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Everything posted by Sn4ke

  1. Sn4ke


    Hey, could you please upload your log files here? [RenX-Folder/UDKGame/Logs] Do you get any kind of error msg when you're loading screen gets stuck? And what are your hardware specs, which OS do you have? Regards, Sn4ke
  2. Thx Thommy!
  3. uhmmm, I asked @Fffreak9999 and he set it's the default map setting [if I remember correctly]
  4. Doesn't really matter if you did something to the minelimit or not 24 is awful on a Walls_Flying map EDIT: Didn't you say you've used an old version of Walls? Guess that's why...
  5. Please adjust the minelimit.... 24 Mines is a real disadvantage for Nod. It forces Nod to camp HoN 24/7
  6. Well, I forgot this Ion glitch: With SAM still intact Ions vanish and Nod can't disarm them. @HappyConscript Well, as you seem to be inactive regarding Map-fixing / game development I'd like to know who got your permission to fix your maps? All the glitches posted here are used ingame. So either the "extra" infiltration paths should get officially legal [by removing soft border and adding some extra collisions to limit the map..] or they just need a fix... I really hope someone fixes Whiteout until the new patch gets released... Maybe one of these two have the permission to modify @HappyConscript's maps [if not: sorry for the SPAM ]: @Ruud033 @kenz3001 Regards, Sn4ke
  7. Could someone write a Tutorial about the CommanderMod? tbh, I used the Mod today for the first time or is it just the binocular waypoints etc. (E to remove) and the /c in teamchat ?
  8. On request of T.O. I got to tell you: don't forget to fix the sniper spot. Reportet it before you released the latest version. [or is it intended after all? ] Can we expect the new TY after Christmas / New Year? Regards, Sn4ke
  9. @ThommyK0104 T.O. update: Collision related stuff: Balance related stuff: Gunner rush can be pretty OP. so if this spot is intended Nod should at least be able to do some kind of rocket soldier rush Regards, Sn4ke
  10. What to say.. 3 one-sided matches due to one-sided teams. Healers got MVP on Team 1 [Schmitz] all the time. Even if Team 1 had better individual players I doubt that we would have won, cuz the other team was too well-rehearsed, while we had communication problems. [E.g.: 3 Snipers for almost whole Complex while we decided that Ks.ol is our ONLY sniper etc.]
  11. So you announced that in public but instead of doing so poi just changed the nickname?
  12. TeamSpeak channel?
  13. for the Soldier Rifle? why that
  14. @dr.schrott don't care about @Axesor he just likes bitching
  15. lol, then it was just coincidence that we drove against the bushes nvm at least its fixed
  16. yeah I know.. too bad they dont remove him. but I hope the nerf will be good
  17. Just remove McFarty from the game and 99,9% of the players (except: GateKeeper & ds14) will be very very happy
  18. I guess there is no logic answer. At some point some devs just did it like that
  19. @ThommyK0104 just a reminder: FIX those bush collisions a.s.a.p. please. [Right side - from GDI base] they are really annoying. Maybe I'll test the map later. I noticed a lot of weird collisions while playing it today not just the bushed but also in GDI base. [cave]
  20. not exactly. RenX got players from all around the world. Dunno when the US servers [MPF / GunKata] fill up (or at least have some players on 'em..). Most players from US / Canadian players go online, when the Europeans go offline though
  21. @Denuvian *lol* yeah... mistype.. don't take away my dreams though I started RenX ~1 year ago... and from what I heard many players quit RenX after Beta 5.2 got released
  22. Servers usually are full between 5pm - 1am GMT
  23. got multiple kenz here?
  24. @ThommyK0104 screenhots from T.O.: Misc.: Collision related stuff:
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