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Everything posted by roweboat

  1. That isn't a bad idea either. Like in some RPGs, when the same enemy is fought again and again, you get less and less experience until it's 0. That would discourage boring repetitive attacks like sitting in an arty all day until heroic and encourage varied attacks.
  2. yes but the RenX version is so different from the original it might as well be considered custom.
  3. Well I would say yes, more importantly command and conquer mode is my favorite. It's also one of the few games that I have the ability to consistently play with good people Between this and original Renegade, been playing for nearly 12 years. Next closest was Nox (ironically, also a Westwood title) at around 3 years. (But nothing ever came to replace that magic ala RenX)
  4. The map was more unique when first built because TS vehicles were a bit more novel at the time and health Regen wasn't apart of the base game yet.
  5. I think a larger percentage of the world being constantly online right now might have something to do with it.
  6. have you never faced against the mighty bioz!?
  7. I was just thinking about this when Fort was mentioned in game earlier. The reality is, I hardly have the time or energy more than a few hours or days a week. And to completely learn the coding needed to fix Fort, I really just don't have the ambition to do it.
  8. Maybe add a way to make mines weaker the further they are placed from the team's base. IDK maybe this is a horrible idea.
  9. should be 6, since most buildings have 2 doors and typically putting 3 mines per door.
  10. Showing this somehow would be a great idea. Because that's an advanced mining tactic. The enemy might think they can get thru 1 mine.. NOPE there's 3 there The drawback currently is, unless the mine layer tells teammates, others on the same team won't know there are multiple mines there either.
  11. Finally got my PC back up and running. Running Folding@home is also a great way to test system at full load =D
  12. wow that Shanghai is really cool! and yes @HIHIHI i think the GAU-8 Avenger is compensating for everything basically LOL
  13. Well it's the only gun I own, it was my dad's first rifle. The Marlin 81. Bolt action and super accurate even with only iron sights. Dont judge me on the jerry-rigged led mount. It's the only way I use it to hunt racoons that (used) to live in my attic.
  14. Just because Petroglyph is doing it, doesn't mean everyone else should =p
  15. A huge siren cries out from the heavens...
  16. Hell I'm sure I'd enjoy anything Klepacki would remaster =D
  17. I could care less about Generals, it seems it was more popular in Europe.
  18. @limsup TBH that is one of the main reasons I'm supporting the release big time... cuz I need Tiberian Sun remastered in my life =D And Kirov reporting.
  19. I'm at least getting this version: https://limitedrungames.com/collections/pc/products/command-and-conquer-remastered-special-edition Cuz I really want that Tiberium crystal. But the tesla coil, Mam tank and Ob look sweet too... but maybe not worth the extra $100... Actually here's a better link describing the versions: https://www.ea.com/games/command-and-conquer/command-and-conquer-remastered/buy
  20. more detailed answer: Yes, because the game is constantly improving (minus bugs that always pop up when things are changed). It's worth learning to understand the team play mechanics because when they gel correctly, it is an extremely satisfying experience =D
  21. Plot twist: topic leads to productive conversation.
  22. I ran folding@home back on my PS3 when that was supported. Very cool projects.
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