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Everything posted by Sn4ke

  1. Given a Techie / Hottie reaches Refinery on e.g. Walls undeteced and there is NO active defender around the sneaker is inside the building within SECONDS While sneakers using the purchasable rep-gun need ~20-30 seconds for 3 proxies (they can disarm 2 proxies in - almost - one go, but then they have to recharge - and to avoid protection you just disarm to 1-3%)
  2. magic-capped Deadeye? sounds funny... and GDI had such technologies later (Tiberium Wars)
  3. If you want a test session feel free to join T.O. >>> Trys Minibox <<< or the [=SC=] Server whenever it's called <mapname> Tests Henk suggested T.O. & me as "Testers" but apparently that is not requested. "Internal testing is handled strictly by Renegade X moderators and developers." ergo: we'll remain dependent to map updates from the mappers for testing [as these are the only game contents we can test before they get added via patches. And... most "bugs" are map-related anyway] - and mappers are somehow dependent on our bug reports (apart from some other devs/mappers reports).
  4. But the idea is good. Make a remake.... if you have time for that I guess with all the experience you got as mapper NOW. River would be a cool map
  5. I didn't say it's bad. Design is good, just the appearance... needs an overhaul. Thommy is much much much more experienced now I guess he would change a lot now (if he had the time ) EDIT: omg, my first post: design is GOOD, my second post design is bad - damn mistype nah.. once and for all: River has a good map design (imo)
  6. River is far from getting released. The map design is good, but you can clearly see that it's one of Thommys early maps. Compared to his last maps this one looks... ugly. Sorry @TK0104
  7. I remember some of the matches. Great job as usual!
  8. I'll probably join late at Saturdays PUG (if there's a slot left) and I won't play the Sunday PUG
  9. @DaKuja Limiting Map Height to fix several mountain spots is a poor solution. Using Orcas / Apaches / Chinooks with this max. height feels awkward
  10. I almost had the same rection when I killed @Minji with a Hottie
  11. erm... you've been playing RenX for the first time in your life and think you can judge if your team is making progress or not? No way, RenX is far too complicated to grasp it all within the first match But please re-install RenX. it's a great game and most of the community is great as well. I guess any community has idiots. But they get mostly ignored or banned from spam votes (serious spam votes )
  12. idd, but if there's nothing else the regular player can use.
  13. open console with ö [german QWERTZ keyboard...] and you can read the chat or at lest some... it's console type..
  14. it's not like this is a private boi/poi tactic... the reason why they're doing that a lot is: they are on the same TeamSpeak channel. RenX is all about communication [just read about Sundays PUG]
  15. Team Survey should have another colour too
  16. SP Do we play Ren SP? - Nope. [Peroid!]
  17. @Ruud033 you edited barracks too?
  18. Back in the old C&C Renegade days [=SC=] made some modded maps. And one of the guys is now working for Crytek. You never know what happens....
  19. nah, can't find it. maybe I've mixed that up with another map? nevermind. I love Glasses!
  20. maybe I can find the post
  21. I guess you won't like the textures and stuff. But it's ready to play Or was that kenz who moaned about the look of the map? can't remember
  22. don't you ever visit the news page?
  23. killing enemy harvy n defending the own harvy get even more crucial
  24. THere's nothing to forgive just bad team communication at that moment.
  25. nah, Sakura & Havoc are Snipers.
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