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Everything posted by Truxa
Soooooo... these spots you mention... are they real? Tell me the locations so I can look for them and confirm if they exist or not. Pics or it didn't happen. For WF: as SBH go to the top roof, jump off at the back and onto the 2nd roof. If done properly, a well placed beacon drops through the holes so engineers/hotwires need to do the same difficult jump within 50 seconds. Which is nigh-impossible. For PP: run up to the roof, at the beginning of the roof, walk to the left side of the roof (the yellow colored bit) and around the PP untill you reach the last exhaust vent. Placing a beacon in that vent makes it impossible to reach from the ground AND roof! Unless you walk the same way as the SBH does, which makes you turn around and walk around again. For Ref: Walk up on the roof. There is some sort of pillar at the front part of the roof that lets you stand on it. Placing the beacon there will make it drop behind the fence or through the roof, making it impossible to reach it with a repairgun. If you cannot immagine these situations, you clearly haven't played Renegade X long enough. On TheMatrixRen server, these spots are banned from use. Anyone seen abusing these bugs (either by seeing the actual planting or building destruction by an unreachable beacon) will get a permanent IP ban. Which, in my opinion, is fair. NOTE: for WF, running up the roof and placing it anywhere on top of the roof is not bugabusing and that beacon can be easily reached, yet needs a little time to search for it.
I noticed that whilst being a rocket soldier, my missiles "locked" on apperently a "friendly" ... turns out to be a spy when i shot him down, but should rockets still lock on even though i couldnt see the enemy nametag?
[3004.03] Log: === Critical error: === Fatal error! Address = 0xd81a7b (filename not found) [in C:\Games\Renegade X Beta 2\Binaries\Win32\UDK.exe] Address = 0x351ca3c (filename not found) Address = 0xd8319a (filename not found) [in C:\Games\Renegade X Beta 2\Binaries\Win32\UDK.exe] Address = 0x269b93 (filename not found) [in C:\Games\Renegade X Beta 2\Binaries\Win32\UDK.exe] Cant upload the .dmp file nor the "Launch" file located in the "/EDKGame/Logs" folder The above was copied from the "Launch" file opened with notepad. The crash happened after a vote for a mapchange after an hour of stalemate on the map "Walls: flying" Prior to that, Nod team was heavily abusing nukes to force a crash, failed but vote passed during those nukes. Total amount of player: roughly 25-30 Hope thats enough information.
What an awful suggestion... It's sort of a bug not to die with c4 attached to you. Either disarmed legit or explode, don't jypse the game by getting in a tank and, because the game isn't real life, the c4 doesn't explode inside the vehicle and liquidize everything within. It's sort of exploiting the fact the video game doesn't let the c4 just follow you inside. If they could script it, more difficultly, they should make it where it somehow clings to your character model even inside of the vehicle, lets it kill you inside the vehicle while vehicle takes no damage, and your death vacants that seat in vehicle. Sort of more like real life, blended with the fact friendly fire don't work here. Technically, it is not friendly fire as the opposing team puts a timed C4 on the player. Similar to when I run towards a techy/hotty/engineer with timed C4 on my ass and it explodes in our faces, the C4 owner gets 2 (or more) kills So I think that all the tanks occupants should die and the tank, being destroyed from within as there is no armor plating inside
Hi! I just want to bring something to the developpers attention which is quite important in my opinion. Just a few days ago, when I was playing on the "Walls" map as a Havoc on top of the middle section, sniping into the NOD base. We've destroyed the Hand of NOD so this was pretty easy as there were no counter snipers to speak of. Yet, in my carelesness, there were still a few SBHs running about, one of them with me on top of the middle section. He was able to put a timed C4 on my back, I noticed it and killed the poor bugger. But the following is the most important part! As I've killed the dude within 10 seconds, I had 20 seconds to spare to run back to base and enter a vehicle (sorry teammate) before thee timed C4 exploded. Whilst in the tank, it exploded only to damage the tank and not myself. While this is a pretty neat way of countering that sort of SBH behaviour, it should not be possible for me not to die. So, here's what I would think of: Is there a way for a player to die IN a tank, lets say, the occupants taking damage whilst driving the vehicle. This would allow for the characters to die of a timed C4 planted on a player entering a vehicle, but also taking small amounts of damage from outside sources of damage.
I think the spy crate as it is, works great! Think about it when thinking about the C&C series, spys were not invisible, just mimics of the opposing team. Now, what I'm concerned about is the fact that BOTs tend to open fire upon a spy from acros half the map! As if they can see who is a spy on their team. Seems to me BOTs are always able to make a distinction between friendly and enemy and shoot the enemy, regardless of the enemy being a mammoth tank whilst being a marksman character (=no effect but they shoot anyway) So as a spy, when you come close enough for the BOTs firing range he starts shooting at the spy. This is usually how I tell who'se a spy or not. "Why the F#$% is that BOT shooting at that teammate for?! Oh ... wait ..." I start shooting and the "team mate" dies.
Nah, I was responding to Letty saying that "the enemy have no recourse beyond not getting hurt" when it comes to airstrikes. But if they snipe the spotter before the airstrike can be called in (i.e. while spotting with the laser), I'd consider that a recourse. The one and only and only for a period of 5 seconds you'd have the chance. As a sniper, it's wise not to be visible 100% of the time, but rather in intervals of 5-10 seconds, relocating and vice versa, or else, enemy snipers would have an easier time locking on to your position.
Sniping the spotter not giving you points? That sounds strange to me ... The one who calls for the airstrike (= the spotter?!) should not get any credits for killing/destroying with the use of an airstrike. Well, thats what the other 2 dudes mean ... I do not agree though. Using an airstrike yields less credits than it costs, well, if you are on a jelly server or any other that has the price increased and also depends on the amount destruction that occurs. I'm no fan of cooldowns either, as when I place an airstrike, I run back to base to buy a new one and run back to the spot(usually takes 3-5 minutes total depending on the map) On a jelly server, it costs me more, so after placing the airstrike, I head to the tunnels (field map) or nice sniping location to snipe me additional credits untill I can buy a new one. Cooldown isn't fixing it too much imo when you keep the costs at 700, it just simply is too low (400-500 credits due to damage done, 1 harverster unload during that time and buying the next)
All the times I was on the defending side of a siege at e.g. Field map, I could see a short green laser (a GDI prepping an airstrike) pointing from the NOD bunker. It's only when i zoomed in with my sniper scope to see it and only halfway to where he/she is pointing it. Thing is, I usually make them my prime target as I know they are about to unleash an airstrike. 2nd thing is, why would a person aim an airstrike to some place that isn't a 'hotspot'? So, whenever I hear the EVA unit calling airstrike aproaching (when being NOD) I always make a run from the place where I expect it to be coming (e.g. where all the NOD defenders are?!) Same goes for when I'm on GDI and hear the Cabal unit (that's the NOD version of EVA) calling for an incoming airstrike, I leave the hottest area asap! People need to think and L2P in order to evade them, in the RTS games you wouldn't know where the airstrikes are hitting either, not even a flare, so to stay close to the RTS game things should be as similar as possible.
I fixed that for you. This i liked Though I do believe that endless sieges ruin the game as it always depends on your teammates help to a great extend. In the old renegade, to compensate for lack of brains, tank-shells are made and repaired beyond believe (bypassing the maximum vehicle cap) this in order to crush turtle teams. Countering such a rush with an airstrike is effective, a bit too effective if you ask me, but it's part of the game. Just now I finished a game in which GDI was attacking and I was a part of it, on the map "Field". Because shelling is not possible in renegade x, it's kinda hard to get a good rush going against a turtle as NOD was. Only afew NODdies defended the tunnels (3 or so) while the rest were repairing HON and Obelisk and the 3 tanks/flamers they had at their gates. The way we won this is because I was able to get 3 well-placed airstrikes to crush them, right before the rest of the team rushed in to knock off HON/Obe. and winning it. While doing that, I was only killed once in the tunnels (gathering credits for airstrikes) and obtained a K/D of 55/1 (35 or so due to the airstrikes) The above example shows how powerful an airstrike can be, even at the price of 1500 credits. GDI airstrikes do the following: 3 separate airplanes strafe the target area with bullets followed by massive explosives. A good way of nerving this airstrike is to reduce it to 2 separate airplanes strafing while keeping the cost at 1500. As for the NOD airstrike, it's a single bomber circling the area, that timer (or amount of bombs dropped) should be reduced by a third to compensate for the GDI airstrike nerf.
I've been playing C&C Renegade on Jelly servers (yeah the OLD Ren! you know, the one this game is based upon) Peek hours of online playerbase were (give or take) 150 during the week, maybe? Weekends obviously a bit more, but Jelly was always one of the most full servers. Original game did not include the airstrikes, I can see why they added it though. No longer those endless base sieges without progress into the base, or unable to get out of the bases. Airstrikes are a great asset in that regard and yes, 700 is too low. 2500 is too much, but then again, i like the old-gameplay of the original renegade, apart from the endless sieges ofcourse. @SFJake I KNOW I've mentioned the above before, so you simple CANNOT say that nothing possitive has been mentioned about airstrikes And do mind, Renegade is still in Beta, which means, testing is still ONGOING, bugs are present, nerves have to be made, boosts have to be made. The game is not yet finished! I do long for the revamping of the other original Renegade maps though
If you want to implement a cooldown in that sense, it should only affect the player placing the airstrike, not team-wise as that is also not the case with nukes and ions. Think about it, how many nuke silo's does NOD have? How many Ion satalites are there in the sky at any given moment above a small battlefield in C&C. One could argue that these superweapons should have a team-wide cooldown more so than the airstrikes, as there would be more airplanes availible
Ah so it isn't just me. Good. To be fair, I can see the point of airstrikes costing more. Take "Field" for example. When assaulting a base with vehicles, 2 well-placed airstrikes make it almost impossible to pull the rush through, as the entire rush will be anihilated. Also, when sieging a base, airstrikes can also be over-utilized to prevent sallying out. More often than not, I tend to get me a deadeye/BH sniper with airstrike, this allows me to pick off characters easily and when things turn messy, use the airstrike to prevent the opposing team to overrun my team. K/D over 10 isn't an exaggeration in that regard. In all fairness, I can see why they made the change (partly due to this tactic I've been employing I guess) and at the same time saddened, it makes for a more versatile gameplay (and hurting my K/D ) @iovandrake: I just tested on Jelly, it's 1500, but I think 1000 should be more fair, just like the other super-weapons -Trux
Hi! For the passed few days I've noticed a change. Last week I was able to buy airstrikes for 700 credits, but just since a couple days ago, I was deducted 1500 credits for an airstrike! Has the Airstrike cost been changed? The label sure does not indicate it! When I have above 700 credits, the label is no longer greyed-out, indicating I should be able to buy it, yet, it only allows me to buy it for 1500. Anyone having the same issue? (I mostly play on Jelly marathon server if it's a server setting) Regards, Truxa