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Everything posted by Truxa
This was in the patch notes and clealy discussed in the forums prior to BETA 4. Yes, EMP grenades will defuse mines. But it will take some time for the EMP to actually remove the mines (10 seconds?) Which is enough time for anyone noticing to alert the entire team! I must say though, this feature was intended to make it slightly easier to infiltrate buildings, throwing an EMP on certain mines in a doorway, removing them to plant C4's on the MCT. However, when using an EMP near a building, the building "gets hit" and the "building under attack" message is sounded.
If anything, those repairgun sidearms for any character should do half the repairing speed what a normal engineer does. It's just an augmentation for cooperative infiltration without a techy/hot/engi repairing you after a gunfight.
It all depends on the nature of a glitch and how you make it "funny". You know the Mobius glitch with the alt-fire? Immagine what would have happened if it was public and everyone used it? Especially when some new players joined and witness it. They would be like, omg such massive bug. Unfinished --> I'm out This would actually be my reaction when I try out a new free game and see stuff like that happening. I instantly lose interrest. Now I know this is unfinished, like you know and many other people who regularly play this game know. But to grow a playerbase, you need to think as a newby
I´m still of the opinion, untill bugs and glitches are fixed, you should NOT publicly showcase them, especially not when you write texts like: 100% chance of building destruction when you use this glitch. Or: very handy on maps without base defense. It's toxic to the people who don't know how to play this game properly, instigating them to (ab)use these glitches for sure victory, followed by a kick/ban from the server owners and never to see them again because of it! The one thing you can do to educate people is to STOP spreading sensitive information as "how to use this glitch" instead, make them private and show them to the Devs. Never EVER showcase public! In my opinion, it's being toxic. This community is small as it is, last thing you want is to spread the idea this game is too buggy on even simple cases like forgetting a collision block or whatever. It makes new people think that Devs are not carefull. People also need to understand, Devs place their hearts and souls into this game, spending as much spare time as they can to develop this game. Trying to "push" them by showcasing glitches publicly to "quickly fix" certain glitches wont help. It does more damage than good! They can't push out weekly updates! Just the way it is!
Maybe set this towers to aim for head. This would kill any character in the game, currently the top-tiered characters survive an obelisk blast with 50health remaining. Your "quick fix" would raise a new issue in that sense. This is the one thing we dont want to happen. We want to encourage people to participate in teamplay only. This is just bullcr@p. Just because the SBH lonewolvers are anoying and pestering the snipers doesnt mean they will go change and take a tank and hotty because trying to snipe is too anoying. This would reduce variable gameplay. Snipers are just as needed as any other class in a team effort. Snipers main target are the repair crew of the opposing faction. Besides, with your suggestion, I'd be taking SBH + carbine/flechette even more often. Why take a sakura/BH Sniper when you can get up close to the enemy infantry?
I was expecting heavy critique so no hard feelings. I just had 1 of those episodes when being fed up by noobish behaviour. I also read the other post where Cudaker sais he's kicked n stuff? Devs reply there saying no one takes initiative to actually make a tutorial, only discussions are taking place. Yosh's written tutorials are too long, 45 seconds is imo too short. I agree, mine is a bit long too, but thats my nature, explaining why this n why that. Its like the following story: 5 monkeys in a cage, a ladder and on top of the ladder bananas. If 1 monkey goes up and tries to take a banana, the other 4 are spayed heavily with aa water hose. This instance occurs often enough for the monkeys to realize, walking up the ladder to take bananas will screw the rest, so, whenever a monkey tries to do that they beat the 1 going up the ladder. When this happens, every week, they switch a monkey with a new one. After 5 weeks every monkey is replaced, but they still beat the monkey walking up the ladder. If you ask the question why they are doing that, they reply: it was always like this. Reason for me saying is: people need context or they dont know or realize why something must be done in a specific way.
I started a tutorial: viewtopic.php?f=13&t=75067 The video is 12m40s long about mining on Walls Flying and WHY It doesnt adress all the issues, but it's a start. The video linked in my post is not public, so only those who click the link will see it. Reason for it: I can be wrong! So making an error public will result in a worse situation than there is now. I tried to contact Goku just 10 minutes before recording, he's on TS but not responding.
Hi guys, I've taken it upon myself to start and try making a tutorial about the whole mining issue. It's uploading right now onto youtube. When it's finished, it will be here: The video is unlisted, so it's not public, only people having this link will be able to see it. If you guys approve, I can turn it into public for everyone to find doing youtube searches. NOTE: Length: 13 minutes. Target: Countering 3x SBH infiltrations tagteams. Map: Walls Flying. Skirmish mode. Minelimit: 45 (as on TmX server). Bots disabled. Extra info: difference between stacking 5 mines and spreading 5 mines. This shows that with an experienced team, the 45 minelimit is not enough to stop infiltrations. This will also indicate the fact that 1 lousy miner will screw up the whole team. Suggestions for improving mines through gamedesign are not appreciated. Suggestions for improving the tutorial however is.
Walls mining: tunnel and main entrance only, best result? nuh uh! 2 transports with techs and 1 SBH WILL render all of your mines useless, hence the doors should be mined! Furthermore, on ALL maps without base defenses, mines should ALWAYS be placed in chokepoints and/or doorways to counter infiltrations. Priority for the building doors, THEN chokepoints, minelimit permitting ofcourse. Usually, a 3-SBH tag-team is needed to bring down a building succesfully. 2 might be possible when you time the MCT shooting right (5 seconds prior of C4 explosions) but thats a bit more iffy than 3 Timed C4s placed within a max 2 seconds between 1st and last C4. 3 SBHs however, can EASILY take out 6 mines at any single doorway. E.g. Walls: Ref has 2 doors, powerplant has 2 doors, barracks has 2 doors(NOTE: access doors via roof-ramps!), WF has 2 doors, totalling 8 doors. 8x6=48 mines needed to protect them all. But what about the roof ramps? You get the point right? ALL the mines are needed to counter the most stealthy way of disabling a buidling: 3x SBH-C4 rush. Now, some people argue to place 4 mines per entrance, stacked on top of eachother in such a way that 1 SBH has to sacrifice himself in order for the other 3 to enter (requires a 4-SBH tagteam for the original tactic) here is where your "W" spread of t he mines come in as "shit mining". SBHs can still get around your mines, maybe detonating 1 or 2, but no SBH dies and opens up the entire base! Now, the mining thing is nothing new, it has always been thé most complex thing to learn and to teach. As I understand, Devs balanced it so that any map needs only 30 mines, because the idea is, mines are an early warning system. Mines should be placed only in those area's where there is the least trafic. E.g. Walls: Mine the pp and ref doors heavily, but leave the bar and WF unmined. Guard those buildings with soldiers/designated defenders only and perhaps just 1 mine per door, so when 1 detonates, it alerts the designated defenders to scramble for the place where they detonated. Look where it's going? TEAMWORK! there is a reason for the Skirmish matches, you can edit the % attackers and % defenders. You NEVER leave the base entirely by itself, you always leave a few designated defenders behind. Now Cudaker, I was not present at your party (pun intended) at a vote-kick seems to me a bit too overboard, I agree. But you have to agree that when people see mining issues 1 time too much, they might do things they normally wouldnt. Oh, TmX has a lower minelimit than EKT servers do. Depending on the maps, TmX has between 25 and 50 mines while EKT has between 45 and 80 I believe. EKT allows a bit more iffy mining but meh, thats no solution either On the tutorial part: Ren-X should havea FORCED TUTORIAL map the first time you try to play online. Similar to what planetside 2 had up to a few months ago. You had to walk through a trial or tutorial of sorts, to get acquainted with certain weaponry. Took only 15 minutes in total if you payed attention to everything. The tips messages could be enlarged a bit more, to be a bit more profound.
The mammy regens because it was intended to regen health. In the RTS version of tiberian dawn, both the mammoth tank AND harvesters regenerate health up to 50% of their max health, when they drop below 50%. And only very slowly! This was added in the original renegade aswell as in Ren X, not because they are so pricy, but because it was designed in the RTS game. Hell no. You cant couting with you are playing againts total noob or 7 years old kid. Sure it happens sometimes but its mostly luck. Mostly you are playing againt player same good as you and you are "winning" with 5% of yo health. Its no win. Its lose for you both. Punish for you were fighting. In game where kills doesnt mean anything. You cant hold possition, you have to return or die. Axesor has a point here though, even if you emerge victorious having 50% health, you'd be wise to return to the base with a T2/3 character (500+ Worth) or you'd want to be 1shot-killed anywhere on your body from PIC/Rail/Snipers. Or having a very hard time against tanks. Since teamplay is so heavily advocated by us all, 50% health loss in a 1v1 situation is not a win by the victor but a loss for both. I would even dare to say (when credits are plenty) the one dieing won the most ground, because he only has to run back to the field while the one repairing runs back to base and back to the field again. So, to stay on topic, regeneration for infantry is a no go! Regeneration by means of tech/hot/engi repair is the way the game is designed. Regeneration in itself is a bad thing in my opinion, because I do agree, it ruins teamplay and enhances solo/commando play
Could be it, just join a game on a marathon server when already 1 hour is played. You'll see the Hon glass still being there, but after 1 hour play, you'd guess the glass is damaged by people jumping out. Old Ren had the same thing where glass broke client-side.
Actually, as this can be a very game-breaking bug (if he's right), it's better if he doesnt say a word how and wait for a Dev to answer his call. Then discuss the matter in PM/Private. Last thing we need is everyone abusing a gamebreaking bug. The pro's might not, but the new CoD/BF kiddo's might think it fun to have cheats n stuff
This would be the exact opposite! Putting all the good players together, will make 1 team heavily overpowering the other team in tactics, resulting in 5-minute-matches. No one likes those, winner or losing side! Unless you are a BF/CoD nerd, which this community heavily dislikes Just sayin'
Guilty of the K/D playstyle! I'm sorry! But let me explain: My K/D rises because of covert sniping techs/hots/engi's in field, repairing their tanks. My K/D rises because I rush into tunnels with a shotgunner/chem/mcfartland and kill ATLEAST ONE enemy. My K/D rises because I take an SBH with carbine/flechette to stealthily take out enemy snipers and lone-wolves. My K/D rises because of my stealthy approach in almost all situations. My spot on the ending list? Mostly mid to bottom-mid. When I want a higher spot? I put myself into a MLRS/Arty and spam some buildings get in the top 3 or top 5 and do the 1st list again to raise K/D if it's getting close to 1.0. Does that mean I'm a bad player because I watch my K/D? Not in my opinion My opinion is, getting high up on the list because of building-spam, is what is worse! Why? Let me explain: Spamming buildings will route enemies to get hot/tech/engi to repair that structure. While it is true they will field less offensive weaponry or tanks, it's quite hard to take down buildings without an organized rush. Buildings start to fall/topple when the enemy DOES have mostly offensive weaponry and no one repairing the buildings, thus, an effective rush without the building spam is better than both! Repairing silo's and harvesters is a guaranteed early-start to get a pointlead but would hardly get you on the top throughout the entire match. Don't get me wrong, I'd be feeling much MUCH better when K/D and scoreboards disappear so the only way to "feel superior" is to actually team-up and ground the enemy to pulp. A map-win would be the only way to acknowledge your superiority, just like in an RTS BTW, Tiberian Sun had a score-board system, tracking how many kills you had. So there is some relation to RTS though
Field has already been changed dramatically from what it was and compared to the original Field, this field should be called "Field II" just like they did with Mesa II. It's nothing like the original Field anymore. The removal of the barricades is one of the things that is HUUUUUGE! People need to learn to rush and not camp out like they used to do. Learning new ways of accessing these bases is whats needed. You want to retake the tunnels? Just keep rushing in with free-classes, mainly shotgunners and chemsprayers/mcfartlands. You want easymode? Sorry, not this time, not this game. It all depends on the teamwork, if it's not there, you wont win. You dont want to lead? Fine, dont complain in that case.
start the launcher. Look at the top-left corner for a little box, click it. Type in your user name. Start a game. Next time, the username entered will be in the game, even when starting without the launcher.
Capturing a single silo grants the team access to tiberium based secondary weaponry. Next to that, a silo increases the teams credit income by 1 per tick. As an interresting addition to this idea of having resources only through silos: While multiple silos are availible, not only the credit per tick should increase, but perhaps the weaponry decreased in price? Or capturing 1 silo grants 1 weapon, 2 gives access to the 2nd?
Honestly, that's more of an issue that ties into the economy. Right now GDI players can get 1500 credits with their thumb up their ass doing nothing in base for about 5 minutes. Basically, Mammoths aren't even considered expensive now, so they're just spammable. Basically a +1 to eco nerf. I agree. However, if you compare the mammoth's missiles and their main turrent ranges, they seem to be traveling just as far. Whereas in original Ren, the missiles didnt travel as far as the main gun shells were. I'd say, the mammoth missiles need to be more stealthtank-ish and for Anti Air(perhaps locking), slower travel, doing more damage and having less range. As it stands, mammoths can shoot from base to base (Complex) with all weapons which is pretty far to me. They need a range-nerf on missiles aside from the economy nerf.
That sounds more like team hampering to me. Anyone with even a minimum game expereince knows the value of having an enemies vehicle. That feature request is yet again more hand holding and stuff that is not needed if you have even basic observation skills. Thats why I'm against it. I was merely pointing out a situation where you might think it would be beneficial. Even though I personally experienced this "teamhampering" shit, I still agree on the fact this should not be changed
4 in total: 1 infantry only path. 2 at each base entrance, Lakeside style. 1 flying only reachable, cove like you suggested. The end result would be: 1 team investing in ground vehicles, capturing both at base entrances while the other team invests in troops and aerial vehicles, capturing the other 2. The distinct advantage would be though, the cove silo would require $$ to recapture if lost or attacked, while the other 3 could be reached on foot covertly by engineers. There is no use in camping at the cove to defend it, as you woiuld be entirely useless. An incoming apache/orca would kill you and then capture
I do have to say it's fucking anoying when you steal an enemy vehicle, drive back to your base, get out to get an engineer/tech and repair it and to find out some douchebag destroyed it thinking it's an enemy! Lost my GDI vehicle twice (while being Nod) due to the same guy doing that! In that regard, vehicle color change might be a possitive feature, but still, I'm against it
Nod has a destince ealy game advantage on Volcano.
Truxa replied to epicelite's topic in Feedback & Bug Reports
Nod's early chem-rush is pretty darn powerfull! e.g. on volcano, chems can run through tiberium field and into powerplant, destroying it in mere seconds (first tossing 3x Timed C4's followed by MCT spamming) Just 3 chemsprayers can easily take it out. But only if you are covert enough. In B3, I went in with just 1 other, 2 chemsprayers. Tossed C4's, waited 25 seconds and started spraying. PP died quite easily! Who cares for the harvester? geesh, powerplant suffers them more (BTW, I'm almost always rushing harvester with chemsprayer, on any map) -
How do you destroy a building with just a tech guy?
Truxa replied to RelentlessChaos's topic in Renegade X
Hande, his question was HOW do people do this shit! In that situation, you are required to be allive, because shit has happened! So, dieing or killing the infiltrator is off-topic. Recovering the building can happen, if they manage to heal/repair 20% of the building health within 2 seconds (=interval between tossing 1st and 2nd timed C4) Yes Bro, but as you also mentioned, when 2 engineers or a hotty/techy are removing the timed C4's, 1 blows, just a millisecond of building repair would elliminate your chances of destroying the building. That extra 20% building-damage is imho vital to the destruction, detection might get them to repair the building fast enough. -
WRONG! I HAVE steam with identical nickname and I RUN steam before running Ren-X and the quotation marks remain! I tested HaTe's idea and it worked. Just using the launcher will get your quotation marks!
Heya, I've been asking ingame why my playername is in quotationmarks when I join a server. The response I get is to type [setname Truxa] in the console to remove the quotations. However, in B3 I never had to do this, what do I need to change?