Edit: Is it time to vote for this yet?] Alternative suggested changes. Elite/Heroic unlocks Heavy Pistol for Hottie/Techie Elite/Heroic unlocks 2nd Timed C4 for Hottie/Techie Mines auto-repair if left unattended for too long Hotties/Techies get a Machine-Pistol instead of Heavy Pistol Increase Timed C4 detonation timer from 30 seconds to 45 seconds Beacon/Repair tool overrides Timed C4 slot
  17. So the new skybox has messed itself up somehow. Joys. Edit: Those new prefabs also didn't make it, looks like I should have included the prefab file with them in it. Fixed skybox. Included the new prefabs within the downloadable directory. Everything is good again.
  18. Pictures included. Changes as of 30 January 2017: Lighting has been reworked for a better nighttime effect. Fog is now less dense. Minor details across the map have been tweaked. Reported issues (Collisions, stuck spots etc.) have been fixed. New, 99% functional minimap; remade and reapplied. Bases have been decorated. New 'procedural' night sky. To Do: Decorate more / tweak Weather Add the Moon Redo Endgame Cam [Keep forgetting] Fix reported issues
  19. All reported issues have been fiixed Many small alterations have been made to the map Decoration in-progress...
  20. I thought the repair tool, like the beacon, removed the Timed C4 from it's slot to carry Rep-Tool/Beacon instead?
  21. Episode 4, Lava captures my Walls APC failure to observe the actual threat. ;-;
  22. And the same applies to 2 Patch, especially when you factor in the Patch's ability to kill infantry. They cannot get inside a building unless they have a repair tool, which should remove Timed C4s from one of them if that is the case, you'd still have a higher chance of saving a building from two of these than 1 hotty/techie. I would rather have the chance of saving a building before it explodes instead of a building exploding before I knew it needed to be saved. Maybe instead of off-radar just give Patch the best damn detection against SBH that could ever exist in Renegade-X to better counter SBH as well as to coincide with this explosives switcheroo. Patch, the Anti-Ghost. If you're SBH, cloaked and moving a Patch can see you from 3 mammoth tanks away in every direction, but if you're still enough he may not notice you.
  23. The rank-level provides a good tier system, I'm curious if recruit-level players could actually have a reduction so a player can feel the benefits of Veteran a little bit more. Maybe recruit-level players don't get access to Timed C4s and Mines. Get Veteran - Gain Explosives. I pondered T3 Inf as well as Mammy/Stanks as inaccessible when a player is at 'Recruit' but that would probably be unfair, unlike with the accessibility to explosives for 'Recruit'. Just an idea! A much simpler way would be to give the 2nd Timed C4 to the Patch and SBH and make the Patch a no-show on the radar.
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