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Everything posted by roweboat

  1. need more cpu power most likely.
  2. I understand what @isupreme is saying. there is alot of "clutter", many of the same sounds for different situations. Enemy potentially about to attack refinery = "DEFEND THE REFINERY" Stealth black hand spotted near refinery (can't spot cuz SBH) = "DEFEND THE REFINERY" Mines down at refinery = "DEFEND THE REFINERY" Emp hits refinery = "DEFEND THE REFINERY" Refinery at 1% = "BUILDING NEEDS REPAIR" I don't have a solution ATM, but I'm sure others understand the confusion.
  3. Very awesome! Great work! =D Brings a bit more authenticity / realism to the weapons I think.
  4. new commander power: Kill all team tanks of 1 type. Cost: 3000CP I'm kidding Maybe for next april fools =D But in all seriousness, yes I'm all for having teams be able to clearly define multiple "roles". Attacking from two fronts would be easier with more clearly defined ways to bring instructions and clarity to a group on a team. I think all the ideas brought forth are great. If something like this isn't ultimately officially supported, the game should at least implement something ala "squads" so small groups can better coordinate. Like Kira said, it's less about additional powers and more about bring clarity to team goals.]
  5. auto destruct non required vehicles! LOL that's even more of a radical idea than mine of locking out specific vehicles *ahem*mrls*ahem* from the PT menu as commander. I love it =D
  6. Yes I agree. "Sub-commander" or maybe lieutenant =D haha I think Sub, should have /r /c ability, radar and smoke and harvester control. Commander text be red, lieutenant text be green. I recommend keeping it simple. basically just a "commander" with less powers. On a slightly different note, I think it would be great if commanders could highlight vehicles and characters in the PT menu to "recommend" which units should be bought at that time. Hey team is going to do stealth tank rush? Vehicle menu and then stealth tank will be highlighted in blue. (okay honestly it'd be great if commander could just lock out certain things from being purchased... but I'm compromising here =D)
  7. Wonderful! I have to laugh... all these new unreleased maps... and then... Walls! =DDD
  8. @Ryz @Madkill40 Please take that to PM or somewhere else. this topic isn't meant for any of that discussion here.
  9. Sniper battles in the air are fun too =D Take a MIG into the air for a few minutes. Both jump out (no parachute), and try to shoot each other before falling to your death XD
  10. Had to suffer through that for nearly an hour... lol
  11. It's always good to take a break from anything that we do. Too much of anything is bad for the soul
  12. I love the look of these! I feel it's becoming Renegade X: twisted metal edition
  13. Go look at the chat log for Field X match around 6-7pm CST
  14. YeaH I agree! One of the great things about the game is its flexibility like that. Sometimes the team has to attack like crazy.. other times its best to defend and wait to see what will happen for a bit.
  15. Having full matches after 5pm CST would be a dream haha!!
  16. Are you going by the same name in game??
  17. I understand this suggestion would be more work (which unfortunately I just don't have the knowledge to do myself) But I feel the launcher desperately needs a built in lobby / chat area. I've seen many voice that, if the current player server is low, they won't join. Which of course is a downward spiral. If a lobby was showing at minimum X# of players are looking to play, but not in a game server, this greatly help populate multiple servers. *At least, perhaps, add something in the launcher, that reads along the lines "want to see if others are ready to play? Go to our discord server at ...")* That being said, I feel all servers should be capped to 50 max, maybe even 32. (I know this has been discussed ad neauseum in the past...) Many of the in game problems go away with less players all playing at once.
  18. @isupreme. check it lol @djlaptop, aren't you the voice guy =D
  19. gigabyte aorus ultra gaming x470 audio through motherboard's optical output to sound bar amd ryzen 5 2600x 16GB ddr4 nvidia 1080 TI graphics samsung m.2 storage I would say I randomly get the bug averaging about 1/10 games.
  20. I just spent the last hour or so reading through all the posts here... oh my haha. My two cents as nothing more than a "player" of the game: I'm glad to see a healthy, if not nearly derailed discussion here. The common thread I see between posts is, everyone involved in this discussion wants the game to grow and prosper. Don't forget that. I'm sure some are more frustrated than others. Trying to do so much with so little. Bottom line, I think @TomUjain has learned some valuable takeaways from this. Thank you for all the hard work and coordination with FPI. @limsup you are exactly right, this issue is only magnified because the community is small, people with vastly different views are becoming "too familiar" with each other and its causing conflicts that wouldn't exist otherwise. @Madkill40 You got it. The issue is mostly team morale. But unfortunately, this is something I think most people lack as a general principle, not just in this game. Teams who think they will win, usually do. One's who think they will lose usually do. As a commander, I try my best to overcome that, but even so, convincing a random group of players through quickly moving chat text is difficult lol. @poi even though we don't talk much, I always do enjoy the challenge, even if I waste $1000s of credits trying to run away from you lol @Agent I agree 100%, no one should have to be forced to do anything, it takes all enjoyment from it. I think that was also the main point @kira was making. @Sarah. thank you for all your hard work on this game, it definitely shows! you're clearly very passionate about the game and its future. @Kaunas you got that right too, no amount of code will fix a very human problem. @Ryz I respect your level-headedness. I know how it's frustrating to try and "motivate" players, we just have to give it our all and hope for the best =D to re-itterate and and I've re-thought my comment from before. (someone else also mentioned this, I forgot who), that really. Whoever has been playing this game for a long time... understands the game mechanics fully, high K/D, understands the 'lingo', knows map quirks and strategy... we shouldn't be asked to do less to make up for others, that's a good point. It's unfair and frankly unrealistic as a goal. But what should be put forth is a conscious effort to be highly aware of the surroundings. "do the vast majority of the players I'm going against understand the game like I do?" "sure, I'm having fun, but is everyone else?" Anywho. Just some food for thought. Kudos you all are cool in the boat-book =D
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