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Phase 5 Beta Testers
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Everything posted by Madkill40

  1. There are 21 filthy, rotten liars in our community that need to be purged via their canal 'avity.
  2. Most people were Tech's whilst in a vehicle so the moment a vehicle died the remaining vehicles got repairs.
  3. I was expecting Gunners but I only ever saw one at a time and the occasional Sydney which once I realised she was there I just kept an eye on her. Could be a good idea for that to open out more to perhaps stop that from happening.
  4. For a minimap to be made for Eyes would be very easy and would take probably about 30 minutes of somebody's time. 15 minutes minimum.
  5. Jeff's latest suggestion or radar/minimap blips are now the only two most practical options. The amount of people who would probably not rearm a non-glowing mine would likely be similar to the amount of people that wouldn't check the radar/minimap for missing green blips. It's at least advisable that the green blips on the radar get a chance to be tested before the mines are practically overhauled, as every other suggested change for mines in some way overhauls them.
  6. I did this originally and thought it'd be overkill. Dammit. Pointless. Please tell me how to do this so I know how to do this for other maps. Whut? Son of a- I think I may have a more practical way of fixing that'll cause less issues. Resizing the tunnel is your option? Seriously? Hah, nah. You'll see. Is cull some option to reduce polys within the editor or do you mean delete some of them? If former, please let me know HOW to do this. No. Will do this. I have an advanced shader which i've developed for an other map to get the sand-look on top and also have vertex paint possibilities on this rock. If you like I can see if I can set this up What are you talking about?
  7. Sunday PUG Under: Gormmomma assigns Kryp to Infantry control and myself to Tank Commander and gives general orders to begin the game, when I wasn't vacant in a vehicle Yagi took over as tank commander and we pretty much shared the role and kept our team communicating to keep GDI locked in their base with 6 Light Tanks, 2 Arty's and 2 Flametanks until we got to Elite and all started to switch to Flame tanks. Meanwhile Kryp held the crown as Active Defender and by the seems of things was harassed by in-base snipers, but all-in-all Kryp kept our base on lock down and from GDI assault until he'd given up on himself at which point GDI then managed to destroy the Nod PP whilst Nod had simultaneously destroyed a majority of the GDI base. If GDI had spent less time sniping our base defender and more time Gunner'ing our vehicles this game may have played out very differently. 1 G v 0 T I think Tony is an omen for any team at this point now, that's a 6-game lose streak this weekend for the PUG.
  8. More like a private company not making as much money as it should being an act of terror.
  9. You'd think everyone would run there? Cute. A majority of the team would be concentrating on their own thing, the minority that choose to defend would just have a little aid in where to go so much that mines could be placed in more places than just the doorways. Have you actually tried to actively defend a base? It's a nightmare to check buildings just to fall short of time because the game favours the infiltrator whereas a defender has a mine counter to stare at before playing the inevitable guessing game. To say it has nothing to do with teamwork is moronic, it has everything to do with teamwork and of course it makes defending the base easier but it also means all mines don't have to be placed strictly in building doorways either as you'd see where the mines go down and as such are aware there is an enemy there or nearby. Some mines could be hidden in infantry passage ways and so long as whoever was actually aware there was a mine there will then be aware of incoming infantry. [The person being aware being the mine-placer as well as anyone who actually looks at the radar/minimap] Thus you have an effect of the blips disappearing bringing the team together to fight their enemy. I think it'd be great if mines stopped being placed in just the building doorways, try not to get short-sighted in thinking such a minimalist idea as radar blips wouldn't make a huge impact in how we use mines on RenX. Radar blips for your teams' mines all the way! Infiltrators can now have an extra challenge, players shouldn't feel bad because nobody on their team knew the location of their enemy, mines can be used a little bit differently in placement because of this change, they'd be more noob-friendly. The blips are practical and why wouldn't GDI/Nod put GPS chips into the mines to tell them where they are? They're gonna manufacture med after med but mot put a GPS chip into every mine? C'mon now! You want a little more balance so it's not all to the defenders favour? Okay, if the mines are EMP'd or Repair Gun'd then the blips will disappear from the enemy radar 3 - 5 seconds after the initial disarm, if the mines go off the blip disappears immediately. Balance the aspects of infiltration and defender because it is imbalanced, the ease of infiltration kills games and furthermore, the playerbase of new regulars, don't put one or two players' "fun" above an entire teams' enjoyment only to blame that team for "not defending the base" when most newbies barely know how, green blips on the radar give them a defenders objective. Blips are more practical than door hacking, door hacking can have latency or more technical issues. Blips are more practical than lazer doorways, which is just a glorified door hack. Blips are more practical than just letting one or more people disarm all the teams' mines. Blips are more practical and shit over "designated mining area" bullshit predictable placements. Blips are more practical than indoor gun turrets which could also create more technical issues. Blips are more practical than two different types of mine. Radar blips for mines, 2016. Most agree in the end that mines are as good as they can be right now which they are, so alleviate the control of mines with green radar blips and start making a difference to how they can be used within the game. Not knowing where your own teams' mines are is the bane of mines.
  10. Gonna wait and see on that one but that would require copyright laws to coincide with these laws which would mean the government has given out personal data to private companies at the private companies request. The real question is, does a conservative see copyright infringement as a form of terrorism?
  11. Hell no! Infiltration wouldn't get deterred every single time, but solo infiltration will be deterred as it will only become effective when the base is mostly empty which makes sense. Picture this: Solo infiltrator notices the enemy base is mostly empty, so they take out some mines and plant C4s on the building MCT, the time in which the enemy team notices the mines have gone down is 5 seconds into the C4s timer and only the closest players to that structure have 25 seconds to get to the RIGHT building, none of this hide'n'seek PeekaBOOM bullshit. If the base isn't empty then players will be more encouraged to work as a team to infiltrate a base because solo infiltration is deterred, this enables player ability growth as well as group infiltration teaches not-so-good players the correct routes and patience. Note: Infiltration and solo-infiltration are two different forms of infiltration, if anyone thinks they're the same then you're encouraging a broken mechanic of teamplay in Renegade-X.
  12. CT1: Certain MPs and Lords of the UK are Pedo's trying to cover their asses from internet scrutiny of new laws pushed by May, which is why they fought to be exception to these new laws. Meanwhile, Theresa May, is actually trying to rid the government of the pedo scourge.
  13. Green blips on the radar would probably resolve all the issues currently presented with mines, in OldRen you would typically want to be with other players when assaulting a building because numbers and it'd be good to have that back instead of solo infiltrators mostly relying on dumb luck and negligence. Small green blips for your team mines on radar, this minimalist detail I still think is the best and least intrusive option for everyone's butthurtz. It'll indicate a building where the enemy is by minimap/radar but it is not a full-proof way to make infiltration and sabotage of buildings an impossibility, it just alleviates the infiltrated teams' building of some timed c4 time before detonation. This right here gives nobody a reason on either side to complain thus further, because it promotes teamwork and working togetherness and removes the tedious "Check Building 1 ... 2 ... 3 & 4" every time the mine limit drops down by 1. Make defending worthwhile and engaging, not a chore with 25% chance of success 75% of the time. How difficult would mines making green blips on the radar/minimap be? Additionally it could be a true/false option in server .ini file so it's simple to turn it on/off per server in case of glitches/bugs.
  14. http://www.independent.co.uk/voices/snoopers-charter-theresa-may-online-privacy-investigatory-powers-act-a7426461.html This is some bullshit. This f'ing b!tch. MPs and Lords are exceptions to this. The monarchy never died, it just shifted sides and became elitism. I've never been triggered, this must be what it feels like to be triggered. On behalf of the UK I'd like to apologize, it's only a matter of time before other countries take after us because we did this first. The cons outweigh the pros with this one. And some of you clowns thought snipers in RenX were a pain in the head.
  15. Gatekeeper is doing this..? Abusing the VoteKick? Oh dear oh dear, I wasn't even aware of this.
  16. Test server updated. [Updated map should auto-download via the Launcher]
  17. Test server updated. [Updated map should auto-download via the Launcher]
  18. 5th Amendment Brightness of map tweaked Map has been balanced out for both teams; GDI Refinery was completely exposed to rocket soldier and Arty spam quite unfairly, this has been rectified GDI PP was ridiculously exposed from multiple routes, the number of exposure points has been reduced Infiltration of bases (in particular the GDI base) more balanced Nod PP has a one-way dead-end route for vehicles, now the GDI PP does as well as part of balance changes Todo: Redo Endgame Camera Make Loading screen Update Minimap Give Yosh some catfood and a can of his favourite special brew so he puts CNC-Glasses into the next patch
  19. "LIGHTING NEEDS REBUILDING PATHS NEED REBUILDING" Paths aren't that much of an issue for testing but the lighting is a major issue because the map now looks worse than OldRen does by today's standards.
  20. 4th Amendment 'Gaps' have been filled with rocks AGT has been masked from Infantry Silo route Obelisk has also been masked to balance AGT masking at Infantry Silo route All vehicle blocking volumes have been increased in height to stop vehicles climbing over into Infantry paths Moved blocking volumes at bridge locations to allow infantry to jump over the railings into vehicle traffic Moved blocking volumes at GDI side of main Infantry route which prevented infantry from volleying over the walls onto the rocks below Gaps at GDI side of main infantry route by the containers where it looked like you could fit infantry no longer look like they can fit infantry Covered gap between containers at GDI Main Infantry route with a box Spot where obelisk couldn't shoot at you if you were in a specific location is no longer a location you can shoot the Obelisk from Overpass of the main infantry route above the tib_field where AGT could shoot infantry has been masked from view Obelisk has also been masked from view for balance reasons Fixed lighting issues that were plaguing the beauty of the map Map is now not as bright There should now be a Sun where a Sun should be for a midday map Raised rocks by GDI PowerPlant GT to give Nod infantry and easier time at infiltrating the GDI base
  21. Updated the test server with the new version of Paradise.
  22. You just debunked your entire opinion with this one sentence. gg. /thread
  23. The issue is the rock itself because it has been scaled up the collision around the rock becomes out of proportion with the prop itself creating that gap, hopefully the surrounding blocking volume which imprisons the map stays close to the rock, which means I can set the rock to 'BlockWeapons'. But that might create another issue of anyone being within that gap being safe from gunfire. Will likely just put some stuff there instead. Will raise vehicle limit to 9. Because as it stands GDI could easily keep Nod base locked in this map.
  24. I've made one last and hopefully the second to last amendments to CNC-Glasses. Enjoy.
  25. 3rd Amendment Fixed the lighting issue Fixed AGT spotting areas Extended Obelisk range to reach as far as the AGT Fixed pathnode issues Remade Nod main entrance rock overhead [Original one was not appearing due to non-uniform scaling] I really hope future fixes are just for collision issues and path-node issues. Endgame Camera is just a placeholder, I will have to go over Kenz's tutorial again to remember how to put in coaster breaks.
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