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Everything posted by roweboat

  1. Glad to hear GDI most likely paid for a professional stump removal service. Also, are there still plans to remove the Comms center? I think that would be a good idea. My other suggestion , but would need more testing. Is to rotate the Air Tower entrance on Nod to face towards the Obelisk, so it's not so easily infiltrated.
  2. I'm curious how bots handle mount harbour!!
  3. Someone make a specific map that is GDI vs GDI or Nod vs Nod =D
  4. Finally had a chance to play this map with a decent server population I think it does play well. I think one thing that should be changed is the 2 crates on the main vehicle path. I think it should be moved to just 1 crate in the broken silo area. The multiple crates in the open can lead to too much of an advantage for whichever team holds the area.
  5. I can't really think of any type of crate that should be added that isn't already mentioned or in game. But I would say, I think the idea of "negative" crates (nuke crates, scrin abduction, slow down etc) SHOULD be in game. they add to the chaotic nature of the game and players learn that getting a crate that could be a gamble that distrupts the entire flow of a match Like all the times someone picked up a nuke crate during a infantry rush and killed the entire squad LOL.
  6. I should say, the shooting issue is not limited to vehicles, it is on the infantry units too. But yes level 9 once that issue is fixed. It would take an army to destroy just a few of them =D
  7. Those will always happen randomly on 32-bit version of Renegade X. Make sure to select the 64-bit version found in the launcher settings (top right)
  8. I checked out the Level 9 bots... haha they are funny. All bots on my team immediately bought like 8 mammoth tanks. Nod bots for some reason bought a variety of tanks. Many times the bots will still not shoot but just ram into you or your tank. Bots also did quick work of two enemy structures without me ever being near them. Although opposing bot team never seemed to make it far into my base.
  9. If it is added. I think it should be stationary in Mobile tick tank mobile and unlocked to 360 movement in. Grounded mode
  10. There is level 9 but it seems to not be working properly at the moment.
  11. Yeah let's give stealth black hand RamJets while we are at it. SBH has room on his back for it.
  12. Great work with the new patch!! alot of work went into it and it shows =D I have some feedback: 1. new AI is amazing in comparison to old AI. Haven't tested level 9, but level 8 is impressive. A group of 4-7 of us can have an AI bot war and it is far more enjoyable than in the past. 2. Snow X - it should be removed. 3. Camera spin showing shooter location is great! - unless it is close quarters, than it becomes a bit nauseating. Perhaps change it only activate a certain amount of meters out? (I'm not sure how distance is measured UDK) 4. Vehicle cam is an awesome addition for entering / exiting. Gives the game a more professional level of polish =D And being able to direct exit location of vehicle is great too! 5. UI SUGGESTION: *Make chat visible while in ESC Menu and while in PT Menu*. I always forget to mention this... but there are countless times when commanding or just general chatting, asking questions, etc. Then missing answers and such, because being busy in the PT menu or donating menu or something. Also maybe enable option to disable chat completely. 6. I didn't test all TS vehicles but .... Titan. Didn't see that in the patch notes! Love it. =D
  13. Mount Harbour will need to be 128 player map =D
  14. That's a good theory. Sometimes after a match (its rare) RenX will crash to desktop, no error, but I will hear multiple audio pops, just like when the soundbug occurs.
  15. Maybe experiment with a map that only allows mrls / artillery or only Titans and tick tanks? I feel like maybe it was more a combination of the map layout and restriction to humvee/buggy, apcs. APCs do not do well in tight spaces
  16. http://www.todayifoundout.com/index.php/2018/01/time-nicolas-cage-bankrupted-buying-t-rex-skull/
  17. I still think its not as bad as the crashes from Beta 2... every 3rd or so match end game would crash to desktop... And clearly we're still here. I'm confident we'll overcome this soon. =D
  18. I think that's a great idea. Although for the record. I do think it's an interesting concept to limit what vehicles the player have access to.
  19. That sounds horrifying. I remember once when going against a bot army. For some reason, they accidentally kept firing on the base instead of enemy units. I was quickly defeated XD
  20. Yesterday FPI and Cynthia's servers were being attacked. I would say unless it becomes a pattern again, nothing to be alarmed by. Although yes, the motive whatever it may be seems petty.
  21. Will this replace Gobi in the future?
  22. In Chess, I don't know if the move has an official name. But if you move a pawn from it's starting position and it makes it to the other side, it can be promoted to a higher class piece (eg. the pawn can become a Queen). I know the concept of "once a building's gone, it's gone" concept has been debated I'm sure. I'm not even sure at the moment how a feature could be implemented. But I'm wondering more and more if a team that loses a building, should have *some sort* of way of recovering a building. Because one of the biggest trends I've seen more in the last year or so, once one building is lost 8/10 times, total morale is lost. As it stands, I feel matches can too quickly become either stalemates or one-sided too quickly. Sorry no solution. Just an observation.
  23. They might be busy... ya know.. developing =p I'm sure all well thought out ideas are read and considered at the least.
  24. yes its true. AMD FX chips especially, since they have poor single core performance. Ryzen 5 performs great though.
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