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Everything posted by roweboat

  1. Overall I feel the map has great potential. I like the rear vehicle paths are great for covert attacks. and the idea to be able to sneak in from the water is cool too. I think the comms. tower is situated too far away from the battlefield. Beyond what was said, I think the front GTs and the front turrets shouldn't be reachable by infantry from the front wall.
  2. I feel the CQC mod just brings unnecessary changes that are just adding more work to something that wasn't really broken.
  4. I think its a cool future idea. As hihihiihhhiii said, it comes down to balance. The fact is the dev team has worked *meticulously* hard to keep both GDI & Nod asymmetrically balanced. One small change such as even increase the firepower of one unit can offset the entire balance. Adding a whole new unit has alot of calculations to be accounted for. *the statements above are mine alone and not that of Totem Arts* =p
  5. Just pointing out a few bugs that may or may not have already been addressed or fixed: Respawn timer hangs on "9" instead of counting down. End of match chat box doesn't scroll with new text (I've seen this happen before) Harvester pathing broken for Nod on Cliffside Dam doors don't open when Tech building is captured on Reservoir Czech Hedgehogs on Oasis really annoying because they have too much blocking volume on them. And whatever this is on Canyon:
  6. Thanks for your work on this! Great sound design really turns a game from good to great! Personally I feel focus should be put on vehicle combat sounds. Yes many of the sounds from infantry guns and such are great and unique, but many times infantry combat happens so quickly. Tank combat tends to be a bit slower and a good shell blast from a tank cannon is very satisfying
  7. I'm not sure exactly how to describe this, so just watch the video. I don't remember seeing an issue like this since Beta 2. (in Beta 2, the camera would go into the ground every time you exited a vehicle) I'm not sure why I didn't notice this yesterday or earlier today? My in game settings are max @ 2160p with all options ticked except motion blur. I have used the same settings for years and haven't seemingly changed anything. Who knows maybe it is something on my end specifically... but I'm throwing it out there anyways. UDK (Unreal Development Kit) based games 09.18.2019 -
  8. UPDATE: Re-seating memory seems to have fixed issue. No more crashes or blue screens of death. yay! =D
  9. RIP Titan shell blast. You are the bug that will be missed.
  10. I should also clarify, I'm pretty confident I can solve this issue eventually. But I mean we're "beta" testing right? =p Sometimes It's fun to watch things break =D
  11. Memtest originally spit back like 498 errors lol Took out memory and dusted them off and re-seated them. Ran again, no errors. Haven't tested RenX again yet but seems to be it was RAM issue. Which is odd because the problems started a few days ago after I was updating my sound card driver and updating BIOS. I updated the drivers, Launcher would load and then UDK.exe would hang and Windows would report it not responding. After trying a system restore and even uninstalling and trying to reinstall RenX, same exact issue, hence why I formatted, then I ran into the issue I first reported.
  12. Okay long story short, I had to reformat my system (Windows 10) and after downloading the .msi and loading the launcher, the downloader pops up and begins downloading. Verifies 100%, seems to download the entire patch 100%, and then when at "applying" step, it gets to about 6% and force closes. I reformatted my system again thinking maybe it was a bad driver or something, but same issue. Of course when loading up the launcher, the UDK.exe spits back a bunch of direct X issues. So i've even tried manually installing the UE3 Redist. I even downloaded iTweek's full game install. That got the game running, but then in game it was spitting back all sorts of Blue Screens of Death. I haven't had a chance to run a memory check, but I wanted to see if anyone else has had similiar issues or if its simply a hardware issue on my end alone.
  13. hey just a heads up, I'm reinstalling windows and using Microsoft Edge for a few moments... and I load renegade-x.com and this screen shows up: Obviously I could care less, but who knows maybe it should be checked out.
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