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Everything posted by Sn4ke

  1. still testing. don't worry DaKuja. you'll get some additional work tomorrow
  2. - mountaineering enabled @DaKuja say WHAAAAAAAAAAT? you removed the GDI PP bush??? CALL GREENPEACE!
  3. Is someone willing to make tutorial videos?
  4. @DaKuja - Minimap is broken (Henk had the same problem on a previous Tunnels version) - Nod front Turret is useless (cant trigger) - did you change the Nod Obelisk range on purpose? [if so... GDI is 100% OP now, Obi can't even detect Inf @ new tunnels, while GDI AGT kills infnatry at the inf path] - GDI can still hit HoN & Nod PP with Gunner / Rocket soldiers... - GDI harvy gets a path finding problem every ~ 2 hours ending up stuck in the Ref bay, exploding after some minutes will post some screens later
  5. bravo wants to play RenX. For some reason he can't install the launcher.... While you're figuring out whats the launcher issue he can play via full build... That's a preliminary solution for me and maybe for bravo as well (as long as he can install the full build )
  6. check out iTweeks full build download links
  7. Looks good Thank you Yagi!
  8. I was on geeeeeds Like I wrote before: we didn't use any fancy tactic, just the usual "control plateau", then decoy rushes. And solo IONs to have a happy King
  9. that was pretty much exactly what I was doing on Walls the whole time
  10. What do you have in mind? Eh, I think it has something to do with one's mood before the PUG begins. Or depending on how teammates behave during the PUG. If everyone listens and everyone tries to not do too much solo-shit then it's more fun for everyone (at least in my opinion), I prefer being groundstomped while trying some nice and crazy strategies instead of prolonged stalemates where nobody is really doing anything together as a team. problem with teamwork exercices is... once teams are picked, players want to start playing. Commanders should just avoid to put certain players together (I know it's a hard job you cant make everyone happy...)
  11. !rec @TONY-STARK flying kamikaze decoy trannies since... some months
  12. Thats the problem of any map not released with a patch another reason looking forward to the upcoming patch but maybe... LakesideNF is just not popular maybe.... the horde wants to spam Orcas/Apaches 24/7
  13. The PUG was fun for the first 2 maps. I really can't retrace why Nod lost Walls Team Kryp had all the advantages. GDI lost their harvester and didn'v even get close to destroy Nod's. I guess the reason Nod lost was the 2nd. GDI harvy [just 2 Nod players attacked it at all ]. With cash form the harvy drop and donating each other (e.g. I donated @Quincy so he could get a Sydney, others donated for orcas etc.) Then Nod lost the plateau and never got it back. Without the plateau Nod wasn't able to use their sniper advantage End of the map. Conclusion: While some GDI players started Walls with the feeling: "We're going to get our assed kicked...! " GDI managed to recover from the initial harvy loss and practised very well teamwork - using standard tactics only!! [By the way: I was repair-bitch for ~99% of the map. @KrypTheBear was the only one who every tried to distrub me while repairing tons of Orcas and the snipers....] 2nd map - Complex. We weren't sure why you decided to pick Complex as Nod [Team @Quincy] has so many strategic advantages on this map. As on Walls we [Team Quincy] used standard tatics only - the start of the map was the only time during the PUG when the team didn't follow orders. During the start we've decided to go for Scary LTs but then we got 3 artilleries instead. @Quincy saved Nod as he got GDI Ref some seconds before BlackMamba sneaked into Nod Ref... When Nod destroyed GDI barrackes the map was almost over. We had some dedicated @poi ❄ hunters [dunno if they were successful tough ] Conclusion: Nod won due to their tanker advantage. 3rd map - Xmountain: @KrypTheBear ragequitted the server after some minutes, while team 1 players started.... verbal fights in global chat - end of the map. Summary: While both teams had experienced players on the individual basis Team 1 didn't manage to execute their CiCs orders.... While Team 2 had an excellent chiefs: @TONY-STARK starring as King with @Quincy as Hand-of-the-King! While Tony was responsible for the frolic atmospthere, Quincy dealt with the excecutive stuff. But.... when when we were on the bright side of RenX life Quincy stopped commanding and started sniping instead - leaving @TONY-STARK as one and only CiC again And Team² had the better tankers.. !rec Tony | Quin | denuvian | Xeon | Thommy | Gliven | Redarmy | Schmitz | and all the other members of team² [solrry can't remember all the names...] Regards, Sn4ke PS: I think next time teams should get picked by players who actually know the other players skill / attitude / manner / grit
  14. DL link?
  15. the reason for this is......... @Schmitzenbergh and some people are too stupid to download the map. LakesideNF is an "unofficial" map... so not everyone has it -> server gets EMPTY
  16. What about: For each kill you gain additional armor but lose movement speed? [settings get a reset after you die]
  17. well.. Im pretty bad with infantry. even though I got slightly better over the time playing RenX I still suck [maybe I could improve my aim by buying a new PC / Notebook, but Im a miser Im used to 5-15 FPS in combat..] But with flamethrower I was on a killing spree [Xmountain] for some reason it was much easier (for me) to kill all the double-jumping players with the flamer than with any other infantry weapon. and as I said: personal taste
  18. thats a nice idea at least you can train this as the breakdancing is not random but triggered by the collisions corner. Rest is determined by vehicle physics, impact angle, maybe speed. and some jumps are just great But as you do now know how to create Breakdance spots in the first place I guess you'll avoid them for your next map poject
  19. oh sorry, missed that point
  20. minimap... yeah forgot about that point Try requests a bigger Minimap
  21. - less players for *normal servers* + maybe newbies like that game mode... killing INF on the christmas server with Flamethrower Trooper was fun, but all in all I didn't enjoy it. But thats a matter of personal taste
  22. @DaKuja Updates... Stuck spots: Lighting Issue: We're done for now... Will do some more tests the next days though. Regards, Sn4ke Ich bin verlobt? *engagement* hat im Englischen eine leicht andere Bedeutung als im Deutschen Kuja dennoch danke
  23. Alright guys, @Henk just got some more screenshots with stuff to fix. We think we're done testing for now. [though we'll probably do some more anyway..] But.... we can expect a bug-free Tunnels release with the upcoming patch! Guess I'll upload more GIFs soon
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