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Phase 5 Beta Testers
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Everything posted by Madkill40

  1. @DaKuja You never fixed/switched the minimap/map with this one.
  2. With the current Renegade WIP model that extra chimney may as well be a singular Adv-Power tech-building that is itself separate from the regular Power Plant but destructible. If this was the case then you could focus just on the attachment so it fits nicely to the regular Power Plant so long as this Adv. Power attachment was recognized as a tech-building instead, it'd be more practical. Building attachment to turn a Power Plant into an Adv. Power Plant always made more sense anyway. (From an RTS perspective) As for Adv. Power benefits [If Adv. Power was it's own destructible tech-attachment], for maps with Base defenses destroying the Adv. Power could disable the Ob/AGT permanently whilst the rest of the base remains powered as normal until/unless the Power Plant itself is destroyed. 20% discount on units and vehicles.
  3. GDI Stealth = Hiding in plain sight.
  4. Good idea Redarmy, C4 Timed's could be unlocked at Elite instead.
  5. SBH and Patch are technically the infiltrators, why not Since Nod gets a stealth unit just give Patch 2 Blaster Charges and the SBH gets one Blaster charge, this is with the additional nerf to Hot/Tech's as suggested by Fffreak. Increase cost to 550 credits. Blaster Charge should have a 45 second timer.
  6. mappers can build the excess rig at their discretion. Stairwell of generators, interesting. I'd say use both models, they'll share the same textures won't they?
  7. I suppose it's difficult to debate whether a game has all its balances in check when you can end up with so many stalemates. 10 minutes until a game can achieve balance. Vehicle lockdown from the enemy team can always be countered if players come together with infantry to decimate light/heavy amour, it's just rare for this to happen. All of these, except for the last one. Could EMPs just detonate remote C4s instead? Useful so long as your team, vehicles and/or buildings aren't within proximity. It is also rare for enemy remote C4s to still await detonation when defending units get close by.
  8. Remove sprint from Hotties/techies. Maybe change timed c4 amounts to 1 from 2 and increase time for mine disarms? As Hotties/Techies double as a defender unit the heavy pistol is still quite useful so maybe just tweak the infiltration-specific stats of those characters? Put their price up to 400 credits as well?
  9. Can Glasses be put into the next update please? (It's ready to come out the closet)
  10. I know a guy who can do animations if you want a hand, but by all means dude be cool to see what you can accomplish.
  11. So as we have broken off into 2017 what news comes ahead for our wild virtual and/or real realities? In the UK people protest against US President Donald Trump's inauguration and nobody really gives a toss... http://www.examiner.co.uk/news/west-yorkshire-news/bridges-not-walls-trump-protest-12482153
  12. Get a Gunner and a Hotwire back there though? Oh man. It'd be a field day.
  13. Behold the issue! Use a cable if you can. Alternatively, look into improving that wireless you got.
  14. A Hotwire can also make it into the Nod PP if nobody spots her.
  15. I thought I had already set the camos to the desert one, ah well.
  16. You're welcome. Easy sneaky for Noddies if GDI base isn't mined properly.
  17. @yosh56 Dude, it is now time to Release CNC-Glasses into RenX.
  18. Are you using wireless to router or cable to router?
  19. The quest laid forth is also crappy, Fight some giants to proceed on your way to being unbanned.
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