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Totem Arts Staff
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Everything posted by roweboat

  1. Did locking/unlocking make the icon appear? I noticed it flash on screen for a moment then is invisible and then appears randomly.
  2. You can try installing the UE3 Redistributable from the download section here: That should fix that missing file problem. But overall if you are receiving that error, it means installation was corrupt somehow. I would recommend completely uninstalling everything Renegade X and try installing fresh again.
  3. You see this stupid Amazon ad and first thought is Mammoth MK Ii
  4. Much better. I just found the quickest program I could online
  5. On a more serious note, everything is coming together nicely! My only complaint, is that the blue hue/color feels unnatural. Now maybe the red on nod seems fine because it's what were used to, but the standard red/black and gold/beige for GDI do seem more authentic. Perhaps a Gray instead? Or would that make it too difficult to tell the teams apart? Does that even matter? Hmmm.
  6. WHO WILL WIN!?!?! [I'm laughing really hard at this for some reason.. my best joke of the year ] VS.
  7. I believe @AlienX has a similar mutator in his server a few years ago, regarding the base defenses that is. As far as I remember, it was a neat idea to be able to rebuild base defenses, but I feel it made matches drag on unnecessarily long.
  8. @MajesticSausage Okay, I figured it out. That isn't a bug. It's a feature. Lock icon only appears on vehicles when it bound to you. If the vehicle is unbound, lock icon doesn't show.
  9. Yes, perhaps have polls regarding things such as kicks, commanders, surrender, bots, mine bans in the current space and then have the UI space directly below the standard vote menu space for custom polls (sometimes silly things, but also a good way to convey a important point or topic in game too). That way, for example, someone throwing up a random poll at the beginning of the game, wouldn't interfere with someone trying to also vote in a commander, because both have space available in the UI.
  10. I keep forgetting to post these, just pointing out a few minor bugs I've noticed. 1. Sometimes when you get in a tank it'll show 5 slots instead of what actual vehicle can hold 2. Ability text can overlap weapon text (in my case, it's because I have Ability mapped to left bracket, which is then mapped to one of my mouse buttons lol)
  11. Are you referring to the fact of winter maps are bright in nature because snow is white?
  12. this is one of those things that will receive zero acknowledgement, but will be implemented 8 months from now LOL
  13. I know the dev team is always looking for more help, what kind of animation work have you done?
  14. Humans have scaled their skill faster than the bots can scale their bot-ness.
  15. it does scale actually. I like it, its good variety. Finally something beyond Command and Conquer mode =p
  16. I think this was discussed before and some felt it was too invasive of privacy. Although I think it's a great idea.
  17. very cool, thanks for sharing!!
  18. @Handepsilon The bots congregated between wave 1 and 2 to strategize their next move. We were all slaughtered shortly afterward.
  19. I like it so far. the idea of replacing it with information of how you died could be interesting. Although I feel we are already approaching information overload in game.
  20. Meanwhile during that same match on Eyes... I became a bat again.
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