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Everything posted by Truxa

  1. Only when the AGT is down though, the bridge is usually heavily guarded and mined for it to work, unless you can show me how? (please? pretty please?)
  2. I believe the plan is to make it a server option, dunno where I read it but somehow this is in the back of my mind. I would favour 30 seconds planning-delay. Lets say, people get the donate command ready to 1 individual and buy APC for rush. maybe 2 APCs for rush, thats quite strong. I believe there was a discussion going on for a no-donate feature in the first 5 minutes to prevent donate-rushing. However, the planning could also entail to organize a defense against said rush.
  3. It is allowed, I found out the hard way! I was defending on Goldrush Nod when the ion was placed. I couldn't find it where I heard the bleeping the loudest, so I went underground and there it was. The explanation for it was: The ion cannon/nuke drop in from above, so essentially cutting through the airstrip to reach the beacon, why shouldn't it be allowed? My view against it: GDI doesn't have such a weakness. Planting beacons below structures isn't one of the obvious tactics and is easier to defend (loads of crates to hide behind) and the obelisk chargup time takes too long to kill a person running to the tunnel. My defense against it: Throw some mines just around the corner of the concrete walls below the bunker. Throw some more mines in that tunnel entrance. Because they cannot rush all at once if they don't want to be killed by obelisk, 5-6 well-placed mines would suffice. I usually put around 10 in total. Normally it's like 1 or 2 people trying that tactic as when there are more, they will significantly pull resources from the main assault/defense or bridge.
  4. As far as I understand is that the agreement with EA is that the Devs cannot make money out of the game. I do not know if this also entails the players receiving any compensation by doing live streams. There are so many people doing live streams of other games like BF series and the likes, I doubt they get sued for it or that the game developpers demand compensation. It's not that the player is distributing the game for others to play, for compensation. I would find it strange if you couldnt twitch it
  5. Maybe he joined later and some people left earlier? OldRen session time is tracked server-side, not client-side. This is what I love about renegade though, the ever persistent stalemate without the chance of voting for a new map. Shame that that RenX 314 minutes session was changevoted, but also quite remarkable that they didnt votechange it earlier (lets say at the 60 minute mark)
  6. And risk Orca or chinook dropping someone there? Yeah right Orca/chinook will land there anyway, no matter where you put your mines. -Placing mines too high up, will detonate when the orca/chinook gets too close --> useless mines. -Placing mines at the base of the stairs AND doorway covers both entrances, but use more mines. -Placing mines higher up on the walkway instead of the base, result in previous point. -Placing mines near the MCT will atleast prevent hotwires to C4 the MCT. Note, this all goes for the C4 placement tactic. Ions will be placed on the roof or catwalk anyway you see it, no matter where you place the mines. Via orca/chinook landings. Take your pick, I prever the 4th mining option.
  7. People are scared of dieing regardless of deathcrates ... It's natural, but in FPS games where you just as easily spawn in, it's kindof wierd to see death as a thing to be scared of (only in cases of free classes; not 1k chars) Running in kamikaze style gives your team an advantage because you push the enemy back, which is the point in any war. Push back enemy advance --> hold them back --> move in for the kill
  8. Lemme guess, you park an APC over there Never experience such thing, but it seemed quite broken IMO parking an APC over there is the worst you could do when some nuker comes along and hides behind that rock. Some bullets don't stop rushers, carefully placed proxies will, not those proxies in plain sight but those around corners. They kill more than you'd think and are often far better than those in plain sight. You cannot avoid that which you cannot see. I find that people parking an APC there or shooting tank shells or MLRS missiles there to be anoying. They hinder my visibility in that cave thus hampering my tunnel defense skills. I use 12-20 proxies to defend against bar/ref nuke-rushers and usually hear boinks when I'm rearming.
  9. As anoying this might be, the rock at the entrance to the tunnels on Field provides cover for both teams. Regretfully, it's close enough for nukes, then again, you didnt have me for being a designated defender I usually defend that tunnel throughout the entire game when I'm on GDI. No Nod gets a beacon off on my watch!
  10. I admit, I have (ab)used the following: On Field, for both Nod and GDI, there is this spot behind their refinery at which when you place a beacon, you'd hit half the tunnels without them noticing sometimes. The nuke and Ion cannon explosion is killing people inside the tunnels, which shouldn't happen I think. I mostly use this when the enemy is camping the tunnels and camping the main entrance with vehicles. You might think this kind of beacon spam is costly, but if you hit just 1 person, you get a shitload of credits for it. Not enough to purchase a new beacon, but atleast a good portion of it. Is it intended for beacon kills to yield 500-or-so credits per kill?
  11. Yesterday, I bought a techy to mine the base. After noticing GDI switched tactics to APC rushing, I purchased AT mines to counter that. It succeeded! However, I was unable to reselect the normal proxy mines to continue on with base defending. This lasted untill I purchased a free class and then a techy again. I had to repurchase my Carbine aswell. On that note, a Mobius got the drop on me, but I still managed to kill him with my Carbine. It's OP, but there is another topic for that
  12. This is part of the reason why I think RenX is for the pro-renner and not for the average gamer. RenX is based on Renegade which is based on an RTS game. No wonder the game is RTS-ish in terms of attacking or defending. In an RTS, you need an ARMY working together to break through a defense and you need ALL you can get to defend against those small pinpoint attack forces. I loved Renegade for the community and everyone knowing what to do in which situation, RenX has to mature to that standard. However, judging by the rate it's going now, I sometimes feel that the energy spend to teach and educate falls on deaths ears. In other words, it feels futile. Too many (mostly new, some old) people regard RenX as a free BF4/CoD, in which you can hero alone and solo without much of a repercussion. In every online game, the team with the most teamwork and tactical awareness wins. I play War Thunder (nice WW2 flight sim; on Steam F2P) and every game is with randoms, never the same unless you are in a premade squad. It doesnt matter if you have the best vehicle, if you are being chased by 3 fighters, you are going to die. UNLESS you have team support chasing those 3 chasers. Point being, TEAMWORK prevails, but a lot of newcomers just couldn't care less. All they want is to rush in, get a few shots off, get killed and do it over. They leave when a building explodes and call those people who hold back and defend (without any compensation other than utter boredome) noobs for letting it go down. It will have a negative effect on their playstyle as they no longer can purchase their equipment for their futile solo-runs.
  13. Meds combined with hotties, don't forget the repairing crew or else the artillery still owns you
  14. Mobius and Mendoza? I'd like a marathon without the voting system. Both teams only having powerplant and ref. You'd be amazed how people grow teamwork-wise in normal games
  15. I didnt know this fact, perhaps flame troopers are the best mine-runners then?
  16. A classic "I'm not the problem, the world is the problem"
  17. I'm sometimes leaning to this, because seriously... being the solo defender holding the base together, only to lose when you cant keep up with repairs, mines and spamming arty/MLRS Oh this .... as a sniper, I just shoot to make sure Sometimes people accused me of cheating because, who would shoot a random guy right?
  18. Teamwork level CoD or BF4, anyone?! RenX is a team-based game. Sure, the original game had a single player in which you were the commando, but in multiplayer, we are ALL commando's here. SO, we need to work together in order to prevail. If you are blocked by mines all the time, why dont you pick up an engi/tech/hotty and rush to the place they mined and disarm it yourself? Some shitty people do that all the time and it is shit anoying for someone like me who is actually 100% defending most of the games. Running between choke-points to check for disarmed mines when you see the limit drop. Ugh! You must realize that even when you are disarming mines like a crazy fucker, it lessens the defensive capabilities of that team as they have to check for the disapearing mines. Enabling your team to rush
  19. Countered: Mine near the MCT instead of the doorway. Hotty cant blow it up anymore due to walking in on the mines. Anoying: Placing an ion beacon just outside the normal range on the ledge behind the windows. Snipers cover the people who try to go to the beacon. Counter: Redesign to remove the ledges, so beacon placers can get through in the strip building and perhaps C4 the MCT, but are not able to place a beacon on that too-hard-to-reach ledge. I believe that the way it is designed, it wasn't meand to reach this place. Don't come complaining it's "an advanced tactic" as if in reality people would stand on top of a catwalk railing, barely supporting 1 foot on it and use it to jump through a window onto a ledge that has no way down other than jumping down 10 feet (3 meters)
  20. It's a laser chaingun showing that killed you though, not a sniper
  21. The sarcasm lies in the fact that this wasn't a good idea at all
  22. Well Yosh, about those SBHs... come to think of it, people started reporting seeing "stealthed" units throughout the map, regardless of distance due to an old GFX driver. Stealth is handled client-side. What if the communication for the observer of a stealth unit, isnt good enough to actually detect the stealthed unit on the screen? I'm starting to wonder if it's a plain oversight of the GDI player or just a visual bug that simply doesnt allow them to see the SBH. Seriously, last time on Walls, I was defending tunnels and main entrance, running in between them constantly. Either the stanks that got in knew exactly when and where I moved, or else it's just that... Same for SBHs. Tunnels mined, the gaps between the wall and the ramps mined, so only the main entrance needed to be covered. Still, stealthed units got in without me noticing.
  23. And this is something that I realy dislike. The game should detect whether or not some GFX features are mandatory or not. If a GFX driver does not support certain gamebreaking features, it shouldnt be able to start. OR the game should be coded differently so the stealth is handled differently. What if cheaters purposely trying to find out the exact malfunction to "disable" stealth effects, or atleast make them visible as if they are on your team. The way I see stealth being handled atm is as a GFX setting. The client game detects a mesh which does not show unless in close proximity. Code it to max that distance and voila, it's vissible throughout the map, even when on GDI. Better yet, just downgrade your GFX to the version at which is not supported and there is "no cheat" at play, just a "bug". I feel this should be changed
  24. Well, i still prefer a manned rocket emplacement on walls, instead of adding automatic base defends. So one rocket emplacement could be placed on the top of HoN. The other for GDI could be placed on the top of the Wf. Another solution for balance issues would be to increased the respawn time of the emplacements up to 3 minutes or longer. I was being sarcastic
  25. On islands, it might stop those early hotwire/engi rushes coming in from the main entrance ... the unexpected route This suggestion is just a lazy-mans solution to weak-teamwork-resulting-in-building-loss Why not also on the top of the walls, or the sides of the walls, so we can prevent those anoying orca/heli-lifts that bring in those gnasty anoying hotties/techies in the sides? hmm? I say nay to gunemplacements on maps that didnt have them originally
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