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Everything posted by roweboat

  1. A game that has a strong emphasis on team play and team coordination lol
  2. I like the concept. "player2348 wants to join your team. Accept? F1 Reject? F2" "player1167 wants to abandon your team. Accept? F1 Reject? F2"
  3. https://renegade-x.com/forums/topic/76931-mount-harbour/
  4. roweboat

    Bike gang!

    Surprise Biker gang and all I wanted to do was blow up a Harvester... ALSO. You didn't show the next part where I nearly single handedly rekt'd your puny biker gang with my almighty light tank =D
  5. Yes I can add saying that I had the exact issue on an AMD fx chip (a 9370 CPU). Unfortunately I never came across a fix either... All I did was upgrade to a Ryzen 5 and now no problems 😜
  6. Yes I'm sure if anyone was playing on the 32 bit version they would have issues with most of these maps
  7. Too bad I missed it! Glad to hear Paradise got some love!
  8. Defense is equally as important as offense. However, I think much of defense involves actions that might not directly involving interacting with the enemy. Such as patrolling the base, or effective mining tactics. Or healing buildings or friendly tanks and units. The question is how can someone correctly be rewarded for performing such actions?
  9. to be honest, during the match. I sort of tuned out the tunnel nukes and actually had a pretty good time, because the teams were in a deadlock for quite awhile. I gave up the fight in the tunnels. Godspeed to those who held back the Nod horde there. The true fight was the Mobius, Sydneys and Gunners on the field's front lines, fighting off tank rush after tank rush. Perhaps a personal timer should be added for superweapons? I mean they are meant to be colossal base destroying items, distractions sometimes and deterrents at other times. Maybe sounds extreme, but perhaps like a 5 minute cooldown per player before another superweapon can be called (granted that might not reduce all beacon spam, but typically it's just a few players and not the whole team doing it)
  10. See this ad for a book and immediately think Renegade. What happens after an successful emp?? Utter chaos...
  11. roweboat

    FPI Bad

    @Tytonium I respect your opinion and coming from someone who's done alot of statistical research with RenX, these claims are pretty broad and baseless. Some of these concerns need more facts attached to them, and others are out of any 1 single server's control.
  12. Yes that's true. I think it was Marathon EKT servers even have mine limits up over 100. Back when mines could still be placed on ceilings =D
  13. roweboat

    Fact or fiction

    Like it or not, the VP system is here to stay. It gives a small sense of progression within the game. It adds another layer of strategy to the RealTime -Strategy- / FPS Hybrid Even the original devs of WestWood understood the importance of a veterancy system. (Tiberian Sun had it) even if OP doesn't want a discussion, I think it is an interesting subject. Because there is always room for improvement and development 😃
  14. roweboat


    That he is in fact a tank?
  15. LOL what the hell XD I was AFK and I come back to the game moments before this video.
  16. I checked, I changed the Crouch key. Handbrake was still bound to the C key. Unable to change without changing .ini file
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