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Phase 5 Beta Testers
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Everything posted by Madkill40

  1. That's a very good point, as I understand there is a small penalty to being killed when you are doing well but what is the current penalty to menu/console suicide at the moment? If a player suicides do they have a 10 - 15 second respawn time? In original Renegade you lost all your credits if you suicided, which though was ridiculous (especially if you were actually just stuck somewhere on the map) and it's good that doesn't exist any more but because that exists in RenX a lack of penalty for suicide is kinda ridiculous. Maybe a deduction of 100 credits for a menu suicide as well as a longer respawn time? The amount of times "Everybody suicide and get back to base" is a really weird tactic, a player killing themselves by explosives should just have a slightly longer respawn time with no credit penalty. That being said, I think a player which destroys their own vehicle with explosives should suffer a 90 - 240 second vehicle penalty when purchasing another a vehicle just to hinder the bullshit "Get a humvee/buggy and suicide bomb the other teams vehicles/base defences" as this tactic is reaching the point of absurdity when there is no penalty for it.
  2. I like this. To add onto this if a recruit kills an elite using a t2, that recruit should get a x3 multiplier VP score. A vet gets x2 multiplier VP score for killing an elite using a t2. elite killing an elite using a t2 gets the normal VP score. Just for a little bit of balance. This would be on top of the current VP scores and multipliers that exist already.
  3. I could imagine the head of an avatar would be the part which reaches that bit taller than the Titan. Scorpian Tanks... Meh... I'd say the Venom would be more interesting as a replacement for the Apache. 5 second beam that does 12 damage per second with a fire-rate of 4.5 seconds. Heck, that'd be a great Apache replacement. More importantly, don't worry too much about the texture for this Guardian APC model. I'm sure many are eager to see the finished model.
  4. You should care, it is vital to be aware of your surroundings. The whole map in the minimap compass as an alternative although nice seems impractical, whereas in the RTS C&C the whole map in a small square made more sense in the RTS because it was more practical as you needed to monitor everything and to be able to click anywhere on it and jump straight there made it more practical. (In all, useful) Just like pressing 'M' lets you see the whole map when you need to, compressing that down into the compass? In Dungeon Keeper you could have a zoomed in view and a full view in it's little square compass as well as an overview on a separate panel. For RenX would it even be possible to for example press '.' and change the RenX minimap as it is now to a global view? Pressing '.' restoring the RenX minimap back to local view?
  5. As a suggestion it should be the same height as a Titan.
  6. An Avatar is incredibly ambitious.
  7. It'd only be on maps with a PowerPlant such as Walls, Glasses, Under, Goldrush... Maps without a PowerPlant would not suffer from this. Outside C4s can be deadly to a building from multiple high-vet players.
  8. These were the two mods I followed for the longest of times back in the day, old reborn before it was redone (and redone again) was bizarre it was ever abandoned in the first place but it just took too long to get redone (x2) that by the time it was at a state of being released it had been 10 years and games had moved on. I'll still play either one nonetheless, I like being a harvester on APB.
  9. European players do need to stop complaining on NA/SA based servers when our NA/SA friends decide to play on a server which is better for their latency as this has discouraged NA/SA players from being able to enjoy Renegade-X, which has prevented the peak hours from expanding to suit all players from all places in the world. It is understandable that they do not want a server to be split in population but EU players in-particular need to start accepting compromise for everybody and not just themselves.
  10. I tried this once before and it was a bit of a headache and it is also unfair to throw it on people. In hindsight people who take part in the Sunday PUG could quite easily sign-up to the CMG (Custom Map Game) if they have a spare 90 minutes before the Sunday PUG takes place. Just to make this more official and for more clarity please refer to:
  11. Greetings folks! We are looking for people to take part in gameplay testing for custom maps which are nearing an official release, these map tests are to take place on a Sunday before the Sunday PUG however these tests require a minimum of 10 players to get an effective gameplay test. CMG helps mappers suss out potential issues in their maps before an official release can be made. But we need your help! If you can spare 60 - 90 minutes of your Sunday to help support new maps for Renegade-X then please feel free to sign up and help us out! Note A: A CMG will only take place if the minimum of 10 people is reached. Note B: The ConstructiveTyranny TeamSpeak server will be used for the duration of these events. Note C: 5pm GMT+0 i.e. UK time, please base your timezone according to this one. First CMG Map playtest will be: Server Name: Constructive Tyranny CMG March 5th: Hohndo 12th: Hohndo 19th: Hohndo 26th: Hohndo Please use the below format when signing up to this event, sign-up Format: Forum Name: In-game Name: Date(s) available:
  12. Doza is bad at running through tiberium without getting hurt.
  13. The only way I've found to fix this is to get out of the apache, let it sit on the floor until it is still, then jump back in and then it's fine. It's really weird, perhaps the Apache model needs looking into? The old Orca used to do this as well.
  14. Well if there are any server owners out there who feel their server doesn't get enough players this gives them the opportunity to host a [MODDED] RenX server to entice players into having a reason to join their server.
  15. I've refrained from mentioning this in the 'C&C Mode' thread to avoid derailing of the aforementioned thread and because it's a separate issue. Maybe a new 'C&C: infantry mode' specifically to cater to Infantry only maps which would work in a similar way to Battlefield in which you have a tick limit. If either team has 250-500 deaths then eventually people will no longer be able to respawn and this prevents an infantry only map from lasting until people quit or give up or get bored, this would eventually allow one team to destroy the other base because all occupants have been killed off. Building destruction would still remain as the key objective as is the way of C&C. Bodies would no longer disappear until a player respawns, this could also allow the possibility of reviving dead soldiers on the battlefield. This also means that infantry only maps would have their own infantry-only type of server and broaden the play-ability of Renegade-X and perhaps boost the playerbase. There are quite a few infantry only maps which despite the amount of work has been put into them have been dismissed because they don't coincide too well with the traditional style of Renegade-X. What are peoples' thoughts on this?
  16. Not sure how people will feel about this but to give the PowerPlant a bit more importance and as this kinda makes sense, if you lose the PowerPlant you lose access to the Nuke/Ion? No power, no superweapon.
  17. Devs are aware of certain issues for a minority of players and are working on it. However if you are having technical difficulties I recommend viewing the 'Technical Support' sub-forum before being so quick to criticize, if you had you would have found the solution to this problem. i.e. In this thread is the solution you seek, please go straight to Option #4.
  18. Just to defend Jeff's point, Hotwires/Techies having an automatic firearm such as an SMG (even an ssmg) was one of the main issues why purchasable firearms were removed in the first place remember? In-theory an ssmg would recreate that same problem as before. Upon reflection, I really don't want to encounter Jeff or boi/poi/whateveroi in one of my teams' buildings whilst I am a Patch/Mobius/Doza/LCG just to take an entire clip under the chin and die before I fire a single round. That just shouldn't be possible in the first place and it wouldn't just be them capable of doing this but they're just relatable examples. Oldschool Silenced Pistols plz. [or some knock-off double-barrel shotgun with a long reload time, whoops! I think I accidentally TF2'd] This aside, could Timed C4 ticks be considerably louder (perhaps not as loud as I originally suggested) but loud enough in you guys' opinion for an active defender to actually hear one within a reasonable distance?
  19. Refinery Destruction and reduced credit income: A harvesting tool in the items menu which allows players to harvest tiberium for their own personal gain. This tool would only unlock when the refinery is destroyed/non-existent by default. On maps such as Islands and Complex this could really allow players to ignore Refinery destruction cons, however these harvesting tools should really feel like a grind such as +4 gain every 3 seconds, +3 with each veterancy as players can only harvest for themselves after a refinery is destroyed you wouldn't want the entire team or even half the team trying to harvest tiberium which could promote a few players dedicating themselves to harvest for the greater good. There would still be a drawback to having lost the refinery but this does offer some leeway to the team without a refinery amd not every player will feel the need to rely on this. On other maps with a Tiberium field further from the base, Under, Canyon etc. This would be more difficult, but I am sure some players would find a way. The harvesting tool should be free, as it would be stupid to charge for something designed to provide credits. Additionally if this tool required a Tiberium_Tool_Node in the UDK there could be options for mappers to change the amount of credits gained every 3 seconds leaving the decision of gain down to the mappers, this would really broaden the effectiveness of such a feature and it could actually allow mappers to re-invent the infantry-only maps and there could even be small amounts of tiberium in safer places but with a reduced gain. Vehicle Drops: This is a tricky one as the winning team wants to feel the benefits of destroying the vehicle production facility but I would suggest that the MRLS and Artillery be added to the list of vehicles that can be dropped in, if it's possible to have a timer for each individual vehicle instead of a global timer that would be nice. i.e. Humvee/Buggy 90 seconds, APCs 150 seconds, MRLS/Arty 240 seconds. Any vehicle purchase made resets the timers for all vehicles. The heavy firepower of artillery based vehicles would help counter camping which leaves the other team forced to leave the base and the MRLS/Arty has light armour which doesn't just give the losing team the advantage of rushing in but it leaves a few offensive and defensive tactics open. Maybe include the Med (490 seconds) and the Light Tank (440 seconds) but really nothing past either of those. An effective comeback can still be made but the most savage vehicles i.e. Mammy, Flame and Stealth tanks are inaccessible which makes destroying the WF/AS worthwhile. The increase cost of vehicles after the AS/WF are destroyed is fair and does not need to change. Below feels slightly off-topic:
  20. Because only the source engine over-compensates with sniper-shotguns. But hey, so long as you can't get heavy impact headshots with a shotgun several metres away then it won't feel OP or broken. A mod/mutator such as this for a server is a cool concept on the whole "Why join this server over that server" front, so long as a server running it states in its name <Renegade X - [Mod] Left Handed> so players know this isn't vanilla RenX. This is interesting for server diversity. Good job!
  21. I hate you for bringing this up, we were so close to victory. :'(
  22. It'd be nice to have the 'V' key unlock the vehicle from the camera so a player can look in a direction without their vehicle turning/pointing in that direction. If you permanently unlocked the camera from the Orca/Apache you would no longer be able to turn the aircraft.
  23. If a player on your team uses an airstrike, the rest of the team has to wait a certain amount of time before another Airstrike can be used. If you feel this range of time should be increased then I suggest making another thread about it. In other news: Ukill has made a mutator which removes the second Timed C4, as a gameplay test it would be interesting to see how much of a change this brings to a standard game of RenX at least for *a day, maybe we could use it for just the PUG? Or apply it to one of the CT servers for a day? [If the latter an IRC-announcement would need to appear for a few days beforehand to inform players so they don't assume it's a bug] For those who think this will make RenX better/worse, let's give it a try before any permanent changes are made to the base game. The usefulness of mutators.
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