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Totem Arts Staff
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Everything posted by roweboat

  1. Ohh, I understand. Yes I can only run at 60hz [I use a TCL TV for display]
  2. I've tested the new settings a few days, and saw no difference (admittedly my frame rate was already a solid 60fps even at 2160p)
  3. Maybe I'm bad at making polls. My bad. D= Regardless if anything can come from the discussion here, great.
  4. Are you able to find the launcher in the program menu? I would recommend uninstalling and try loading the installer again. I've had problems randomly a few times
  5. yes not many people on between 6pm - 2am CST, but we've been getting more and more on during those times! =D
  6. I know its extra work... but dying in tiberium then a 50% chance of a visceroid spawning could lead to some interesting mechanics.
  7. I haven't play tested the map in awhile, but I think the proper soft world boarders are explained by @kenz3001 in this video: Personally I feel it would feel more "realistic" without hard water volumes and simply use soft volumes in the water.
  8. @ex_member Doc, can you PM the file on Discord and ill check it out later today?
  9. I agree @SilentKnight the solution should be something that is simple for the player in game to understand.
  10. Yes I thought so at first too. But maybe the solution isn't any single idea but a combination somehow ... Maybe.
  11. Granted if a new player has no idea how the beacon concept works, of course they will leave frustrated because all their buildings dying.
  12. I've added 3 now, will update as more viable options put forward.
  13. Okay I see what youre getting at. I'll update the poll momentarily
  14. Check out the poll options, just a few ideas. Mainly sparked by the idea of limiting the power of super weapons on smaller matches. Discuss and vote in the poll!! Ready, set go!
  15. Just reporting that this fix worked for me on Windows 10 (was having exact same problem) Thanks @AlienXAXS , wherever you may be =D
  16. Not the kind of lake I'd want to go swimming in!!
  17. I think he's referring to the use of "ctrl + 1-0" and "alt + 1-0" for radio commands. Yes they have been the same for like 15 years. Yes they can be changed in the .ini files, but most people won't know how to do that. Making the radio commands full editible in the in-game UI would help alot of players I think. Here's a good example: Base under attack from EMP and 1 attacker. All hear the warning. 1 hotwire/tech is in the building and has building readily defended. In stead of spamming BUILDING NEEDS REPAIR/ DEFEND THE BUILDING ... a better response is (i think this is right...) ctrl + 9 which is I'M IN POSITION, which is sort of communicating.. "don't come here, I've got it under control". But it can be kind of tricky to hit ctrl + 9 in almost any situation. lol
  18. I feel alot of it is mental... like tell people McFarland is better and suddenly people will now use him and actually be better with him lol.
  19. Either way, I want to help more. Game always needs more support =D
  20. Well I also had some ideas to make the map alot better too
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