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Phase 5 Beta Testers
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Everything posted by Madkill40

  1. Could you edit prefab shelter to not have the fence, making it double as a Prefab_GDI_Shelter_Passage
  2. If this turns out really functional and efficient in practice within the UDK then this map need to be generally patched into RenX to improve loadtimes
  3. Mutator AI harvester for remote control, Enable purchase. So a required person would be somebody who knew how to do matrix inputs?
  4. I'm listening to The Beatles. Mr. Moonlight come and get blitzed! ... Cause we love you, Mr. Moonlight... Have god damn New Year you positive spec of fellow madness.
  5. Hope everybody has had a good jesus.
  6. What would be nice as a mutator is if a mutator changed just the engi repair gun to charge for 3 seconds and then it releases a set amount of repair (like 10% of vehicle health/hull and 15% of building armour) to a vehicle/structure in 1 second, would be interesting to see what kind of change this would make. Basically at 4 second intervals you would notice an instant repair to damages, leaving the player to feel like their engineer is a little more than okay at repairing. As a mutator.
  7. If in doubt your hardware may not be as good as you think. Stay optimistic!
  8. If makes it into the top 100 that'd be nice.
  9. Yeah thems are lyrics, obviously not used in an offensive way. If you're getting offended then you should stop being offended so easily. Wait for real offensive language (i.e. intended to offend) If you get too strict you get trolls, that's why folk wind up Kryp.
  10. I'm glad someone understood my English.
  11. Nod PP is more open than GDI PP to the rest of the base, difficulty is intended for both PPs. Nod must kill GTs if they want to stealth better.
  12. Just temporarily delete it for now..?
  13. Install Windows 10, that should fix your issue. Windows 8 is crapwanks.
  14. Shnee Shnii Shnappy Also, not happened with me but I don't use WinDef. Computer runs fine though so likely just a false thingy
  15. In addition to this the team which loses a building (A) now has one less building to focus on defending which means that team (A) will now be situated around the remaining structures making it harder for sneaky infiltration from the other team (B), if team (B) do not take advantage by other tactics then team (A) always have a chance to win. If Team (A) has Team (B) pinned down at their own base but Team (B) infiltrates Team (A) in the mean time and kills a team (A) building this can sometimes make players from Team (A) at the front retreat, when really team (A) should hold their ground or push into Team (B)'s base. If you kill a refinery, you will piss off the enemy team, but if you kill a production building you will piss on a teams morale which can be more beneficial for your teams' success. If you kill a PowerPlant you will make people rage and it is hilarious.
  16. It has a C&C styled info stats on every character portrait, how is this not enough?
  17. I'm kinda curious how to do the preview image myself. I think the preview video [i.e. Loading screen for the map] just needs to share the same name as the map itself, put into the correct folder within the Renegade-X directory and be of the same video filetype?
  18. Those sand waves to the left of this image? It doesn't look like all the sand was removed. SnowySand
  19. Fixed. Tip: Lets not go overboard and over-complicate @YagiHige's idea. However, let's just throw in a Hyperthetical-X, Lets say the donation request has a timer of 20 seconds; H-X 1: 4 people hit F1, the timer of 20 seconds ends and the game automatically divides up the credits from the 4 players and gives them to the requesting player which makes your player requesting 900 credits happy, however this costs the team time [if you consider other requests] and thus is impractical when instead... H-X 2: One player who can afford the request hits F1 and the requested amount is immediately donated from Player A to Player B, now another player can put in a request a lot sooner and the credits can be dished out. H-X 1 - encourages the poorest player to ask for credit handouts. H-X 2 - encourages all players to be reasonable when asking for credit handouts. Y'know? This isn't the first discussion on this particular topic, but it's going down the same path as last time with Testman's post. H-X 2 all the way for speed, convenience and practicality and simplicity of original idea. We've already got a 'Donate' Button, can we have a "Request" option in the V menu? Christmas prezzie from the @yosh56?
  20. It is a more modern approach in games these days for a reason.
  21. Player295 is requesting 350 credits! (F1 : Give / F2 Reject) [Countdown of 20 seconds] You cannot make another request for 2 minutes! I actually really like this idea, this seems like a more improved system of donating credits to team mates.
  22. Hence "Heck, I'd rather have Ctrl + V > Donate >> Team / Player If >>> Team >>>> All / Specify If >>> Player >>>> Select 0 - 9 [Top 10 Poorest Players on Team List] >>>> All / Specific" Would make for a good addition
  23. Changes as of 04 December: Terrain has had a texture overhaul Collisions Base Layouts completed Path nodes re-added Spotting Area's re-added Minimap remade and reapplied Misc Changes To Do: Decorate / Weather Endgame Cam Fix reported issues Updated map info: Frostbite Redux [Beta] A GDI research outpost within the confines of Russia's mountains has been alerted of a nearby Nod Base, clearly the Brotherhood has been drawn here due to the exceedingly rich bounty of tiberium among these icy tops and have already begun scouting the area. Both teams are to find and secure the silo as well as the Communications Center, there are reports of a damaged silo within the area so approach it with caution! Both GDI and Nod will need to be as harsh as the terrain on this battlefield. Good luck out there! You're gonna need it... Map specifications: -Non-flying -1 AGT, 3 GT -1 Obelisk, 3 GT -Night map -Frosty -Bite'tee -Icy [ReadMe.txt, this is your "How to install the map" guide] ____________ __________ _____________ ______________ _______________ Edit: Please post all issues with the map in the WIP thread:
  24. Changes as of 04 December: Terrain has had a texture overhaul Collisions Base Layouts completed Path nodes re-added Spotting Area's re-added Minimap remade and reapplied Misc Changes To Do: Decorate / Weather Endgame Cam Fix reported issues Updated map info: Frostbite Redux [Beta] A GDI research outpost within the confines of Russia's mountains has been alerted of a nearby Nod Base, clearly the Brotherhood has been drawn here due to the exceedingly rich bounty of tiberium among these icy tops and have already begun scouting the area. Both teams are to find and secure the silo as well as the Communications Center, there are reports of a damaged silo within the area so approach it with caution! Both GDI and Nod will need to be as harsh as the terrain on this battlefield. Good luck out there! You're gonna need it... Map specifications: -Non-flying -1 AGT, 3 GT -1 Obelisk, 3 GT -Night map -Frosty -Bite'tee -Icy [ReadMe.txt, this is your "How to install the map" guide] Beta released:
  25. F5 > donate <playername> Why over-complicate it? Heck, I'd rather have Ctrl + V > Donate >> Team / Player If >>> Team >>>> All / Specify If >>> Player >>>> Select 0 - 9 [Top 10 Poorest Players on Team List] >>>> All / Specify
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