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Everything posted by roweboat

  1. I like the idea of scaling with player rank and playercount. However, I could see players really not liking that idea because it would mean higher skilled players are punished more often (maybe). One thing that makes Ren-X fun is the frantic pace of play at times. The question is, when you kill someone and they come right back for revenge 10 sec later... should that changed? I think an advantage to adding more scaled respawn timings would add more strategy... eg. If i know I kill a heroic player, they won't be able to get back into their position for maybe ~20 sec... that sounds like no time at all, but alot of things can happen in just a few seconds in a high player Renegade match
  2. Have the server in Chicago, that will make everyone but @djlaptop happy.. and I don't even see him around anymore 🤣
  3. Interesting ideas being put forward, I like the inventiveness!! the biggest issue I see with the "restore buildings" option is, I think it's like putting a band-aid on a severed limb - it won't do jack... I do like the idea of a team being able to potentially work towards a single building being revived (be it through use of CP or a pool of credits), so I like the intention put in place, just maybe the execution needs tweaking.
  4. roweboat


    Welcome!! Yeah the biggest thing with Renegade-X is.. it isn't trying to be a "HD Remake" of Renegade.. it's constantly evolving, becoming something more. Its a relatively small dev team, but progress is always on going!! You can also catch much of the action through discord (servers also have their own discords): https://discord.gg/renegadex
  5. Quoting this for importance. Maps need to be tested with a large playerbase, otherwise the map creators and bug testers will never perfect them. Also, if possible, I think what might help, if there was a way in game, to maybe "highlight" the maps in a way, to show if they are already downloaded or included in game. For example when picking a map, Frostbite might show in Orange, vs the standard red to indicate the map will requiring downloading before play. Many players have no idea why when picking a new map, their game suddenly freezes or crashes
  6. I think that new size is great. I mean all things considered, the currently Air Strip for Nod, plus the Air Tower, take up a ton of space! But Havoc is right, I think keeping the building at a reasonable size near the GDI war factory is a good idea.
  7. Well like I always say. Take your time, don't feel you need to rush. Better to do a job well done, and it can be used well for a long time, vs a rushed job that someone would need to fix later...
  8. On this edition of BatBoat: Featuring Arctic Stronghold
  9. @Nexus51325 here is the stick spot I found, near GDI front base. Ironic actually that I was "stuck" to the cactus lol
  10. Very awesome!! As @Mystic~ said, could be used as an interesting alternative to the airfield (even if cannotically it makes no sense). Or could be used in a new map similar to how Crash site has the building... And it could only produce TS recon bikes, buggies and tick tanks
  11. Yeah, ever see the Matrix? When Neo had all the information, he could dodge bullets and fly and stuff.
  12. I jest of course. I'm sure solutions to everything will be found in time 😃
  13. I have heard mention of this bug in game before. .... yeah that's all I got, sorry ^^
  14. Don't nearly all computers these days use some form of Realtek chip? And actually I haven't had sound bug issues nearly as much since the last patch.
  15. I mean... you are the lead HUD programmer. It should be your decision
  16. they should lose all credits and they should be automatically team-donated to their team they switched from.
  17. I think another issue: A skilled player with a Tech / Hotwire is deadliest unit in the game. WHY? - Advanced repair gun + remote c4 + timed c4. What if once Barracks/ Hon is destroyed, instead of completely removing the Hotwire/Tech class, remove weapons. ie. remote c4 and timed c4. That leaves them with advanced repair gun, prox mines and pistol. Still has all defensive capabilities while very limited offensive powers.
  18. That's an interesting idea, although sounds a bit convoluted at first thought. I just feel we need to work to simplify game mechanics, not make them more complicated.
  19. Happy new years all!! Glad to be apart of such a great experience and so glad to see it still going strong to this day!! =D
  20. I think it might be a good idea. The fact is once the HON or Barracks go down, the chance of that team winning greatly diminishes, largely in part due to the reduced ability for that team to defend properly. I'm all for Hotwires/ Technicians being available at all times regardless of the HON/Barracks.
  21. Very awesome!! I'll have to check it out soon 😃 The real question is... is it pronounced "Steppie" or "Step" Regardless I will call it CNC-Steppie
  22. I vote for removing the score and player rank placement from the upper right entirely. Sure, it is somewhat useful information, that can also be figured out fairly quickly from the TAB scoreboard menu. I feel adding harvester and Tech buildings to the main HUD UI would be more vital information. For me, I like the HUD to contain only information that can help make better decisions during battle. Having the score and rank is nice sure, but maybe is "information overload". my two cents of course, new UI is great regardless 😃
  23. they may be too small to show that much detail.
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