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Everything posted by roweboat

  1. So I've always liked Fort, thought it was semi-unique. But beyond the broken code, it needs some tweaks. Keep in mind I don't know anything about the SDK, much coding language (a little html but that's it). So I'll have to learn it. But I want to learn how to make a map, So I figured fixing Fort could be a good start. Wanted to see what ya'll think first.
  2. Need that exact message please.
  3. I remember play testing Eyes when the ground was still half purple and white! It's a great map with alot of uniqueness and really plays to the games strengths. It was cool watching the map change and evolve too. And who doesn't love getting stuck in rocks? =D PS. RIP Glasses =(
  5. @Handepsilon Youre probably right. Either way, the point still stands that the current system is a bit confusing at times because there is no directional cue as the where the sound is coming and because many of the same voice clips being used for different things
  6. Commander EMPs work beautifully for this too.
  7. Just a reminder to voice your opinion through the poll here: Even if nothing comes of it, I still think its interesting to see where it stands. Currently with 26 votes and its basically 50/50 lol.
  8. Thanks for sharing the insight! Very interesting. I think Eyes could be good candidate for purchasable Recon Bikes. The bike could only be useful for harassment or transport in field. I'd think even a fleet of them approaching GDI base would be destroyed. And the map has so much height between the upper and lower paths, the bikes could be used in interesting ways there. Heck maybe just give both sides bikes on that map and let all hell break loose =D
  9. MODS: would it be possible to lock this topic, but leave the poll active? I really just want the hard data from the poll.
  10. Another note Cynthia's server should be up and running with the Creative mod, you can go there and spawn a recon bike anywhere and test it out
  11. It actually is still very powerful though. It is still much quicker than anything GDI has. currently the humvee and buggy are very similar but different. So yes, far less powerful than attack cycle, but the question is, what good stratagies exist to combat the bike by GDI *every* time?
  12. Another consideration. Yes - replace with Nod Buggy on certain maps.
  13. Since this topic is getting a bit messy, please go vote on the poll I made. Id like a clear quick view of the situation
  14. Serious, Simple Poll. Basically how I see the discussion currently - alot of theory, but I say, YES LETS TRY IT. Worst case, it can be removed 😃 I understand both sides. the "cool, sexy" factor of the bike... and the balance issues it creates...
  15. The rockets also barely target unlike the TS attack bike... So hitting things with the Rx recon bike is actually kind of difficult when moving at high speeds.
  16. Neither an easy win or an utter annihilation is any fun >>
  17. I guess it's all in my head then. 😂😭
  18. It seems like LCG take more damage from tank shells splash dmg now, which I like =D
  19. Another bug: As commander, it seems we can direct the harvester waypoint to be almost anywhere (if not an error message pops up, "Harvester cannot reach that point"). if the harvester waypoint is somewhere the harvester can't drive, the harvester will get as close as possible. Currently, when setting the waypoint to seemingly okay spots, the harvester will stop, but when trying to start it again, the same error message "Harvester cannot reach that point" comes up, and only solution is to self-destruct harvester and remove waypoint or start harvester. observed on multiple maps, under, field X, goldrush - im sure all of them D=
  20. I'd probably boat myself let's be honest.
  21. Okay! Thanks for taking time to explain! 😁 Good luck 😅
  22. Oh god it's like Gobi all over again XD
  23. The other problem being, things are usually so chaotic that we have to rely on text almost entirely, because the radio chatter and such can be hard to tell where it's even coming from sometimes.
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