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Everything posted by roweboat

  1. I'm not sure if this would be classified as a bug or a feature request. Basically, I think it would be great if you could enter a vehicle when you've landed on top of it. Not be required to "target" it, simply press the enter button and boom. Inside.
  2. Aha! =D (honestly I think the system is fine as it is)
  3. In the future, an audible cue would be great. "East GDI silo under attack" "North Nod silo captured".
  4. Interesting thought. a personal incentive for being the one to actually cap it
  5. Ah yes thats right. I was getting my tech buildings mixed up LOL
  6. you should see if you can fix the code for the medical center. that's what is causing the issue I think =D
  7. I was doing something epic around the 59sec mark I'm sure.
  8. Like the missiles or the MiGs? Although to see it raining literal gunboats onto a map would be great =D
  9. one step closer to being able to make a Renegade version of battlefield's "Iwo Jima" map =D
  10. Although at first I would agree with these changes. I think Daybreak is actually teetering on a difficult balance. Large seemingly open map that does automatically mean Stealth tank win. The bottleneck in the middle is necessary for that. However, I do agree the outer walls could be given more significance.
  11. Yes the majority of us got to finally experience the map yesterday with a full server. And I feel very much the same. At first many were concerned about Stealth Tank power... (even though nod did win the first time with them)... it was by no means an easy victory. ( I was leading GDI and I drove our APC convoy into an invisible wall because I didn't realize it was the edge of the map ...lol) GDI also won a round with coordinated effort. The AGT/Obliesk does seem to be in an odd place, but it adds an interesting dynamic by not covering the entire base. Although as I see, the map was actually created years ago, before cruise missiles were implemented. It does seem a bit too easy to take out the Guard towers with the cruise missiles. *Maybe adding in Sam sites / AA Towers next to the GTs wouldn't be a bad idea to compensate*
  12. ...Well, to be fair. Proper engineering and proper stealth is mostly a mindset
  14. @MajesticSausage Yes I'd agree that most matches are either fantastic or frustrating. Not much middle ground. It's sort of the nature of the game I think. It's always thrilling when good team coordination can help turn a match around. I think one of Renegade's best "selling points" is its team-based gameplay. Personally, I'm not a fan of all these "free-for-all" style games.
  15. Yeah same, and now there's a crazy ice storm outside.
  16. Give the Spy the ability to use trained attack dogs. Double win. And the ability to lock pick vehicles would be awesome too (enemy team obvs)
  17. I have absolutely no problem with "roweboat votes roweboat for commander".
  18. build it and they will come.
  19. Yeah that makes complete sense, would hate to see hard work put to waste. If any type of "reskin" where to happen down the line, I think the best route might be to bring Renegade X to another established indie developer that has the manpower and motivation and partner with to create a spiritual successor to Renegade X. (as in a version that can be monetized) Maybe one of these days I'll start learning how to code haha.
  20. Basically, I like the idea of there being more than one person on a team that can use some of the commander powers. Encourages more than 1 attack at a time then. There's a reason the "Squad" concept is so effective in battle.
  21. I do like the idea of the concept of "Command and Conquer mode" being able to grow much larger than it currently is. And I know the dev team is hard at work with how things currently are. I've suggested this idea myself too. I sort of see it as a natural progression into its own entity anyways. Renegade -> Renegade 2007 mod -> Renegade X -> Something Original but still have core concepts. I wonder how hard EA would defend the IP. yes of course "Command & Conquer" belongs to EA, but would they argue that this specific form of gameplay is also under their IP? RenX is currently in a gray area but Sarah's right, it honestly might not be worth the gamble.
  22. Lol yeah sounds about right. Half the time I'm entering a match mid-game and no one is commanding and I'll be like... okay fine, lets win =D
  23. 2019 Walls does almost look orange compared to 2009 Walls lol. Amazing work everyone though!! =D
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