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Everything posted by Sn4ke

  1. @(Ger)Luhrian Did some Field testing today. Chances to sneak each building (per fraction). Can't see a real imbalance. GDI has a slight advantage over Nod as GDI Ref sneaking is harder [but perfectly doable, you need training though], but to *unlock* the full GDI sneaking potential they have to destroy both Nod Turrets first.
  2. ofc I did, but my plagiarism of Torpedo Boyz - Are you talking to me? sounds much better
  3. @DaKuja entschuldige die Verspätung... aber besser spät(er) als nie Misc.: Stuck spots: EDIT: @DaKuja werden die aktuelle Version noch n bissl auseinander nehmen, kann noch 1-2 Tage dauern, evtl kommt noch was, aber hast ja erstmal was zum bearbeiten
  4. LOL wrong FireFox tab.. sorry
  6. I got a little story to tell you guys here.. It starts like this: I join this RenX server Actually it's not an AOW server but a Marathon one Playing Goldrush for a looooong time You know, Goldrush, it's a nice map, but in this case We're not talking about Goldrush. Well, I join And there's this guy And he's talking And you know who he's talking to? He's talking to me The problem is I don't know if I can believe his stories He goes like this: Dude I got super-top-secret-confidential-map-data-which-fell-down-some-lorry-and-its-going-to-be-part-of-the-new-RenX-patch! But he doesn't seem to get anywhere Still… He must be talking to me So I persuaded him to share his top-secret-map with me. And this is the result: Welcome back to vEhIcLe BrEaKdAnCe!!! Sorry @Henk but... you just did it once again. But don't worry, we're abslutely sure you'll fix it within minutes. Don't want to go into detail here [Henk already got the most important info via PM, this is just the public review ] Stuck spot: Collision related stuff: Unfortunately we're not done testing yet... Altough we hope that this is it... damn we can't be sure.. As I've told you on CT server @Henk I f*ckin want this map released with the patch - but without any bug Or you just leave the Breakdance as it is. Best Easteregg ever. It's not a *match-winning* spot nah... even though we love the Breakdance... it needs to be fixed Regards, Sn4ke. PS: sorry for my *HAHAHA-found-another-Breakdance*-SPAM msgs yesterday, was a bit drunk while testing
  7. I know Thommy but the trees remind me of the cool C.A.B.A.L. missions - Rescue the Tacitus - etc.
  8. Tiberian Sun - Firestorm 4tw
  9. For a 2nd (3rd tbh *cough*) WIP the screens look nice. But... Why do you make another DM map [even though Dust has buildings I consider it as a DM - due to inf only] Make a nice *standard* map a.s.a.p.
  10. We'll test it today. T.O. already uploaded the new version to his server.
  11. Return of: vEhIcLe BrEaKdAnCe Guess I'll post the other stuff this evening..
  12. Congratz 'n best wishes kenz!
  13. hmm, maybe it's just unfamiliar... but on this screen it looks like.. *too much* to me like an overkill of structures know what I mean?
  14. Relax Yagi. Everyone is waiting
  15. Techie has enough rep gun range to disarm the mines & avoid the AGT, unless someone places the mines away from the door
  16. Mendoza / Moebius - https://youtu.be/04F4xlWSFh0?t=1 R.I.P. Dave!
  17. This stuck spot is more common on the exact opposite site [leading to GDI bar].
  18. I think the download section gets a bigger update every 2-3 patches [just a feeling though ] As the devs get no money but infinite love n worshipping fools around em, maybe we cant expect to find everything clearly sorted at all times - but what you can do after each update is this: scroll down at the bottom of each update news maybe you got to wait some days but Tweek will add those links [at least he did that for the last... *x* updates] it's an indie project after all. community just got to help each other
  19. @EdsBusy17
  20. I just copied Tweeks links from the update thread.... usually he provides full client / unpacked / torrent for each release
  21. Sn4ke


  22. Sn4ke


    Version OPEN-BETA-5.271 Full Client http://file-server.download/Renegade-X/MULTIPLAYER/VERSION-5.271/FULL-BUILD/Renegade-X%23Open-Beta-5.271%23.rar Try this one
  23. Version OPEN-BETA-5.271 Full Client http://file-server.download/Renegade-X/MULTIPLAYER/VERSION-5.271/FULL-BUILD/Renegade-X%23Open-Beta-5.271%23.rar
  24. and another *oh-too-easy*-boost my ego-sniper? welcome back anyway Wiz.
  25. it's just the preliminary changelist. Apart from Horologue no custom made map [last releases] made it to a clean bug-free version yet. I'm waiting for the new Tunnels & Glasses release did you finish TY and Tomb yet? [though Tomb is not a new map ] @yosh56 is there a - preliminary - release date for the upcoming patch?
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