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Everything posted by roweboat

  1. Hell I'm sure I'd enjoy anything Klepacki would remaster =D
  2. I could care less about Generals, it seems it was more popular in Europe.
  3. @limsup TBH that is one of the main reasons I'm supporting the release big time... cuz I need Tiberian Sun remastered in my life =D And Kirov reporting.
  4. I'm at least getting this version: https://limitedrungames.com/collections/pc/products/command-and-conquer-remastered-special-edition Cuz I really want that Tiberium crystal. But the tesla coil, Mam tank and Ob look sweet too... but maybe not worth the extra $100... Actually here's a better link describing the versions: https://www.ea.com/games/command-and-conquer/command-and-conquer-remastered/buy
  5. more detailed answer: Yes, because the game is constantly improving (minus bugs that always pop up when things are changed). It's worth learning to understand the team play mechanics because when they gel correctly, it is an extremely satisfying experience =D
  6. Plot twist: topic leads to productive conversation.
  7. I ran folding@home back on my PS3 when that was supported. Very cool projects.
  8. I'd say if a team can coordinate a well planned 10 nuke strike, more power to them. Even if an attack like that seems overwhelming, it encourages team play, so it shouldn't be limited.
  9. My first thought is .. HMMMM!! My second thought is... interesting. My third thought is... Would this information really be of any benefit?
  10. roweboat

    THE renX-FILES

    Need to make this a poster
  11. I think the new radio commands are a step in the right direction. Personally I think the goal should be to limit it to 5 commands per key combo (eg ctrl+1-5, alt 1-5), because after 5, I have to shift my hands away from the movement keys and in battle...
  12. I think it's a limitation of the engine... it's working, just it doesn't want to tell you.
  13. Dev team is small, other things on the agenda i think.
  14. they weren't created for that purpose. They would ruin the game balance if they were present all the time.
  15. Yes I think alot of people do that. It's a problem can't really blame anyone though. I think it's been discussed before, though I'm not sure where the status on such a project is, since it would involve coding the Launcher which is in a different language than everything else [don't quote me]
  16. I think overall AT mines are an under used tool and making their presence better known would be helpful. I'd argue at mine usage is higher priority than say on screen view of current tank slots or even credits (in battle you don't really NEED to have constant view of that (could be moved to tab screen ala Harvesters) [Same with buildings in play, but I digress]
  17. some sort of UI indicator that only appears when you have AT mines places would be great. Although the current set up is still better than it was.
  18. Here I was thinking the topic was referencing new patch notes. 🙃
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