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Everything posted by roweboat

  1. Currently the secret handbrake feature is hard-bound to the C key. Which is "okay". Its easy to spin my backend out to the right, but trying to swerve left, is like playing hand twister. And nothing looks cooler than charging into battle with a buggie or humvee sideways. Also same with L key for "Lock/Unlock". it's the only useful feature that I have to take my hand off my mouse to use.
  2. I think a much more productive conversation should involve questioning WHY Why does a STEALTH unit, a LITERAL INVISIBLE UNIT, not have the ability to STEALTH KILL other units from behind? Give SBH a bowie knife, he wants one so badly.
  3. You could rename it from Lazarus to Ezekiel's Cape's armor and you'd still have someone causing a fuss. 🤣 "ITS CALLED CAPE ARMOR, WHY CANT BE IMMUNE TO FALL DAMAGE!?"
  4. City_Flying. 😏 Walls Snowing, Training Yard and all others mentioned except Gobi 😋
  5. @euan-missile bout to get the omega ban hammer.
  6. How does that creepy Matrix text blend into the background like that.....
  7. The one possibility I see is, remove ability of rep gun to heal "HEALTH", only "ARMOR", and retool the logic so that all vehicle's HP is "ARMOR". @isupreme really I think it's an interesting idea, but real implementation would simply make the game too complicated. HOWEVER, I do think it's odd that some characters when taking damage, scream "MEDIC!!", but there are never medics on the battlefield 😅
  8. Exactly. if any sort of extra special stealth healing was given to SBH, their SMG would have to be removed, and their laser gun would need to be nerfed.
  9. Great discussion 🤣 Well that ideas ax'd i think.
  10. Guys knock it off. You both have valid concerns, and very different view points. @Mystic~ no need for name calling. Subtleties of German don't translate well to english, so if you feel he is mocking you or something, I highly doubt it. @once upon the time, ich kann einbisschen deutsch typen... vielleicht dieses Leute immer nicht deine Absicht machen. Ich versteh dich,. Frieden schließen, bitte.
  11. I think it could be an interesting way to force sbh to be scout and infiltrator vs offensive, but I think more work would have to be done to stats and weapon load out.
  12. roweboat


    I'm seeing a pattern here
  13. roweboat

    I'm out

    We won't forget Mount Harbour either!!!
  14. roweboat


    why would I ever want this as a wallpaper 🤣
  15. No doubt the ultimate super power is Teamwork and nothing will ever top that. It's funny sometimes people surprised these days when rushes win without buffs. Hello =D
  16. Yes please prune and move all useful commands to easily be used quickly. Sure I've basically being using these same radio commands for nearly 15 years, but I felt even in 2003 that they felt outdated. Please keep DESTROY IT NOW. It's silly , but awesome. And IM IN POSITION, can be very useful for someone a bunch of people are saying MINES, DEFEND, C4 ON THE MCT!! By spamming IM IN POSITION, I can at least let a few know that the situation is under control. The command desperately needs rebinding though. Not easy to hit quickly.
  17. trying to fight a war with a jackass like this out there 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
  18. I agree. Also I think maybe the logic with cruise vs GT and turret should be reworked. They are killed too easily by those missiles.
  19. C4 Q-spotting should be a thing, yes. There isn't always time to type out an exact issue. sometimes its merely typing out HARVY, HARVESTER HARVESTER!! and what that means is: THERE ARE BOMBS ON THE HARVESTER HEAL IT BEFORE IT BLOWS UP D=
  20. I feel you, I run into that situation often. I usually avoid shooting them to death if I realize they are not reacting to the shots very well. Last week, I was a hotwire, this guy was a soldier. He was sort of just standing there, moving a little bit. I shot him twice in the body. ...I hesitated a 3rd shot to the head... thought for a moment... but took the shot XD I felt bad.
  21. There is also the Renegade-X Wiki, although I'm not sure how useful it is in this case. https://wiki.renegade-x.com/wiki/Main_Page
  22. Maybe have a cool down timer between buffs, say 1 minute between any single type of buff (so defensive and offensive can't be stacked or 2 offensive buffs can't be used very effectively together.)
  23. roweboat

    I'm out

    At the end of the day, the only person we can control is ourselves. so here is my tough love: if you decide to leave and don't pick up the mapping again, the only person you can truly blame is yourself. Like others have said, there will always be people who will trash talk the work, the effort, and roadblock *change*. Because that's what you are to them, @Nexus51325 - something different. And sometimes people find that annoying. That said, your artistic and creative efforts are phenomenal, honestly some of the best and honestly, importantly, the quickest I've seen in maybe ever around here. Desolation and Steppie are some really awesome original and strategic maps. Really I wish I had the time, skill and motivation to create such fun things that others could enjoy. I think this all highlights the real problem that the base game needs a better way to implement custom content. Either through some sort flag check before joining a server (either launcher or in-game based) or some sort of indicator at end of round vote screen (if anything like that is possible). If more maps could be truly play tested faster and better (aka with lots of more players), the community will attract more awesome talent like @Nexus51325 =D
  24. I think it is a valid strategy, because it can take quite a bit of time and planning (and luck) to be able to gather that much CP for an effective attack. Plus high risk because most likely you're using all the CP you have (assuming CP limit is regular 3000). Now the validity of the Defensive buff itself, well that's another discussion. a well organized infantry rush is basically invincible when the buff is active. Might as well have the mario super star theme playing while it's active LOL
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