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Everything posted by Sn4ke

  1. Can someone make a Tony-Remix? He should be added to the Infantry sounds
  2. Preliminary Bug Report: Crash Site - 5.281 release [created by: @Ruud033] Hey folks, here are some bug-screens from CS, we're not done testing the map though. ~80% done. But let's give Ruud something to chew on Hmmm, what else? You can run around behind Nods base ( "out of the official map" near strip / PP, but NOT completely out of the map) avoiding the death countdown... But so far I can't see a real advantage for GDI going there cause you don't get out of sight and Turrets will shoot at you. Might finish testing today.... Happy fixing Ruud! Regards, Sn4ke
  3. omg nice one...
  4. The more important question: is jeff really jeff or has he been abducted by some scrins and replaced by some freaky nano-tech bot. He just sounds so different with his new mic
  5. Okay guys, we have to deal with a very serious violation of the Geneva Convention! I accuse both commanders of players trafficking They really traded funny Tony for dreary Sn4ke. They traded drugs for dedicated healing And I especially accuse @poi ❄ of raping me while I was a clearly visible medic, trying to help my wounded brothers in arms. About the PUG: wow, good athmosphere on team 2. interesting Fort match
  6. the last few PUGs have been great, even though the results were one-sided the teams were pretty balanced (apart from internal communication problems ) EDIT: guess I can't make it in time... maybe I can join later (if someone needs a dedicated healer bitchy Sn4ke )
  7. @DaKuja / @Madkill40 harvies are fixed now. I'll post the remaining bugs - all minor - via PM the next few days to both of you.
  8. I like the PP -> WF route for sneaky techies
  9. Alright, hope it's working now. I can absolutely understand if you don't have the time to continue working on RenX maps at the moment. Will test the new build in a few hours. Maybe you'd like to ask another experienced mapper to take a look into the harvester path (if the new build has problems too)? e.g. @Madkill40 ?
  10. Really? I didn't test it, but technically Nod should be able to push the harvy into the anti tank barriers, it could get stuck here [I know it's nothing to worry about, Nod preferably will destroy the harvy for VP] Oh yeah... I've tried to PUSH the GDI harvy out of the GDI Ref bay.... the only thing I've achieved was pushing it further back into the bay... the harvy completely stopped working there.... No bug report - this is just for the record: - AGT missiles will hit you in the tiberium cave - Obelisk can't reach the tiberium cave Regards, Sn4ke
  11. I've restarted the server several times & destroyed the harvy, but each time it got stuck. It's *fixing* itself by self-destruction after a couple of minutes (as usual...).
  12. Dear @DaKuja, I'm sorry to say... but your latest Eyes build is still bugged. GDI harvy can't leave Refinery bay after the 1st dump. spamming the log that it's unable to find the correct path Until now, I've restarted the map twice... default settings... And as we speak of default settings. Minelimit is now 24 again Regards, Sn4ke
  13. @CampinJeff / @Fffreak9999 please consider to pick the latest Glasses release as pre-PUG map so more people can explore the map and give feedback to @DaKuja
  14. Alright, took another look into Glasses. Looks fine. Some stuck spots are still there and plenty of weird collisions (there's plenty of *visual* space but you can't get there due to a collision or blocking volume). But for the moment I guess @DaKuja doesn't want to see any more screens from me This map is ready 2 play. Please add it to the map rotation of the upcoming patch @yosh56. Oh and I almost forgot: I'm positively surprised this map is actually in favour of Nod (at least for the sneaking part, even if another GT guards the Ref again - see Eyes). Nod can easily sneak into PP & WF & REF while GDI can only theoretically access the airstrip (fast patch, you need EMP though, door facing Obelisk). GDI's advantage: they can sneak up to the Obelisk (via HoN).
  15. isn't the .ini config missing? I already got it from a previous version... others might not
  16. @DaKuja I'm well aware of that and it would be fine if Nod had the same Ref protection. Don't get me wrong, but put yourself in the position of a RenX noob playing Eyes for the first time. If he tries to sneak up to GDI Ref he will most likely fail. GDI noobs sneaking to Nod Ref have good chances against the base defence. And we're talking about autmatic base defence, not defending (or even camping) players.
  17. @DaKuja other stuff from Eyes_1.7: - possible sniper vantage points (intended or not intended? ) -Misc.: Hope that's it. Keep at it Kuja! EDIT: @DaKuja could you please move GDIs back GT so it will defend the GDI Ref but can't trigger at the backdoor? Imablanced in favour of GDI Regards, Sn4ke
  18. @DaKuja collision update:
  19. Preliminary Bug Report for Eyes_1.7: -Harvy issue: - Misc.: - Collision related Alright.... I've got some more screens but I need ti upload 'em later. Other balance issues: - GDI can hit HoN / Ref from side path. Nod can't hit anything threough Ref tunnel, except for the front GT.. - GDI can easily sneak Nod PP without ANY dmg. Nod has a 0,1% chance to get to GDI PP unharmed... (you need to completely distract the AGT for that) - GDI can place IONs at the end of strip (near PP) with total cover from Obelisk. Nod can run to Barracks but will be on very low health.... Weiter so Kuja! Regards, Sn4ke
  20. @Henk / @YagiHige they know what to do
  21. I've heard about that match in TeamSpeak (while testing Eyes ) I don't think Tunnels is imbalanced in favour of Nod. Yes, Nod has strategic advantages (fast 1st harvy, possibility to use scary LTs right away) but there are plenty of GDI tactics to counter that... Problem in public servers: team communication and people have to get used to the map first. or at least to the changes... And... seriously we have to wait for 30-40 players PUG Tunnels matches. Then we'll see much more strategic gameplay (at least I hope so ).
  22. You know Henk... I Tunnels. It's my personal custom made favourite. And others like it as well [from what I've head in TS] But.... we didn't look for release bugs yet [you never know...] I found some possible breakdance spots on other maps. But Tunnels is unrivalled in that aspect. But someone else could write *real* feedback / a review about Tunnels Maybe @CampinJeff or @Quincy or someone else with more tactical RenX knowledge
  23. only with NOS boost.
  24. - inf path (cave) just partly blocked for vehicles. Flying vehicles can easily enter it, stankz as well (due to their amazing mountaineering abilities ) - plenty of stuck spots & other collision related stuff Bad harvy route. Change of direction take way too long for harvesters, even more time for GDI to destroy it bugged harvy route (after dump), unfortunately I wasn't lucky enough to see the origin point yet Will upload the other screens later. (and sum up all the bug posts!) @DaKuja but first of all we got to apologize to you. We've never published a bug report for Eyes and assumed that you would fix the old common ones. Guess there have been too many single bug posts in the forums over the year. And there hasn't been a decent - complete - bug report for Eyes yet...
  25. @DaKuja I assume you didn't adapt the harvester routes? While testing both harvesters have problems finding the correct path. As mentioned before GDI harvy happens to get 100% stuck in GDI Ref bay (after driving to WF before) while the Nod harvy explores the Field before going to harvest Tib again will need some more time to document all the strange harvy routes. Harvesters throw error msg in the server log, but I don't know if this is normal or not (as harvesters have always been buggy)
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