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Everything posted by roweboat

  1. I believe @AlienX has a similar mutator in his server a few years ago, regarding the base defenses that is. As far as I remember, it was a neat idea to be able to rebuild base defenses, but I feel it made matches drag on unnecessarily long.
  2. @MajesticSausage Okay, I figured it out. That isn't a bug. It's a feature. Lock icon only appears on vehicles when it bound to you. If the vehicle is unbound, lock icon doesn't show.
  3. Yes, perhaps have polls regarding things such as kicks, commanders, surrender, bots, mine bans in the current space and then have the UI space directly below the standard vote menu space for custom polls (sometimes silly things, but also a good way to convey a important point or topic in game too). That way, for example, someone throwing up a random poll at the beginning of the game, wouldn't interfere with someone trying to also vote in a commander, because both have space available in the UI.
  4. ill investigate that problem too 😃
  5. I keep forgetting to post these, just pointing out a few minor bugs I've noticed. 1. Sometimes when you get in a tank it'll show 5 slots instead of what actual vehicle can hold 2. Ability text can overlap weapon text (in my case, it's because I have Ability mapped to left bracket, which is then mapped to one of my mouse buttons lol)
  6. Are you referring to the fact of winter maps are bright in nature because snow is white?
  7. this is one of those things that will receive zero acknowledgement, but will be implemented 8 months from now LOL
  8. I know the dev team is always looking for more help, what kind of animation work have you done?
  9. Humans have scaled their skill faster than the bots can scale their bot-ness.
  10. it does scale actually. I like it, its good variety. Finally something beyond Command and Conquer mode =p
  11. I think this was discussed before and some felt it was too invasive of privacy. Although I think it's a great idea.
  12. very cool, thanks for sharing!!
  13. @Handepsilon The bots congregated between wave 1 and 2 to strategize their next move. We were all slaughtered shortly afterward.
  14. I like it so far. the idea of replacing it with information of how you died could be interesting. Although I feel we are already approaching information overload in game.
  15. Meanwhile during that same match on Eyes... I became a bat again.
  16. Sorry to hear you had that experience. I'll bottom line it for you... to be a public commander you gotta have some backbone. And it takes earning the trust of other players, which can take time. I'm not even the best commander so take anything I say with a grain of salt. When commanding was first introduced, I was hesitant. I didn't know what to do, but I quickly learned most others didn't either LOL. You just gotta keep trying, keep experimenting and find out what works best (believe me, when it isn't best you'll find out quick haha) I use "/r" instead of "/c", I heard "/r" lasts longer so that's what I do. Another tip, you can open the chat (this works for all chats including console commands), and hit the "up arrow" on the keyboard to quickly bring up previously typed chats. Very useful when trying to rally the team for a rush. And if you see multiple people in game switching to commander that means a few things... either no one is getting along, everyone has different ideas... or watch out cuz someone is a key position and about to launch a big attack lol. It's like they say, when you get knocked down, you just gotta pick yourself back up and keep trying =D
  17. Of course Eyes is perfect for 1v1 matches ='D Very true! It all comes down to we can't make everyone happy, just try to make the most people happy we can =D
  18. And I get it, in the heat of a big game. What's easier? Get frustrated that someone messed up either because ignorance or poor judgement.. or say hey, no big deal, next time do "this" instead... I play fairly regularly myself, and honestly, sure not all of the people who play regularly seem to get along, but on the whole, they're all a good bunch of people. And remember: the one certain thing in life is change 😃
  19. I think what's not immediately obvious, is there is a huge gap between player skill and knowledge. Example: One team you have 3 players who have played for 5 years, who know all the quirks of a map, all the odd physics of the UDK, who know the exact attack stat of every gun, commence a joint attack. VS a team of relatively newer players (lets say they are willing to work together, but just dont understand the game to the same level) - in that moment I feel that is a "stack" (its a negative term here), because the experienced players have an distinct unfair advantage far beyond "team coordination". A real solution is somewhere between long time players doing what they can to educate new players on the game [because many of the problems are simply a lack of understanding of how the game even works...] and finding other ways to help new players quickly learn the gameplay and mechanics.
  20. All maps have player size ratings built in right? It would be wonderful if the map vote system could be set up in a way, so that if there are X number of players in the server, it will only show certain maps rated for those players sizes. eg. if only 15 players in the server, maps like Daybreak, Outposts wouldn't show. If only 10 players, only maps available would be smallest ones such as snow, Volcano, Tomb etc.
  21. my advice if playing against level 8 (or 9, search the forum level 9 bots, hint: search Cheetoz) play on maps with silos and base defenses. Cap the silo before adding the level 9 bots. Then hold out until heroic and you might have a chance =D
  22. So I never thought about this much before, but I've noticed when you are elite or heroic, you still gain HP while hiding inside a tank. The UI does not reflect this, it simply shows whatever HP/armor you had when entering the tank, and once you exit the tank, it shows your current HP level. This might be a known bug, but I've even seen this question asked in game and I've seen the response given that you don't heal while in a tank, which isn't true. So basically the solution should be to show active health regen while in the tank.
  23. That's not the worst idea ever, however I think the newly implemented kamakaze-explosion ("player1942 is a threat to us all), is a good compromise of this idea
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