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Everything posted by roweboat

  1. It's much like what @limsup stated. The Unreal Engine is single core use only and the FX chips have poor single core performance. For example, I upgraded my GPU from a GTX 770 eventually to a GTX 1080TI and saw next to no improvement. It wasn't until I upgraded my CPU that I saw a change. I didn't do scientific accurate measurements, but the performance difference between an FX-9370 vs Ryzen 5 2600x for Ren X was like 30 FPS. E.I. very significant Current Set Up: Gigabyte X470 AORUS ULTRA GAMING (Motherboard), Ryzen 5 2600x (CPU), 16GB DDR4 (RAM), M.2 SSD, Nvidia GTX 1080TI (GPU), 750W PSU The game runs very smoothly at 2160p (4k) with all settings ticked on, even at 32x32 players, I hardly ever notice a drop in performance.
  2. WHATS CRAZY IS THE PRICE. D'= That stealth tank looks really cool though.
  3. Nearly all matches, Harvester control is vital to the match. and as a commander, we have the ability to stop and even control where to put the harvester. which is awesome!! I love it. However, if a parked harvester is destroyed, the new one does not follow the "stop" command. In the heat of battle, it can be difficult and somewhat annoying to micromanage the harvester while also dealing with other things. It would be great if all harvesters followed the "stop" command until released by the commander (*once a harvester waypoint/standby area has been selected*), regardless if they are destroyed or not. I suppose one could argue the current set up can be a good strategy for the other team, less automation = more tactics. But I feel the AI should just be improved instead =p
  4. Interesting. Yes I used to have the freezing issue on my old CPU, an AMD FX-9370. Seems like its a rather complicated bug =\
  5. Next April fools, give everything a machine gun.
  6. I think alot of it simply comes down to no one is available to make such things.
  7. I had a wierd dream that @Sarah. was actually lying and Con Yard's became a thing. To compensate for the size, they were built in to be apart of another building, for example attached directly to the War Factory or Refinery. Maybe a little too much Renegade X for me HAHA
  8. I feel like the surrender and veteran system have sort of ended nearly all of those 12-48hr matches.
  9. Ahhh, that makes sense. Every time I have the audio bug, I hear my speakers "pop" (something these speakers don't do when normally turning on and off)
  10. hey I'm in NA too! hang in there!! to be honest I'm glad there isn't as many playing during some of my free time. Gives me a good excuse to go do something else LOL
  11. @vandal brings up an interesting point, what if the med tank was only given MG at higher rank. eg. Veteran or elite or above. Personally I don't think the MG on non-flying maps will change too much, but I think we can only know through play and practice 😃
  12. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/April_Fools'_Day
  13. it lives!! =D I like how your map has basically become a "cult classic" of Renegade X 😃
  14. no stone should be left unturned when debugging =D
  15. If more testing needed I can try doing this later in the week.
  16. I'm glad I made it for the first half. and "Landed" 2 AC130s on the Nod runway =D
  17. Quick everyone learn english german and russian please XD
  18. Did you know that used to be its secondary function?
  19. @isupreme the "auto return to base" was added in about 2 patches ago. So that's not a server setting, that's by game design. Yes, having a 28-32 ping is really awesome!! Although to be honest, 120-140 ping isn't all that bad either. Having a local server is great news regardless. One mutator I do like that FPI uses, is the "faster proximity mine laying speed". I hope that becomes a standard feature, but I'm some devs even have strong feelings about that !! haha 😃
  20. Although the x64 sound bug is a bit of annoyance, it should remain a low priority problem. On my system, it happens maybe 1 out of 10 games, and at most I lose 1-2 mins of game time. Not a big deal. I think if the "out of memory issue" cannot be solved at this point, the launcher should integrate the x64 version and maybe just add some sort of disclaimer about the loss of sound bug.
  21. I'm sure @djlaptop would be happy to hear about a dedicated NA server as well as @HIHIHI and many others 😃
  22. I guess we have to "stay tuned" =p
  23. That looks awesome! I'd also request a golf cart. I'm not kidding. Make it super weak, like 100 credits. used strictly as inf transport on large maps.
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