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Everything posted by roweboat

  1. they may be too small to show that much detail.
  2. This exactly. I think the tech buildings should be down with the other building icons like with the old UI. @Handepsilon: Having harvester always on the main UI might be beneficial too. Maybe in the top left between EVA log and chat log? E.G. EVA : Harvester ready. roweboat: Destroy it now! Kira: Affirmative. HARVESTER: (status) [eg. ACTIVE, EN ROUTE, TRANSPORTING, STOPPED, UNDER ATTACK, DESTROYED] roweboat: MOVE IN NOW Kaunas: STOP USING CP Player6428: Enemy Spotted!! [TmX]Ryz: It's over you guys no one is listening. Max: Your mom's a tool. Sheptim killed roweboat Tytonium killed LavaDr4gon Havoc89 killed Tytonium
  3. I like this idea, esp since I've recently learned that SBH armor is literally called LAZARUS armor.
  4. I'm getting alot of laughter on a serious suggestion. 😏
  5. I like those ideas too @Mystic~, but I think the idea being, that both sides should basically be equal except for visuals. GDI vs Nod is "equal but different" Nod vs Black Hand is simply "equal".
  6. Move the CC into the GDI base since Nod has a ridiculously huge advantage on this map.
  7. So play tested Lakeside X or whatever its called... very awesome!! Am I imagining it or has the "purple" tint of the black hand been changed to a softer blue? Either way only tested Lakeside map and it was very nice looking for Black Hand if thats the case. Doesn't feel out of place anymore. The inclusion of Obelisks on both sides is very cool! Feels pretty natural honestly.
  8. Maybe like someone else suggested, give each side access to different Nod units. Like Nod has the buggy, Black Hand has the recon bike. Nod has the light tank, Black hand has the Bradley light tank. Or maybe just keep things equal since that's interesting in itself enough.
  9. I'm excited to try this with a full server =D
  10. Very good points @euan-missile ... well almost... Erm but yes that's the glorious nature of the game being a REAL TIME STRATEGY FIRST PERSON SHOOTER. Strategy is key. Even though half the time I'll randomly charge the enemy because what's scarier than some dude randomly charging at your for no hope or reason.
  11. it's basically my favorite air vehicle ever, the Laser Apache from c&c 3 😍 (except the laser Apache didn't have those stupid propellers =p)
  12. But yes, having played Renegade / RenX for many years, and really seeing the same problems, I think it does come down to the nature of the gameplay. One of its strengths is also its faults. The reward of a team coming together and taking down an enemy building is ALWAYS so satisfying that honestly even after nearly 15 years of playing "command and conquer" mode, it never gets old when it all comes together. But sadly, yes, the same building as a loss to the other team is extremely detrimental and since all buildings have an immense amount of sway to one team or the other (some effects more immediate than others [if not a loss actual gameplay options, the player's ability to experience the whole gamut of options is greatly reduced]). It's like how the stats show, there's always a chance the other team could come back... and its those few times that I've seen it happen that make it worth coming back for. in fact, one thing the numbers don't show is how gratifying those "23%" or "12%" matches are when they come together.
  13. Did locking/unlocking make the icon appear? I noticed it flash on screen for a moment then is invisible and then appears randomly.
  14. You can try installing the UE3 Redistributable from the download section here: That should fix that missing file problem. But overall if you are receiving that error, it means installation was corrupt somehow. I would recommend completely uninstalling everything Renegade X and try installing fresh again.
  15. You see this stupid Amazon ad and first thought is Mammoth MK Ii
  16. Much better. I just found the quickest program I could online 🤣
  17. On a more serious note, everything is coming together nicely! My only complaint, is that the blue hue/color feels unnatural. Now maybe the red on nod seems fine because it's what were used to, but the standard red/black and gold/beige for GDI do seem more authentic. Perhaps a Gray instead? Or would that make it too difficult to tell the teams apart? Does that even matter? Hmmm.
  18. WHO WILL WIN!?!?! [I'm laughing really hard at this for some reason.. my best joke of the year 🤣] VS.
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