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Everything posted by Sn4ke

  1. The current mining system is fine. The only thing that might be changed is who's able to disarm team mines (I suggested a defence officer via ingame vote, as this is no job for the commander). Is there the just ONE and ONLY way to mine corrently Axesor? I don't think so. It depends on the game situation / players count and your opponent. Mining HoN on Flying maps is hard true. But in my opinion using always the so called "corrcect" way to mine makes it even simpler for sneakers as they always know where the mines are. Be innovative. Surprise the sneakers.. And if someone is not willing to learn at least the basics about the RenX mining system, then this person will probably quit RenX anyway.
  2. the Glasses mini-map looks really nice!
  3. Update from T.O.: bad collision near GDI bunker. see mini-map for location or here: http://prntscr.com/dacvyd Stuck spots: bridge near GDI base bunker leading to WF near GDI INF path bunker Regards, Sn4ke
  4. @ThommyK0104 new screenshots from T.O.: B2B spot to GDI ref near end of strip Origin:(guess reticle) strip is slightly floating sniper spot above the midfield - intended or not? origin: Regards, Sn4ke
  5. @ThommyK0104 got 2 new screenshots from T.O.'s ftp server: "climbing rocks near HoN not fully fixed" "climbing strip not fixed"
  6. nice please announce the fixed version release, so T.O. & me can do our best - but hopefully this time we fail cuz there's nothing left to fix
  7. @(Ger)Luhrian see? theres a volunteer
  8. as you can see, DaKuja literally stopped RenX mapping for now (until he comes back with all the new experience as Game Designer/Level Designer join T.O. server more often and you'll know about upcoming maps / changes / whatever To my knowledge DaKuja wasn't happy with his first big RenX map Eyes, so he did a complete new map (though same biome setting). PS: but maybe... you can persuade someone to add a mini-map to Eyes. I'd like to have one too. Dunno if someone is willing to fix the map bugs, it's much more work than the mini-map
  9. I think very unlikely that DaKuja - or someone else - will rework Eyes, with Glasses coming up
  10. Bad GDI game. The "do what you're good at" strategy didnt work well. We lacked a dominant commander. It was like: "Do this!" - someone else says: "how about we get xyz.." - "Yeah good idea, do that instead". GDI failed to get 10/10 meds. And we lost meds all the time du to: a) harvester b) people blocking each other c) people didnt listen to fall back n wait d) we didnt have enough healers (at least most of the time)
  11. calm down and ignore it. You can't kick / ban certain players for being childish. I guess many players dislike me too. so what? I dont give a fuck about em anylonger
  12. I'll test within the next few days.
  13. is he stocking you or stalking you? As I'm lately not playing on public servers I can't say much about that, but I noticed that Gate complained about you on any map (that was some weeks ago). Think his main peg was that you always switch to the Nod team at server start and snipe most of the time. But well yeah.. I can understand that you're annoyed. just ignore him.
  14. @Madkill40 by the way vehicle limit seems to be a bit low with just 8 vehicles max / fraction
  15. @ThommyK0104 Use right-click and B2B is possible.
  16. Okay here's the other stuff: "Lower" INF path (beneath catwalk) at some small spots you partly get into the rock. Maybe you could adjust the collisions here. It's nothing serious, just some parts of the body vanish - you can't get out of the map there. Are there blocking collisions or is it these walls? It seems unnatural that you cannot jump down from the GDI sniper vantage point. Near GDI INF path entrance. Well... sneaker can hide there.. but in my opinion there's a difference if they can hide in the corner (you can't cross the red line) or just hide on the left side of that container. Much easier to get spotted by passing GDIs there. Maybe the upper container causes that collision? To me this seems like a natural hiding spot before sneaking into the GDI base - but there's no way to access it During the WIP days of Glasses there were a lot of "getting stuck" issues. So @DaKuja put blocking volumes here. You can jump on the handrail, but you cannot jump down. That feels unnatural and maybe you could make the volumes smaller (e.g. the stuck places here were on the right side), so INF can jump down to the accessible battlefield. Same as above. You can't jump down Try-Out had a chat about those collisions with @DaKuja (Glasses WIP days). DaKuja couldnt solve that for some reason (sorry got to ask Try again.. forgot the exact reason^^). This is nothing to worry about, there's plenty of room left to hide / seek cover but it just feels awkward that you cannot move close to the rock. Guess I'll do some more testings, but for the moment that's all Regards, Sn4ke
  17. Ok, Mad & I already spoke about the current version on TS - here are the screenshots: AGT shooting Silo.. Rockets can trigger here, AGT MG mainly while next to or on the left handrail. Same problem on the INF path catwalk. While running the AGT will miss like 90% of the time, but still a disadvantage for Nod Technically it's still possible to get tanks to the INF path... .. GDI can manage that too.. but.. as you can see here: you need a vehicle ramp - at least for Nod it's a bit tricky. GDI just needs a single MED ramp. GDI meditum tank rank... Obelisk won't trigger here - guess due to the rocks. This infantry trap is still there cuz of me.. Try-Out showed it to me when I tested Glasses for the first time, but I forgot to report it. It's near GDI base at the container sniper vantage point (tib field side, not inf path leading to the catwalk). Just need some planks here. I'll post a few other collision related screenshots later. Even with those issues this map is ready for pre-release on a big server (hope @Fffreak9999/ @CampinJeff will accept it as warm-up for the PUG, or maybe PUG teams even chose to play the map Hard to find balance stuff with only 2-4 testers. Great job @DaKuja and well done & thanks to @Madkill40 for the quick map request response!! Regards, Sn4ke
  18. Sn4ke

    [MAP] CNC-Snow

    ah ok no real map changes. if you want us to test it anyway, pre-release it in the download section
  19. o_0 release release release
  20. Alright ^-^ as posted, screenshots are from Try-Out, didnt test the current Trainyard version myself. maybe I'll check it later
  21. test it guys ^^ I'm going to gest it this evening
  22. @ThommyK0104more work for you Screenshots from Try-Out again - didn't test the map myself origin: Regards, Sn4ke
  23. Hey guys, great news - @Madkill40 is working on this map! He already sorted Minimap and fixed a stuck spot. Let's hope it gets finished a.s.a.p. Here's a summary for Madkill: - WF GT can't detect Nod at close range [Freak told me it's likely due to a volume/collision around it.] long range works not working from that distance - Inf path (HoN -> Bar): theres a gate in a fence you can't walk through (neither from field side, nor from inf path side) - Tiberium Field Meteor: you can shoot through it (but you can't walk into it) Places to get stuck: - between boxes next to GDI PP: [you'll also get stuck behind the upper box] - INF path (HoN -> Bar): [reticle] - behind GDI Ref: Missing Collisions: INF path (HoN -> Bar): [wall next to Sakura Spy] Missing collision @ bunker: Nod Bunker not vehicle proofed with an APC you can jump on top of this steel girder... Bad INF-path vehicle blocking volumes: looks like this then simliar problem on Npd side, origin: Nod PP - needs additional collisions. AGT shooting to Silo: AGT can hit Nod INF there... Hope that's everything... You also may reconsider the crate spawn spots. One SBH could easily farm 80% of the crates. But we can also wait until we do the first 40 players test on Glasses ^-^ Regards, Sn4ke
  24. just found another missing collision on the old version not that it matters anymore.. Good luck with the re-design Madkill! 3 GTs / Turrets for the new version?
  25. @ThommyK0104 Screenshots from Try-Out: While HoN is already down, bots are still buying high tier units. (same problem with GDI with barracks down) floating grass possible to climb the rocks - origin following below: Stuck spots: Regards, Sn4ke
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